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RAS oleh : xi ips ii. Anggota  Devi Juia Nur A/10  Elita Maulidya N/11  Sevia Dwi Wijayanti/31  Anastia A/03  Ashila Putri/06  Aulia Ananda/07 2.

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Presentasi berjudul: "RAS oleh : xi ips ii. Anggota  Devi Juia Nur A/10  Elita Maulidya N/11  Sevia Dwi Wijayanti/31  Anastia A/03  Ashila Putri/06  Aulia Ananda/07 2."— Transcript presentasi:

1 RAS oleh : xi ips ii

2 Anggota  Devi Juia Nur A/10  Elita Maulidya N/11  Sevia Dwi Wijayanti/31  Anastia A/03  Ashila Putri/06  Aulia Ananda/07 2

3 AGENDA 1. Video tentang RAS 2. Pengertian RAS 3. Macam RAS di dunia 4. Macam RAS di Indo 3


5 Apa itu ras? Ras (dari bahasa Prancis race, yang sendirinya dari bahasa Latin radix, "akar") merupakan sebuah sistem penglasifikasikan yang dipakai untuk mengkategorikan manusia ke dalam populasi atau kelompok besar dan berbeda dengan ciri fenotipe, asal-usul geografis, fisik dan suku yang diwarisi. 5

6 RAS YANG ADA DI DUNIA menurut A.L Krober

7 DUNIA Jenis-jenis atau macam macam ras di dunia menurut A.L Krober dibagi menjadi empat jenis, sebagai berikut: 1. Negroid 2. Mongoloid 3. Kaukasoid 4. Ras khusus 7


9  (Berkulit hitam) adalah ras manusia yang terutama mendiami benua Afrika di sebelah selatan gurun sahara. Keturunan mereka banyak mendiami Amerika utara Amerika Selatan dan juga eropa serta timur tengah. ciri khas utama anggota ras negroid ini ialah kulit yang berwarna hitam dan rambut keriting. Meski begitu anggota ras Khoisan dan ras Australoid, meski berkulit hitam dan berambut keriting tidaklah termasuk ras manusia ini. 9

10 1. Ras Negroid Golongan bangsa yang masuk dalam ras negroid antara lain:  African Negroid (Benua Afrika)  Melanisia (Papua dan Melanisia)  Negrito (Afrika Tengah, Semenanjung Melayu, Filipina) 10


12  (berkulit Kuning) adalah ras manusia yang sebagian besar menetapdi Asia utara" Asia timur" Asia tenggara" madagaskar di lepas pantai timur Afrika" beberapa bagian India timur laut" Eropa utara" Amerika utara" Amerika Selatan dan oseania Anggota ras mongoloid biasa disebut “berkulit kuning. namun ini tidak selalu benar misalkan orang Indian di Amerika dianggap berkulit merah dan orang Asia tenggara seringkali berkulit coklat muda sampai coklat gelap. 12

13 2. Ras Mongoloid Golongan bangsa yang masuk dalam ras mongoloid antara lain:  American Mongoloid (Eskimo di Amerika Utara sampai penduduk Terra del Frugo di Amarika Selatan.  Malayan Mongoloid (Asia Tenggara, Malaysia dan Filipina, Kepulauan Indonesia)  Asiatic Mongoloid (Asia Utara, Asia Tengah) 13

14 14


16 3. Ras Kaukasoid Golongan bangsa yang masuk dalam ras kaukasoid antara lain:  Nordic (Eropa Utara sekitar Laut Baltik)  Mediterania (Sekitar laut tengah, Amerika Utara, Amerika, Arabia, Armenia, Iran)  Alpine (Eropa Tengah dan Eropa Timur) 16

17 4. Ras Khusus Golongan bangsa yang masuk dalam ras khusus antara lain:  Ainu (Pula Kurufoto dan Hokaido di Jepang utara)  Polynesian (Di Kepulauan Mikronesia dan Polinesia)  Australoid (Penduduk asli Ausralia)  Veddoid (Pedalaman Sri Langka dan Sulawesi Selatan) 17

18  Ras Austroloid Mendiami bagian selatan India, Sri Lanka. Ciri khas utama ras ini ialah bahwa mereka berambut keriting hitam dan berkulit hitam.  Ras Veddoid/Weddoid Veddoid atau Weddoid memiliki ciri-ciri : -Berulit hitam; -Bertubuh sedang; -Dan berambut keriting. 18

19  Ras Palhinesia/Polynesia Ras ini dikenal juga dengan nama Polynesian. Mereka bertempat tinggal di kepulauan Micronesia dan Polynesia. Ciri mereka memilki kulit lebih terang dan tubuh lebih tinggi daripada penduduk di Mikronesia dan Melanesia (mongolod). Rambut mereka hitam dan lurus atau bergelombang. (Mudahnya kulit mereka berwarna Coklat)  Ras Amino/Ainu Elder, Hokkaido, Japan Ciri fisik dari etnis Ainu : -Sedikit lebih pendek dari Bangsa Jepang umumnya (Ras Yamato); -Tubuh mereka gempal kuat dengan proporsional; -Tulang pipi tinggi; -Hidung pendek; -Wajah lebar; -Rambut lebat berombak; 19


21 21

22 Thanks! Any questions?

23 “Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader” 23

24 White Is the color of milk and fresh snow, the color produced by the combination of all the colors of the visible spectrum. You can also split your content Black Is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. 24

25 In two or three columns Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. 25

26 Use diagrams to explain your ideas 26 Lorem Ipsum

27 And tables to compare data ABC Yellow10207 Blue301510 Orange52416 27

28 Maps our office 28

29 89,526,124 Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud? 29

30 89,526,124$ That’s a lot of money 100% Total success! 185,244 users And a lot of users 30

31 Our process is easy 31 firstsecondlast

32 Let’s review some concepts Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. 32 Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage.

33 You can insert graphs from Google SheetsGoogle Sheets 33

34 Mobile project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates. Place your screenshot here 34

35 Place your screenshot here 35 Tablet project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

36 Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:  Presentation template by SlidesCarnivalSlidesCarnival  Photographs by UnsplashUnsplash 36

37 Presentation design This presentation uses the following typographies:  Titles: Patrick Hand SC  Body copy: Patrick Hand Download for free at: You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint® 37

38 SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can:  Resize them without losing quality.  Change fill color and opacity.  Change line color, width and style. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples:

39 ❤ and many more... 39 You can also use any emoji as an icon! And of course it resizes without losing quality. How? Follow Google instructions

40 Free templates for all your presentation needs Ready to use, professional and customizable 100% free for personal or commercial use Blow your audience away with attractive visuals For PowerPoint and Google Slides

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