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2 PREVIEW Significant changes characterize socio emotional development in adolescence. These changes include increased efforts to understand one’s self and searching for an identity. Changes also occur in the social contexts of adolescents’ lives, with transformations occurring in relationships with families and peers in cultural contexts. Adolescents also may develop socio emotional problems, such as delinquency and depression

self-esteem is the overall way we evaluate ourselves. Investigators sometimes use the terms self-esteem and self-concept interchangeably or do not precisely define them, but there is a meaningful difference between them. Self-esteem refers to global evaluations of the self; it is also called self-worth or self-image . For example, a child may perceive that she is not merely a person but a good person. According to Sundeen and Stuard: Self-concept refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self. Children can make self-evaluations in many domains of their lives—academic, athletic, appearance, and so on. In sum, self-esteem refers to global self-evaluations, self-concept to domain specific evaluations.

4 Increasing Children’s Self-Esteem
Bednar, Wells, & Peterson, 1995; Harter, 2006 Identifying the causes of low self-esteem, Providing emotional support and social approval, Helping children achieve, Helping children cope Self confidence Self esteem Self concept

5 Self confidence Self concept Self esteem self the combination of physical and psychological attributes that is unique to each individual. social cognition thinking people display about the thoughts, feelings, motives, and behaviors of themselves and other people.

6 Tingkat harga diri dipengaruhi oleh gambaran diri dan cita-cita diri (PaulJ. Centi : 1995). Semakin tinggi kesenjangan antara gambaran diri dan cita-cita diri, maka semakin rendah harga diri. Harga diri adalah proses evaluasi yang ditujukan individu pada diri sendiri, yang nantinya berkaitan dengan proses penerimaan individu terhadap dirinya. Secara singkat harga diri diartikan sebagai penilaian terhadap diri tentang keberhargaan diri yang diekspresikan melalui sikap-sikap yang dianut individu

Reasoner (1982), Aspek-aspek harga diri sebagai berikut : Sense of Security, yaitu sejauh mana seseorang merasa aman dalam bertingkahlaku karena mengetahui apa yang diharapkan oleh orang lain dan tidak takut disalahkan. Seseorang merasa yakin atas apa yang dilakukannya sehingga merasa tidak cemas terhadap apa yang akan terjadi pada dirinya. 2) Sense of Identity, yaitu kesadaran seseorang tentang sejauh mana potensi, kemampuan dan keberartian tentang dirinya sendiri. 3) Sense of Belongeng, yaitu perasaan yang muncul karena seseorang merasa sebagai bagian dari kelompoknya, merasa dirinya penting dan dibutuhkan oleh orang lain, dan merasa dirinya dierima oleh kelompoknya

8 4) Sense of Purpose, yaitu keyakinan seseorang bahwa dirinya akan berhasil mencapai tujuan yang diinginkannya, merasa memiliki motivasi. 5) Sense of Personal Competence, yaitu kesadaran individu bahwa dia dapat mengatasi segala tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi dengan kemampuan, usaha, serta caranya sendiri.

orang lain Bagimana orang lain memperlakukan individu dan apa yang dikatakan orang lain tentang individu akan dijadikan acuan untuk menilai dirinya sendiri pengalaman dan inteprestasi dari lingkungan PROSES PENILAIAN SELF ESTEEM Masa remaja merupakan saat individu mengalami kesadaran akan dirinya tentang bagaimana pendapat orang lain tentang dirinya atribut, dan tingkah laku dirinya

10 IDENTITY Who am I? What am I all about? What am I going to do with my life? What is different about me? How can I make it on my own? These questions reflect the search for an identity.

11 What Is Identity? Identity is a self-portrait composed of many pieces, including
these: • The career and work path the person wants to follow (vocational/career identity) • Whether the person is conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road (political identity) • The person’s spiritual beliefs (religious identity) • Whether the person is single, married, divorced, and so on (relationship identity) • The extent to which the person is motivated to achieve and is intellectual (achievement, intellectual identity)

12 • Whether the person is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual (sexual identity)
• Which part of the world or country a person is from and how intensely the person identifies with his or her cultural heritage (cultural/ethnic identity) • The kind of things a person likes to do, which can include sports, music, hobbies, and so on (interests) • The individual’s personality characteristics, such as being introverted or extroverted, anxious or calm, friendly or hostile, and so on (personality) • The individual’s body image (physical identity)

Human growth and development is a life-long process. Therefore, ongoing faith development and spiritual formation of adults is vital to the spiritual life Just as we spend time and energy on growing intellectually and professionally, it is also important to make our religious development an important aspect of our lives.

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