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The Historical Development of The Strategic Management Concept Bambang Nur Cahyaningrum.

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Presentasi berjudul: "The Historical Development of The Strategic Management Concept Bambang Nur Cahyaningrum."— Transcript presentasi:

1 The Historical Development of The Strategic Management Concept Bambang Nur Cahyaningrum

2 Perkembangan Definisi Management Strategic 1.Strategi adalah rencana untuk menghancurkan musuh dengan sumber daya yang ada. Strategi untuk militer dan politik dibahas oleh Shakespears, Montesquieu, Kant, Mill, Hegel, Clausewitz, liddel Hart, Hegel. Concept strategi ini digunakan oleh Machiavelli, Napoleon, Bismark, Yamamoro, dan Hittler.

3 Perkembangan Definisi....(lanjutan) 2. Penerapan strategi mulai digunakan untuk bisnis, ketika Socrates bekerja sama dengan Nichomachides (mantan tentara). Terdapat penggabungan tugas seorang jenderal dengan seorang pebisnis. Mulai digunakan perencanaan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. 3. Setelah perang dunia II, Ansoft (1969), mengungkapkan 2 perubahan lingkungan yang signifikan: a.Perubahan dalam perusahaan, untuk antisipasi perubahan, mengambil kesempatan, menghindari ancaman (internal) b.Perkembangan teknologi dan pengetahuan, untuk menghadapi ketidakpastian masa depan (eksternal)

4 Perkembangan Definisi....(lanjutan) 4. Morgenstern (1947), mengemukakan theory of games. 5. Hofer dan Schendel (1978), mengklasifikasikan 3 area konsep strategi: a. Cakupan konsep strategi bisnis. b. Komponen strategi. c. Proses pembuatan kebijakan.

5 Perkembangan Definisi....(lanjutan) 5. Bisnis strategi mempunyai karakteristik: a. Analisis lingkungan dan situasi digunakan untuk menentukan posisi organisasi. b. Sumber daya digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.

6 Perkembangan Management Strategic 1.

7 Perkembangan Management Strategic

8 Job Satisfaction Measures The Michihan Measure of Facet Satusfaction (Quinn&Staines, 1979) Locke’s, 1976 Pemenuhan nilai-nilai individu The Job Description Index (Smith et al, 1969) Porter & Lawler, 1968 Teori Kebutuhan The Minnesota Satisfaction in Questionnaire (Weiss, et al 1967 Herzberg et al, 1959 Rata-rata tetimbang Kunin’s (1955)

9 Historical relativism Chia says, “the purpose of inquiry is not so much an attempt to converge at a single point called Truth, but that the process of enquiry is a matter of continually reweaving webs of beliefs to produce new and novel insights into the human condition” (1996: 15, my italics).

10 Logical Positivism Consider two points in the quotation from Chia: (1) “converge at a single point called Truth” and (2) “produce new and novel insights.” This parallels Reichenbach’s (1938) classic distinction between “justification logic” (in search of Truth) and “discovery logic.” Kuhn’s 1977 book, The Essential Tension, also is about the priority of one or the other “logic.” It is true that logical positivists (Ayer, 1959; Hanfling, 1981) did attempt

11 Implikasi? The question is not whether organization studies need more novel insights? Can organization studies become a science?

12 Kriteria dari Ilmu yang efektif 7 Verisimilitude and/or instrumental reliability 6 Verisimilitude via selection 5 Separation of experimental and ontological tests 4 Experiments 3 Model-centeredness 2 Nomic necessity (focus on underlying generative mechanisms) 1 Avoidance of metaphysical terms

13 Metodologi What Is a Paradigm?  Metode vs Asumsi? Interpretive Paradigm?  interpretivism is relativism. Relativism is the view that reality is subjective and differs from person to person Critical Paradigm. The ontological position of the critical paradigm is historical realism. Historical realism is the view that reality has been shaped by social, political, cultural, economic, ethnic, and gender values; reality that was once deemed plastic has become crystallized (Guba & Lincon, 1994, p. 110). Realities are socially constructed entities that are under constant internal influence.

14 Essentials of Behavioral Science Research Science and the Scientific Approach Science vs knowing SCIENCE AND COMMON SENSE

15 FOUR METHODS OF KNOWING The first is the method of tenacity (keuletan). A second method of knowing or fixing belief is the method of authority. A third method is the method of intuition. The fourth method is the method of science.

16 SCIENCE AND ITS FUNCTIONS What is science? –Science is a badly misunderstood word. –Stereotype?

17 THE AIMS OF SCIENCE, SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION, AND THEORY The basic aim of science is theory. Other aims of science that have been stated are: explanation, understanding, prediction, and control. This is because of the definition and nature of theory: A theory is a set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena.

18 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A DEFINITION Scientific research is systematic, controlled, empirical, amoral, public and critical investigation of natural phenomena. It is guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena.

19 THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH The scientific approach is a special systematized form of all-reflective thinking and inquiry Problem-Obstacle-Idea  Hypothesis. Reasoning-Deduction Observation-Test-Experiment Study Suggestion

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