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Piutang Piutang Mater 2.

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1 Piutang Piutang Mater 2

2 Tujuan Pembelajaran Piutang Dagang. Akuntansi Piutang Usaha. Piutang Usaha yang Tak Tertagih.

3 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable
Receivables klaim suatu perusahaan pada pihak lain baik yang terkait dengan transaksi penjualan/pendapatan maupun transaksi lainnya. Oral promises of the purchaser to pay for goods and services sold. Written promises to pay a sum of money on a specified future date. Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable LO 3 Define receivables and identify the different types of receivables.

4 Klasifikasi Piutang Piutang dagang (Accounts Receivable)—digunakan saat menjual barang atau jasa dengan kredit, dan biasanya diperkirakan dapat ditagih dalam waktu yang singkat. Wesel Tagih (Notes Receivable)—digunakan saat memberikan kredit dalam bentuk yang formal secara tertulis, disebut promissory note. Piutang Lainnya—termasuk piutang bunga, piutang pajak, dan piutang dari karyawan

5 Accounts Receivable Non-trade Receivables – Piutang yang tidak terkait dengan penjualan atau pendapatan Piutang karyawan. Piutang Perusahaan afiliasi. Piutang Pemegang saham Piutang pajak Piutang klaim asuransi Piutang Bunga Piutang dividen Piutang jaminan pelanggan Piutang jaminan pengembalian barang dari pelanggan LO 3 Define receivables and identify the different types of receivables.

6 Accounts Receivable Non-trade Receivables
Illustration 7-4 Receivables Statement of Financial Position Presentations LO 3 Define receivables and identify the different types of receivables.

7 Accounts Receivable Pengakuan awal Pengukuran setelah perolehan
Penurunan Nilai Penghentian Pengakuan Penyajian Pengungkapan

8 Accounts Receivable Pengakuan awal Sesuai dengan PSAK 55, piutang diakui oleh entitas sebesar nilai wajar. Nilai wajar merupakan harga perolehan atau nilai pertukaran antara kedua belah pihak pada tanggal transaksi.

9 Recognition of Accounts Receivables
Trade Discounts Reductions from the list price Not recognized in the accounting records Customers are billed net of discounts 10 % Discount for new Retail Store Customers LO 4 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of accounts receivable.

10 Recognition of Accounts Receivables
Cash Discounts Inducements for prompt payment Gross Method vs Net Method Payment terms are 2/10, n/30 LO 4 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of accounts receivable.

11 Cash Discounts (Sales Discounts)
ILLUSTRATION 7-5 Entries under Gross and Net Methods LO 4

12 Accounts Receivable E7-5: On June 3, Bolton Company sold to Arquette Company merchandise having a sale price of £2,000 with terms of 2/10, n/60, f.o.b. shipping point. On June 12, the company received a check for the balance due from Arquette Company. Prepare the journal entries on Bolton Company books to record the sale assuming Bolton records sales using the gross method. June 3 Accounts receivable 2,000 Sales 2,000 June 12 Cash 1,960 Sales discounts (£2,000 x 2%) 40 Accounts receivable ,000 LO 4 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of accounts receivable.

13 Accounts Receivable E7-5: On June 3, Bolton Company sold to Arquette Company merchandise having a sale price of £2,000 with terms of 2/10, n/60, f.o.b. shipping point. On June 12, the company received a check for the balance due from Arquette Company. Prepare the journal entries on Bolton Company books to record the sale assuming Bolton records sales using the net method. June 3 Accounts receivable 1,960 Sales 1,960 June 12 Cash (£2,000 x 98%) 1,960 Accounts receivable ,960 LO 4 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of accounts receivable.

14 Accounts Receivable E7-5: On June 3, Bolton Company sold to Arquette Company merchandise having a sale price of £2,000 with terms of 2/10, n/60, f.o.b. shipping point. Prepare the journal entries on Bolton Company books to record the sale assuming Bolton records sales using the net method, and Arquette did not remit payment until July 29. June 3 Accounts receivable 1,960 Sales 1,960 June 12 Cash 2,000 Accounts receivable ,960 Sales discounts forfeited 40 LO 4 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of accounts receivable.

15 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE How are these accounts presented on the Statement of Financial Position? Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. End End. LO 4



18 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Journal entry for credit sale of $100? Accounts Receivable 100 Sales Revenue 100 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. End End. LO 4

19 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Journal entry for credit sale of $100? Accounts Receivable 100 Sales Revenue 100 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale End End. LO 4

20 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Collected $333 on account? Cash 333 Accounts Receivable 333 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale End End. LO 4

21 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Collected $333 on account? Cash 333 Accounts Receivable 333 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale Coll. End End. LO 4

22 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Adjustment of $15 for estimated bad debts? Bad Debt Expense 15 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 15 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale Coll. End End. LO 4

23 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Adjustment of $15 for estimated bad debts? Bad Debt Expense 15 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 15 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale Coll. Est. End End. LO 4

24 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Write-off of uncollectible accounts for $10? Allowance for Doubtful accounts 10 Accounts Receivable 10 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale Coll. Est. End End. LO 4

25 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Write-off of uncollectible accounts for $10? Allowance for Doubtful accounts 10 Accounts Receivable 10 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable Beg Beg. Sale Coll. Est. W/O W/O End End. LO 4


27 Valuation of Accounts Receivable
Methods of Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts Direct Write-Off Theoretically deficient: No matching. Receivable not stated at cash realizable value. Not appropriate when amount uncollectible is material. Allowance Method Losses are estimated: Percentage-of-sales. Percentage-of-receivables. IFRS requires when bad debts are material in amount. LO 5

28 Allowance Method ILLUSTRATION 7-7 Comparison of Bases for Estimating Uncollectibles The percentage-of-sales basis results in a better matching of expenses with revenues The percentage-of-receivables basis produces the better estimate of cash realizable value LO 5

29 Metode Pencadangan (Allowance Method)
Piutang Tak Tertagih Metode Pencadangan (Allowance Method) Metode ini konsisten dengan matching principle. Manajemen membuat estimasi setiap tahun berapa bagian piutang yang tidak dapat tertagih. Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih (Uncollectible Accounts Expense) didebit dan Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih (Allowance for Doubtful Accounts) dikredit. Piutang yang benar-benar tidak dapat tertagih didebit ke akun Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih dan dikredit ke akun Piutang Dagang.

30 Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Pencadangan)
31 Desember, Cynthia Richards mengestimasi $4,000 dari $105,000 saldo piutang dagang di perusahaannya kemungkinan tak dapat tertagih. Ayat Penyesuaian Des. 31 Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih

31 Nilai Realisasi Bersih (Net Realizable Value)
Jumlah piutang usaha bersih yang diperkirakan dapat tertagih, $101,000 ($105,000 – $4,000), disebut nilai realisasi bersih. Jurnal penyesuaian mengurangi piutang menjadi nilai realisasi bersih dan mencocokkan beban piutang tak tertagih dengan pendapatan.

32 Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Pencadangan)
Jan. 21 Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih Piutang Dagang—John Parker Untuk menghapus piutang tak tertagih. 21 Januari, piutang John Parker sebesar $610 dianggap benar-benar tidak dapat tertagih.

33 On June 10, the written-off account is collected.
Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Pencadangan) Jun. 10 Piutang Dagang—John Parker Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih Untuk mengembalikan lagi piutang yang telah dihapus tanggal 21 Januari. Melakukan pencatatan kembali piutang John Parker yang telah dihapus karena ternyata piutang tersebut dapat ditagih. On June 10, the written-off account is collected.

34 Mencatat penerimaan kas dari penagihan piutang John Parker.
Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Pencadangan) Jun. 10 Kas Piutang Dagang—John Parker Untuk mencatat penagihan piutang dagang. Mencatat penerimaan kas dari penagihan piutang John Parker.

35 Mengestimasi Piutang Tak Tertagih
Metode pencadangan menggunakan dua cara untuk mengestimasi besarnya Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih. 1. Estimasi berdasarkan persentase dari penjualan. Penjualan kredit untuk periode ini sebesar $300,000 dan diestimasi 1% akan tidak dapat tertagih, sehingga beban piutang tak tertagih sebesar $3,000. Ayat Penyesuaian Des. 31 Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih

36 Percentage-of-Sales Approach
Illustration: Gonzalez Company estimates that about 1% of net credit sales will become uncollectible. If net credit sales are R$800,000 for the year, it records bad debt expense as follows. Bad Debt Expense (1% x R$800,000) 8,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 8,000 ILLUSTRATION 7-8 LO 5

37 Mengestimasi Piutang Tak Tertagih
Metode pencadangan menggunakan dua cara untuk mengestimasi besarnya Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih. 2. Estimasi berdasarkan analisis piutang. Diestimasi $3,390 dari piutang akan tidak dapat tertagih dan saldo penyisihan piutang tak tertagih sekarang sebesar $510. Beban piutang tak tertagih menjadi $2,880 ($3,390 – $510). Adjusting Entry Des Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih

38 Daftar Umur Piutang (Aging Schedule)
Belum Jumlah hari lewat Lewat lebih Pelanggan Saldo Tempo Ashby & Co. $ $ 150 B. T. Barr $ 350 $260 Brock Co. 470 $ 470 Saxon Woods Total $86, $75,000 $4,000 $3,100 $1,900 $1,200 $800 $300 Piutang tak tertagih Total piutang dagang disajikan berdasarkan umurnya. dalam PERSEN 2% 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 80% Persentase piutang tak tertagih berdasarkan pengalaman dan rerata industri. JUMLAH $3,390 = $1,500 $200 $310 $380 $360 $400 $240

39 Penyesuaian Akhir Tahun Piutang Tak Tertagih
Buku Besar Umum Neraca Piutang Dagang Piutang Usaha $86,300 Dikurangi penyisihan piutang tak tertagih 3,390 Nilai realisasi bersih $82,910 A 86,300 C Penyisihan Piutang Tak Tertagih 510 A 2,880 B Saldo sebelum penyesuaian A 3,390 C Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Penyesuaian akhir tahun: $3,390 – $510 = $2,880 B 2,880 B Saldo setelah penyesuaian C

40 Percentage-of-Receivables Approach
ILLUSTRATION 7-9 Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule What entry would Wilson make assuming that the allowance account had a zero balance? Bad Debt Expense 37,650 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 37,650 LO 5

41 Percentage-of-Receivables Approach
ILLUSTRATION 7-9 Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule What entry would Wilson make assuming the allowance account had a credit balance of €800 before adjustment? Bad Debt Expense (€37,650 – €800) 36,850 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 36,850 LO 5

42 Allowance Method Illustration: Sandel Company reports the following financial information before adjustments. Instructions: Prepare the journal entry to record bad debt expense assuming Sandel Company estimates bad debts at (a) 1% of net sales and (b) 5% of accounts receivable. LO 5

43 Allowance Method Illustration: Sandel Company reports the following financial information before adjustments. Instructions: Prepare the journal entry assuming Sandel estimates bad debts at (b) 1% of net sales. Bad Debt Expense 7,500 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 7,500 (€800,000 – €50,000) x 1% = €7,500 LO 5

44 Allowance Method Illustration: Sandel Company reports the following financial information before adjustments. Instructions: Prepare the journal entry assuming Sandel estimates bad debts at (b) 5% of accounts receivable. Bad Debt Expense 6,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 6,000 (€160,000 x 5%) – €2,000) = €6,000 LO 5

45 Write-Off of Uncollectible Accounts
Illustration: The financial vice president of Brown Furniture authorizes a write-off of the £1,000 balance owed by Randall Co. on March 1. The entry to record the write-off is: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,000 Accounts Receivable 1,000 Assume that on July 1, Randall Co. pays the £1,000 amount that Brown had written off on March 1. These are the entries: Accounts Receivable 1,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,000 Cash 1,000 Accounts Receivable 1,000 LO 5

46 Akuntansi Piutang Tak Tertagih
Metode Penghapusan Langsung Metode ini tidak konsisten dengan matching principle. Piutang yang terbukti tak dapat tertagih dan dihapus tahun tersebut menjadi tak berharga. Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih didebit dan Piutang Dagang dikredit setiap transaksi penghapusan.

47 Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Penghapusan Langsung)
Mei 10 Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Piutang Dagang—D. L. Ross Untuk menghapus piutang tak tertagih. 10 Mei, piutang D. L. Ross ditetapkan tidak dapat tertagih. Saldo sebesar $420 dihapus dari pencatatan.

48 Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Penghapusan Langsung)
Nov. 1 Piutang Dagang—D. L. Ross Beban Piutang Tak Tertagih Untuk mengembalikan piutang yang dihapus tanggal 10 Mei. Jurnal Pertama 1 November, D. L. Ross memberi cek sebesar $420 untuk pembayaran piutangnya.

49 Pencacatan atas kas yang diterima dari pelunasan piutang D. L. Ross.
Ilustrasi Transaksi Piutang Tak Tertagih (Metode Penghapusan Langsung) Nov. 1 Kas Piutang Dagang—D. L. Ross Untuk mencatat pelunasan piutang. Jurnal Kedua Pencacatan atas kas yang diterima dari pelunasan piutang D. L. Ross.

50 sejumlah uang tertentu (pokok pinjaman) kepada pihak tertentu
Wesel Tagih Wesel tagih merupakan dokumen tertulis berisi perjanjian untuk membayar: sejumlah uang tertentu (pokok pinjaman) kepada pihak tertentu pada tanggal tertentu atau sesuai permintaan ditambah bunga pada persentase tertentu dari pokok pinjaman per tahun


52 Jawab: 14 Juni Tanggal Jatuh Tempo Wesel Tagih
Tanggal kapan wesel dilunasi disebut tanggal jatuh tempo. Tanggal berapa wesel 90 hari tertanggal 16 Maret jatuh tempo? Jumlah hari wesel hari Jumlah hari bulan Maret 31 Tanggal terbit wesel Maret 16 Sisa hari bulan Maret –15 hari 75 hari Jumlah hari bulan April –30 hari 45 hari Jumlah hari bulan Mei –31 hari Sisa hari pada bulan Juni 14 hari Jawab: 14 Juni

53 Nilai Jatuh Tempo Wesel Tagih
Jumlah terutang saat jatuh tempo disebut nilai jatuh tempo. Menerima $6,000, 12%, 30 hari wesel tertanggal 21 November 2016 untuk penyelesaian piutang W. A Bunn Co. Perhitungan bunga Pokok x Tingkat Bunga x Waktu = Bunga $6,000 x 12% x 30/360 = $60.00 Perhitungan nilai jatuh tempo Pokok + Bunga = Nilai Jatuh Tempo $6,000 + $60.00 = $6,060.00

54 Ilustrasi Transaksi Wesel Tagih
Nov. 21 Wesel Tagih Penjualan Menerima 30 hari, 12% wesel tertanggal 21 November 2016. Wesel senilai $6, day, 12% tertanggal 21 November diterima dari W. A Bunn Company untuk penjualan barang.

55 Ilustrasi Transaksi Wesel Tagih
Des. 21 Kas Wesel Tagih Pendapatan Bunga Menerima pokok dan bunga dari wesel yang jatuh tempo. 21 Desember, saat wesel jatuh tempo, perusahaan menerima $6060 dari W. A. Bunn Company ($6,000 ditambah $60 bunga).

56 Ilustrasi Transaksi Wesel Tagih
Des. 21 Piutang Dagang—Bunn Co Wesel Tagih Pendapatan Bunga Untuk mencatat wesel beserta bunganya yang tidak dibayar. Jika W. A. Bunn Company gagal membayar wesel pada tanggal jatuh tempo, dianggap sebagai dishonored note receivable. Wesel beserta bunganya ditransfer ke piutang pelanggan.

57 Laporan Posisi Keuangan Crabtree Co. 31 Desember 2016
Penyajian Piutang pada Neraca Laporan Posisi Keuangan Crabtree Co. 31 Desember 2016 Aset Aset Lancar: Kas $119,500 Wesel tagih 250,000 Piutang dagang $445,000 Dikurangi penyisihan piutang tak tertagih 15, ,000 Piutang bunga 14,500 Persediaan barang dagangan 714,000


59 Perputaran Piutang Dagang
Penjualan kredit, bersih $36,000,000 $32,500,000 Piutang dagang (bersih): Awal tahun $ 1,080,000 $1,050,000 Akhir tahun 1,220,000 1,080,000 Total $2,300,000 $2,130,000 Rata-rata $1,150,000 $1,115,000 Perputaran Piutang Dagang kali kali $36,000,000 $1,150,000 $32,500,000 $1,115,000 Kegunaan: Untuk menilai efisiensi penagihan piutang dan manajemen kredit perusahaan.

60 Jumlah Hari Rata-Rata Piutang
Piutang dagang, akhir tahun Rata-rata penjualan harian Accounts receivable, end of year Average daily sales on account $1,220,000 ($36,000,000 ÷ 365 days) =12.4 hari Kegunaan: Untuk menilai efisiensi penagihan piutang dan manajemen kredit perusahaan.

61 Recognition of Notes Receivable
Wesel tagih didukung oleh promes (promissory note). Instrument yang dapat dinegosiasikan Ditandatangani oleh pembuat (maker) untuk kepentingan yang dibayarnatau penerima (payee) Interest-bearing (has a stated rate of interest) OR Zero-interest-bearing (interest included in face amount) LO 6 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of notes receivable.

62 Recognition of Notes Receivable
Generally originate from: Customers who need to extend payment period of an outstanding receivable High-risk or new customers Loans to employees and subsidiaries Sales of property, plant, and equipment Lending transactions (the majority of notes) LO 6 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of notes receivable.

63 Recognition of Notes Receivable
Short-Term Long-Term Record at Face Value, less allowance Record at Present Value of cash expected to be collected Interest Rates Stated rate = Market rate Stated rate > Market rate Stated rate < Market rate Note Issued at Face Value Premium Discount LO 6

64 Note Issued at Face Value
Illustration: Bigelow Corp. lends Scandinavian Imports €10,000 in exchange for a €10,000, three-year note bearing interest at 10 percent annually. The market rate of interest for a note of similar risk is also 10 percent. How does Bigelow record the receipt of the note? i = 10% €10,000 Principal PV-OA €1,000 1,000 1,000 Interest 1 2 3 4 n = 3 ILLUSTRATION 7-11 Time Diagram for Note Issued at Face Value LO 6

65 Note Issued at Face Value
PV of Interest €1, x = €2,487 Interest Received Factor Present Value LO 6

66 Note Issued at Face Value
PV of Principal €10, x = €7,513 Principal Factor Present Value LO 6

67 Note Issued at Face Value
Summary Present value of interest € 2,487 Present value of principal 7,513 Note current market value €10,000 Journal Entries Jan. yr. 1 Notes Receivable 10,000 Cash 10,000 Dec. yr. 1 Cash 1,000 Interest Revenue 1,000 LO 6

68 Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
Illustration: Jeremiah Company receives a three-year, $10,000 zero-interest-bearing note. The market rate of interest for a note of similar risk is 9 percent. How does Jeremiah record the receipt of the note? i = 9% $10,000 Principal PV-0A $0 $0 $0 Interest 1 2 3 4 n = 3 ILLUSTRATION 7-13 Time Diagram for Zero-Interest-Bearing Note LO 6

69 Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
PV of Principal $10, x = $7,721.80 Principal Factor Present Value LO 6

70 Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-14 Discount Amortization Schedule—Effective-Interest Method LO 6

71 Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-14 Discount Amortization Schedule—Effective-Interest Method Prepare the journal entry to record the receipt of the note. Notes Receivable 7,721.80 Cash ,721.80 LO 6

72 Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-14 Discount Amortization Schedule—Effective-Interest Method Record interest revenue at the end of the first year. Notes Receivable Interest Revenue ($7, x 9%) LO 6

73 Interest-Bearing Notes
Illustration: Morgan Corp. makes a loan to Marie Co. and receives in exchange a three-year, €10,000 note bearing interest at 10 percent annually. The market rate of interest for a note of similar risk is 12 percent. Prepare the journal entry to record the receipt of the note? i = 12% €10,000 Principal PV-0A €1,000 1,000 1,000 Interest 1 2 3 4 n = 3 LO 6

74 Interest-Bearing Notes
PV of Interest €1, x = €2,402 Interest Received Factor Present Value LO 6

75 Interest-Bearing Notes
PV of Principal €10, x = €7,118 Principal Factor Present Value LO 6

76 Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-16 Computation of Present Value—Effective Rate Different from Stated Rate Illustration: Record the receipt of the note? Notes Receivable 9,520 Cash 9,520 LO 6

77 Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-17 Discount Amortization Schedule—Effective-Interest Method LO 6

78 Interest-Bearing Notes
ILLUSTRATION 7-17 Discount Amortization Schedule—Effective-Interest Method Record interest revenue at the end of the first year. Cash 1,000 Notes Receivable 142 Interest Revenue 1,142 LO 6

79 Recognition of Notes Receivable
Wesel yang diterima untuk properti, barang atau jasa Apabila transaski pertukaran dengan pihak yang tidak berhubungan, tingkat bunga nominal ditetapkan diasumsikan sebagai bunga yang wajar, kecuali: Tidak ada tingkat bunga ditetapkan, or tingkat bunga ditetapkan tidak layak, or Nilai nominal wesel berbeda secara material dari harga jual tunai saat ini untuk item yang serupa atau dari nilai pasar kini dari instrumen utang. LO 6 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of notes receivable.

80 Notes Receivable Notes Receivable 20,000 Land 14,000
Illustration: Oasis Development Co. sold a corner lot to Rusty Pelican as a restaurant site. Oasis accepted in exchange a five-year note having a maturity value of £35,247 and no stated interest rate. The land originally cost Oasis £14,000. At the date of sale the land had a fair market value of £20,000. Oasis uses the fair market value of the land, £20,000, as the present value of the note. Oasis therefore records the sale as: (£35,247 - £20,000) = £15,247 Notes Receivable 20,000 Land 14,000 Gain on Sale of Land 6,000 LO 6 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of notes receivable.

81 Notes Receivable Penilaian Wesel Tagih
Penghentian Piutang Dagang dan Wesel tagih: Pelunasan oleh debitur Piutang dipindahkan kepada pihak lain untuk memperoleh uang tunai Penilaian Wesel Tagih Rugi penurunan nilai adalah selisih antara investasi dalam pinjaman (pokok + bunga) dan aliran kas masa depan yang diharapkan yang didiskontokan pada tingkat bunga efektif historis. Penentuan rugi penurunan nilai dapat dilakukan dengan 2 pendekatan Pendekatan kolektif (collective approach) dan pendekatan individual (individual approach). LO 6 Explain accounting issues related to recognition of notes receivable.

82 Rugi Penurunan Nilai Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014, Bank Darma mencatat investasi sebesar Rp dalam bentuk pinjaman kepada PT Maju. Pinjaman memiliki tingkat bunga efektif 10%. Pokok pinjaman akan jatuh tempo dalam jangka waktu 3 tahun. Bunga dibayar tahunan. PT Maju mengalami kesulitan keuangan sehingga mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan kewajibannya.

83 Rugi Penurunan Nilai 31 Desember Aliran Kas Kontrak (Rp)
Aliran Kas diharapkan (Rp) Aliran Kas Pinjaman (Rp) 2014 200,000 100,000 2015 2016 2,200,000 2,100,000 Aliran Kas Total 2,600,000 2,300,000 300,000

84 Rugi Penurunan Nilai Jurnal untuk mencatat rugi penurunan nilai: Beban Kerugian Piutang Rp Cadangan Kerugian Piutang Rp Apabila debitur mampu melunasi kewajibannya, kreditur dapat mencatat penghapusan rugi penurunan nilai sbb: Cadangan Kerugian Piutang Rp Beban Kerugian Piutang Rp

85 Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Kas dengan Piutang
Ada 2 cara pemindahan tagihan (piutang) kepada pihak lain, yaitu: Piutang wesel dipakai sebagai jaminan pinjaman (secured borrowing) sering dikenal dengan isitlah piutang dijaminkan (pledging of account receivable) Menjual atau memindahkan hak penagihan (factoring of account receivables) atau sales of receivables. Piutang wesel dipakai sebagai jaminan pinjaman (secured borrowing) Persh sering menggunakan piutang sbg jaminan transaksi peminjaman. Pemilik piutang (assignour) meminjam uang dari pemilik dana (assignee) dengan menuliskan janji tertulis yang menyebutkan piutang usaha tertentu sebagai jaminan. Pemilik piutang harus mencatat semua potongan, retur, dan kerugian piutang yang tidak tertagih. Transaksi ini sering disebut penggadaian piutang (assigment). Jika wesel tidak dilunasi saat jatuh tempo, assignee memiliki hak untuk menkonversi piutang usaha/wesel yang dijmainkan menjadi kas.

86 Derecognition of Receivables
Secured Borrowing Using receivables as collateral in a borrowing transaction. Illustration: On March 1, 2015, Meng Mills, Inc. provides (assigns) NT$700,000 of its accounts receivable to Sino Bank as collateral for a NT$500,000 note. Meng Mills continues to collect the accounts receivable; the account debtors are not notified of the arrangement. Sino Bank assesses a finance charge of 1 percent of the accounts receivable and interest on the note of 12 percent. Meng Mills makes monthly payments to the bank for all cash it collects on the receivables. LO 8

87 Secured Borrowing LO 8 ILLUSTRATION 7-18 Entries for Transfer of
Receivables—Secured Borrowing LO 8

88 Menjual atau memindahkan hak penagihan (factoring of account receivables) atau sales of receivables.
Menjual piutang usaha kepada pihak tertentu disebut sebagai factor – dapat merupakan bank atau lembaga keuangan yang membeli piutang dari perusahaan untuk memperoleh fee dan kemudian mengumpulkan piutang langsung dari debitur. Saat ini transfer piutang dagang/wesel berkembang ke dalam fenomena sekuritisasi. Sekuritisasi adalah proses menempatkan sekelompok aset, seperti piutang kartu kredit, iutang hipotik, atau piutang pinjaman mobil, dan penjualan saham ke dalam suatu bentuk pembayaran pokok dan bunga. Setiap aset dengan aliran pembayaran jangka panjang dapat disekuritisasi. Factoring berkaitan dengan penjualan aset kepada satu perusahaan saja dengan hasil yang tinggi, kualitas piutang yang rendah dan tidak ada layanan setelah penjualan piutang. Pada sekuritisasi banyak investor terlibat, margin ketat, piutang berkualitas tinggi, dan layanan tersedia setelah penjualan piutang.

89 Sales of Receivables Factors are finance companies or banks that buy receivables from businesses for a fee. ILLUSTRATION 7-19 Basic Procedures in Factoring

90 Sales of Receivables Piutang Usaha dialihkan/Dijual Tanpa Tanggungjawab Pembeli bertanggungjawab atas risiko ketidakterkumpulnya piutang. Pencatatan dengan debit rekening kas untuk jumlah proceed yang diperoleh, dan kredit piutang usaha sebesar nilai nominal. LO 8

91 Sale without Guarantee
Illustration: Crest Textiles, Inc. factors €500,000 of accounts receivable with Commercial Factors, Inc., on a non-guarantee basis. Commercial Factors assesses a finance charge of 3 percent of the amount of accounts receivable and retains an amount equal to 5 percent of the accounts receivable (for probable adjustments). Crest Textiles and Commercial Factors make the following journal entries for the receivables transferred without guarantee. ILLUSTRATION 7-20 Entries for Sale of Receivables without Guarantee LO 8

92 Sales of Receivables Dijual dengan tanggung jawab
Penjual memberikan jaminan kepada pembeli akan melunasi hak pembeli ketika debitur tidak melunasi utangnya. Penjual piutang akan mencatat transaksi ini dengan pendekatan komponen keuangan. Assume Crest Textiles sold the receivables on a with guarantee basis. ILLUSTRATION 7-21 Sale with Guarantee LO 8

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