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Physical Property Of Corn Seed Aulia Rahman Zulmi (1511112010) Agricultural Engineering Andalas University
ABSTRAK Physical and mechanical properties of food crops gain importance during design, improvement and optimization of separation and cleaning. In this study, some physical and mechanical properties of corn seeds were determined as a function of moisture content in the range of 5.15 to 22% d.b. The average length, width, thickness and arithmetic diameter were increased by 6, 2.2, 1.66, and 3.3%, with increasing moisture content, respectively. In the moisture range from 5.15 to 22% d.b., the results showed that, the thousand seed mass increased from 267.7 to 305.8 g, the porosity from 31.41 to 45.98%, the static angle of repose from 42 to 57, and the coefficient of friction on compressed plastic, plywood and galvanized iron sheet surfaces were increased from 0.36 to 0.67, 0.36 to 0.6 and 0.38 to 0.57, respectively. The bulk density decreased from 679.1 to 632 kgm-3 and true density increased from 999.33 to 1170.49 kgm-3. Moreover, surface area and volume increased as the moisture content increased. The rupture energy of the grains increased in magnitude with an increase in moisture content, while rupture force was decreasing. Key words: Mechanical properties, corn, rupture force, coefficient of friction, repose angle.
Introduction High compatibility and vast nutritial value made the corn is importand in the world In order to design equipment for the handling, conveying, separation, drying, storing and processing of corn seed We must to determine their mechanical and physical properties So, This Study Was To Determin e the physical propertie s of corn seed As sphericity, one thousand seed mass, volume, surface area, bulk density, true density, porosity and static coefficient of friction against different materials.
Material And Method Material Corn seed of prevalent varieties in iran (varietas umum). #The samples were manually cleaned to remove foreign matters such as; dust, dirt, broken and immature grain
Method The length, width and thickness of materials were measured using a digital caliper with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. The average diameter of seeds was calculated by using the arithmetic mean and geometric mean of the three axial dimensions. The arithmetic mean diameter (Da) and geometric mean diameter (Dg) of the seeds were calculated by using the following equations (Mohsenin, 1970):
Methode (Sphericity) The sphericity of seeds was calculated by using the following equations (Mohsenin, 1970): Sphericity = (GMD/a)
Methode (grain mass, surface area and volume) The one thousand grains mass was determined using a digital electronic balance having an accuracy of 0.001 g. The surface area and volume of corn seeds were found by analogy with a sphere of the same geometric mean diameter, using the following equations
The angle of repose is the angle compared to the horizontal at which the material will stand when piled. consisting of a plywood box of 140 × 160 × 35 mm and two plates: fixed and adjustable. METHODE (ANGLE OF REPOSE)
The static coefficient of friction of seeds against three different surfaces, namely; plywood, compressed plastic and galvanized iron The Apperatus is seem like picture beside METHODE (ANGLE OF FRICTION)
This Jurnal is discuss about Physical properties of corn seed with different moisture content, so the result displayed in the form of physical property of corn seed in different moisture content
Result Physical Properties of corn seed with differential moisture content
Conclussion Different moisture content causes some physical properties of corn seeds increase as volume, surface area, porosity, angle of respos, massa of 1000 grain corn seed. But true density, length, width, arithmatic diameter unchange significan.
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