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TEORI KOMUNIKASI -Ascharisa Mettasatya

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Presentasi berjudul: "TEORI KOMUNIKASI -Ascharisa Mettasatya"— Transcript presentasi:

1 TEORI KOMUNIKASI -Ascharisa Mettasatya Afrilia- @2019


3 MENUMBUHKAN KETERAMPILAN BERPIKIR KRITIS Belajar bagaimana kehidupan sehari-hari berkaitan erat dengan teori-teori komunikasi dan sebaliknya. Bersifat aplikatif dan bermanfaat dalam career, business, study, media. 3

4 MENGETAHUI KEDALAMAN DAN KELUASAN PENELITIAN Menghargai kekayaan penelitian dalam berbagai bidang studi Mengembangkan ide penelitian lebih dengan analisis yang tajam 4

5 MELOGISKAN PENGALAMAN PRIBADI Teori komunikasi membantu untuk memahami orang dan media. Banyak pengalaman pribadi yang dapat dilogiskan dengan teori komunikasi 5

6 6 OBJEK KAJIAN ILMU KOMUNIKASI Communicator Message Groups Media Conversation Relationship Culture & Society Organizations SIMBOL & SISTEM TANDA INTERAKSI SOSIAL

7 7 “ Alex dan Morgan, mereka berdua ditentukan sebagai teman sekamar secara acak, mereka bertemu pada hari pertama dalam acara yang diadakan perusaha. Mereka semula sedikit gugup, walaupun mereka berdua telah saling berkirim email dan berbicara di telepon, jadi mereka sudah sedikit mengenal satu sama lain. Ketika mereka bertemu, mereka mulai mengobrol, menghabiskan waktu untuk minum kopi bersama, bercerita mengenai keluarga dan temen-temen mereka, dan membicarakan mengenai hal-hal yang mereka cari dalam menemukan pasangan. Mereka berdua menyukai televisi, terutama reality show karena mereka suka mengamati bagaimana orang lain bersikap di saat-saat yang penuh dengan tekanan. Setelah beberapa minggu, Morgan dan Alex menjadi lebih dekat, dan menjadi temen sekamar yang baik. Mereka pasti menyeimbangkan keinginan mereka untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama dengan kebutuhan untuk menyendiri. Hubungan mereka pasti memerlukan banyak penyesuaian karena jadwal mereka berbeda”

8 8 Pertama-tama, hubungan awal dua sahabat ini; Teori Pengurangan Ketidakpastian (Uncertainty Reduction Theory) mereka saling mengurangi ketidakpastian satu sama lainnya. Mereka saling membuka informasi pribadi ; Konsep utama dari Teori Penetrasi Social (Social Penetraction Theory) Mereka sama-sama suka nonton Televisi dan digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana orang lain menjalankan kehidupan mereka ; esensi dari Teori Kegunaan dan Gratifikasi (Uses and Gratifications Theory) Menyeimbangkan kebutuhan untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama dan sendirian ; Teori Dialektika Relasional. (Relational Dialectics Theory) Mereka juga bertukar cerita mengenai diri mereka, bercerita merupakan inti dari Paradigma Naratif (Narrative Paradigm )



11 THIS IS A SLIDE TITLE ▸ Here you have a list of items ▸ And some text ▸ But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both. 11

12 BIG CONCEPT Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations 12

13 White Is the color of milk and fresh snow, the color produced by the combination of all the colors of the visible spectrum. YOU CAN ALSO SPLIT YOUR CONTENT Black Is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. 13

14 IN TWO OR THREE COLUMNS Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. 14

15 A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS A complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. 15



18 OR DIAGRAMS TO EXPLAIN COMPLEX IDEAS 18 Example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. Example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. ● Go ahead and replace it with your own text. ● This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. Diagram featured by

19 AND TABLES TO COMPARE DATA ABC Yellow 10207 Blue 301510 Orange 52416 19

20 MAPS our office 20

21 89,526,124 Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud? 21

22 89,526,124$ That’s a lot of money 100% Total success! 185,244 users And a lot of users 22

23 OUR PROCESS IS EASY 23 firstsecondlast

24 Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. LET’S REVIEW SOME CONCEPTS 24

25 You can copy&paste graphs from Google SheetsGoogle Sheets 25

26 ANDROID PROJECT Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates. Place your screenshot here 26

27 Place your screenshot here 27 iPHONE PROJECT Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

28 Place your screenshot here 28 TABLET PROJECT Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

29 Place your screenshot here 29 DESKTOP PROJECT Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

30 30 THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at ▸ @username ▸

31 CREDITS Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ▸ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival SlidesCarnival ▸ Photographs by UnsplashUnsplash 31

32 PRESENTATION DESIGN This presentation uses the following typographies: ▸ Titles: Montserrat ▸ Body copy: Roboto You can download the fonts on these pages: Light blue #6fa8dc / Medium blue #3d85c6 / Dark blue #073763 You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint® 32

33 33 SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can: ● Resize them without losing quality. ● Change line color, width and style. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples:

34 34 Now you can use any emoji as an icon! And of course it resizes without losing quality and you can change the color. How? Follow Google instructions ❤ and many more...

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