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Diterbitkan olehSugiarto Sanjaya Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
Pipa organa terbuka Pipa organa tertutup Pelayangan bunyi
Pipa organa terbuka
Pipa organa tertutup
Pipo organa tertutup
Pelayangan bunyi Pelayangan bunyi adalah variasi periodik dari amplitudo pada satu titik akibat adanya superposisi dua buah gelombang yang mempunyai perbedaan frekuensi yang kecil.
Pelayangan bunyi
Pelayangan bunyi
Soal Calculate the length of a pipe that has a fundamental frequency of 240 Hz if the pipe is (a) closed at one end and (b) open at both ends. The overall length of a piccolo is 32.0 cm. The resonating air column vibrates as a pipe open at both ends. (a) Find the frequency of the lowest note that a piccolo can play, assuming that the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. (b) Opening holes in the side effectively shortens the length of the resonant column. If the highest note that a piccolo can sound is Hz, find the distance between adjacent antinodes for this mode of vibration.
Soal A glass tube (open at both ends) of length L is positioned near an audio speaker of frequency f = 680 Hz. For what values of L will the tube resonate with the speaker? A glass tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston. The tube is filled with air warmer than that at room temperature, and a 384-Hz tuning fork is held at the open end. Resonance is heard when the piston is 22.8 cm from the open end and again when it is 68.3 cm from the open end. (a) What speed of sound is implied by these data? (b) How far from the open end will the piston be when the next resonance is heard?
Soal Frekuensi nada atas pertama pipa organa terbuka A sama dengan frekuensi nada dasar pipa organa tertutup B. Jika panjang pipa A = 60 cm, maka panjang pipa B adalah … Seorang pendengar berdiri di samping sumber bunyi frekuensinya 684 Hz. Sebuah sumber bunyi lain dengan frekuensi 676 Hz bergerak mendekat pendengar itu dengan kecepatan 2 m s–1. Bila kecepatan merambat bunyi di udara 340 m s–1, maka frekuensi layangan yang didengar oleh pendengar itu adalah …
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