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Diterbitkan olehAhmad Sholikin Telah diubah "4 tahun yang lalu
Grounded Research (GR) Suripto, MPA, PhD
Anti Positivistik: INTERPRETIVE SOCIAL SCIENCE (ISS) 1.Interpretif (interpretivism) Ethnography Grounded Research 2.Teori kritis (critical theory)
Konsep Etnografi Descriptions of an ethnos --- focus on a particular culture and the nature & forms of knowledge embedded in it. Investigating the perspective of the informants, the nature and forms of their knowledge, their interactions, practices and discourses the production of social phenomena from the perspective of participants. Ethnos: nations, people, or cultures Descriptions of small life-worlds
Konsep Etnografi Thick description, not thin: deskripsi yang mendetail dan mendalam tentang kehidupan sehari-hari informan. Menginterpretasi dunia nyata (kehidupan riil) berdasarkan perspektif informan yang diinvestigasi dalam penelitian Dunia nyata: pola perilaku, keyakinan, dan bahasa (individu, kelompok, organisasi)
Thick description Wealth of detail of description (yang kecil- kecil, remeh temeh pun masuk) Credibility of description (tidak ngarang) Is constructions of what informants construct at the time Producing thick descriptions is like the task of an arts critic who has to comment on a performance or interpret a painting.
Thick description adalah ethnografi yang membedakan twitches (berkedip karena suatu hal) dengan winks (kedipan yang tidak biasa/ mengerling, mengandung makna khusus, mengajak kolusi/ konspirasi), dan mimicked winks (mengedip sebagai acting).
Geertz, Clifford (1973), Thick Description: Towards an Interpretive Theory of Culture, New York Books: 3-30 Etnography is an interpretative/ symbolic/semiotic approach to culture in which interpretations must be cast in terms of the constructions we imagine (the people we study) to place upon what they live through
Menangkap dan mendokumentasikan data di dalam setting yang natural (alamiah) Temuan data kemudian dikelompokkan berdasarkan case-case, setiap case menunjukan suatu topik atau sub topik tertentu Alat untuk menangkap/menggali data 5W1H: apa faktanya, siapa yang terlibat, di mana, kapan, mengapa, dan bagaimana
Peneliti berpartisipasi aktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari informan dalam waktu yang lama (6-12 bulan) Selama kurun waktu tsb peneliti: melihat apa yang terjadi, mendengarkan apa yang mereka katakan, dan menanyakan apa saja hal-hal yang terkait dengan masalah yang ingin diteliti.
Fokus Studi pada dimensi-dimensi budaya komunitas: bahasa daerah anggota komunitas, ritual-ritual adat, struktur sosial, interaksi sosial anggota, evolusi sejarah pembentukan komunitas, jaringan dan pola komunikasi kelompok, & rantai pengembangan ekonomi anggota kelompok. Data tersebut merupakan cerminan keyakinan dan perilaku komunitas yang diteliti
Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Etnography is interpretation. Dia melibatkan penggunaan suatu diary ditujukkan untuk membuat thick description. Suatu foto ttg kontraksi suatu kelopak mata tidak dapat membedakan antara (1) a twitch, (2) a conspiratorial signal, (3) a parody of a twitch, (4) a practice of a parody of a twitch, dan (5) a fake wink (palsu).
Peneliti etno melihat isu-isu besar di tempat- tempat kecil. Negara dapat ditemukan di kantor desa, puskemas, rumah sakit. Small facts speak to large issues. Tidak dimaksudkan untuk generalisasi temuan (pembeda Grounded Research)
Perilaku dan tindakan para informan punya makna Makna-makna dipahami dan dianalisis di dalam konteks-konteks kultural tertentu (tidak dibaca dengan kultur ‘umum’/ ‘universal’) Salahsatu tugas kita adalah memahami makna dari tindakan dan perilaku para informan tanpa melepas konteks dan kultur asli mereka.
Cara analisis = Pentahapan Data-data koding Tema-tema model konsep teori
Contoh-Contoh Penerapan (1) Gupta, Akhil. 1995. Blurred boundaries: The discourse of corruption, the culture of politics, and the imagined state. American Ethnologist, 22(2), 375-402. Dalam tulisan ini Gupta tidak melihat korupsi dalam pengertian: apakah korupsi itu ada (terjadi) atau tidak ada; apakah korupsi itu baik atau buruk, atau apakah korupsi itu terkait dengan patrimonialisme atau tidak, dst.
Daripada seperti itu, Gupta fokus kepada: (1)bagaimana para individu penduduk mengalami langsung korupsi; dan (2)bagaimana perusahaan-perusahaan koran menggunakan berita-berita tentang korupsi untuk mengkonstruksi the state
Individu yang diteliti dipahami menurut batasan kelas, kasta, pendidikan, dan pengalaman hidup Tindakan birokrat (wakil negara) dipengaruhi oleh interseksi antara fenomena lokal, fenomena nasional, dan fenomena transnasional Tindakan para birokrat tidak lepas dengan konteks di mana mereka berada, yaitu: 1.Norma-norma kultur lokal dan relasi-relasi sosial 2.Kebijakan-kebijakan liberalisasi pemerintah pusat, yang pada gilirannya merupakan bagian dari 3.Wacana (discourse) transnasional mengenai efisiensi
Temuan Gupta Data ethnografi memberikan suatu rekognisi bahwa the state itu tidak monolitik (tunggal). The state itu tersusun dari multiple agen, multiple organisasi, multiple tingkatan, multiple agenda, dan multiple center Discourse ttg korupsi memberitahu kita bagaimana orang2 India mendeskripsikan the state dan ide2 ttg apa yang disebut sebagai negatif/positif atau legitimate atau tidak legitimate Memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan: apakah orang-orang India memberi perspektif yang berbeda-beda ttg the state? Jika iya kenapa? Apakah perbedaan pandangan mereka ttg the state karena posisi (kedudukan) sosial mereka yang berbeda satu sama lainnya? Orang dengan posisi sosial yang tinggi (sebagai PNS) lebih positif dalam melihat the state.
Konsep the state menurut Gupta The goal of Gupta’s paper is to understand and imagine the state (as institution and practice) and its attributes (structure, procedure, process, mechanism, and culture). According to Gupta, the meaning of the state is not only one, but many. The state must be understood in historical and cultural contexts. It cannot be interpreted only as monolithic and unitary entity.
Gupta divides his analysis into levels when diagnosing and analysing or understanding the state. The first is practice level analysis. This type of analysis involves doing observations to the everyday practice of the ordinary people and state’s officials. To add understanding on the practice, interviews is performed. The second is discourse level analysis. This kind of analysis involves the content analysis of mass media (text analysis). The mass media include newspaper, television, and radio. These media, especially newspaper, tells us a great deal about the manner in which the state comes to be imagined.
Gupta uses the discourse of corruption as the way to understand the relationship between the state and social group (society, masyarakat). According to him, the discourse plays two different roles: (1) it enables people to construct or diagnose the state symbolically; and (2) it can define citizens as citizens. Through such representations and through the public the public practices of various government agencies, the state comes to be marked and delineated from other organizations and institutions in social life.
Based on the cases, the representations of the state can be shown as follow: 1.The state at local levels is described as an institution that is incapable in performing tasks “rationally” and formally and corrupt. Corruptions occur systemically. As a result, the implementation of programs fails. 2.The state at national level is imagined as the ruler who is benevolent and generous. 3.The state is interpreted as an entity with multiple layers and diverse locale and centres: multiple agencies, organizations, levels, agendas, and centres.
The state menurut Anthropology 1.A place (sphere) where state’s employees, citizens of the nation, and social organizations meet, interact, confront, and struggle (encounter). The state’s employees refer to teachers and policemen, while the citizens refer to villagers and workers. The places for their interaction can be physically manifested as national and local government office buildings such as police office, title land office, and electricity plant office. 2.Everyday activities or practices (programs or projects) initiated and implemented by the government organization and ordinary people: the Sri Lanka’s large water and government housing projects. The implementation of the program can create an arena where representation of the state is constituted and where its legitimacy is contested 3.As a place and as a program, the state can be affected by the international organizations: IMF the IMF can affect how the programs/projects are implemented and at what levels, who is targeted, and for how many years the programs continue. 4.The state cannot be conceptualized as a closed domain circumscribed by national boundaries.
A central area of investigation of the thesis is the relationship between the policy and program features of TB-DOTS Partnership, on the one hand, and the practices and responses of health workers as observed in health centres and hospitals, on the other. Analysing the intersection between the discourse of TB-DOTS Partnership, the structure and context of work, and the behaviour of health workers, the thesis provides material that allows us to consider the relationship between policy and discretionary actions in the implementation of TB- DOTS Partnership.
Theoretically, the thesis combines Michael Lipsky’s interest in the discretionary actions of ‘street-level bureaucrats’ and a Foucaultian conceptualisation of policy as governmentality. In this way the thesis brings together a policy-as-practice approach as exemplified by Lipsky and a policy-as-discourse approach apparent in the work of Akhil Gupta, Carol Bacchi, Chris Shore and Susan Wright, amongst others. Uniting both policy- as-practice and policy-as-discourse approaches underlines the recognition that the implementation of policy is not neutral and objective, but rather contextual, subjective and contested. This integrative approach to policy as practice and discourse allows us to enquire into the relationship between the state and society, and the meaning of what constitutes ‘the state’. The role of local health professionals as documented in this thesis leads us to consider the relationship of health workers to the state and to policy, and supports the contention that health workers are not simply implementers of the state’s policy, but in some sense also policy makers.
Main Conclusions I found the policy in this context to be the product of the junction between the discourse of TB-DOTS Partnership, the structure and context of work, and the behaviour of health workers By seeing the policy as such, we can understand, among other things, the logic and assumptions that underlie health professionals’ responses to, and acceptance of, the DOTS program. Viewing the policy in this way also enables us to consider the link between policy and possible discretionary actions in the implementation of the TB-DOTS Partnership.
I argue that we need to recognise the plurality of policy, that it is messy, that different people have different ideas and practices in its implementation, and that, as a result of this, we cannot see policy merely as a top-down tool of bureaucratic intervention. Rather, a more nuanced approach must balance such elements as discourse and practice, one of implementation and discretion, as well as of bureaucratic intervention and personal response.
The official documents of the WHO and the Indonesian health ministry are in keeping with a conventional view of policy, one that views policy as a rational, technical intervention. The unofficial policy makers identified in these chapters demonstrate how the TB-DOTS Partnership program conveys an image of a new policy world, recasting the roles of both the state and individuals, blurring the line between the state and society. The health workers in Chapters Six and Seven are not merely implementers of top-down policy. Rather they make and re-make policy
Policy is not always linear, hierarchical and free from self-interest. Rather, policy is political and subjective; it involves the use of power and draws on personal considerations and experience.
The theoretical approach built here is that we complement a Foucaultian conceptualisation of policy-as-discourse operating as a technology of governmentality with the perspective of Lipsky, which interprets policy as discretionary action. For this reason, in this thesis, phrases such as ‘policy’ and ‘the state’ should not be understood as pertaining exclusively to the institutions and apparatuses of the nation state, but rather should be understood as referring to a complex collection of institutions, discourses and practices, exercised through state and non-state actors, both above and below the level of the nation, and forming the conditions in which lives are lived.
Apa itu Grounded Research (GR)? Konseptor: Glaser and Strauss (1967) Disebut ‘grounded’ karena riset jenis ini dihubung-hubungkan, muncul dari, diciptakan melalui, dan didasarkan pada data empiris (fakta lapangan) riset dimulai dari data lapangan…bukan dimulai dari theory lihat slide berikut…
Prosedur Kuantitatif
GR? GR = ‘teori dari bawah’ Suatu prosedur penelitian yang fokus kepada pembuatan konsep berdasarkan data lapangan Penekanan pada penemuan teori-teori baru
Objek kegiatan yang ditarget Ide-ide dan pengalaman-pengalaman yang diperoleh peneliti selama analisis data
Ciri-Ciri khas An autonomous unit : the case under investigation is an autonomous research unit This means that a case is considered to be not a piece of reality, but an autonomous unit with its own structure, boundaries, and history, and should be studied as a case and reconstructed as a case, not as an element of something else. Peneliti punya kedaulatan penuh untuk mempersepsikan realitas
Peneliti menginterpretasikan realitas tanpa melibatkan prasangka (prejudice)…realitas (data empirik: narasi, kata-kata)) disamakan seperti bayi yang baru saja dilahirkan (masih berupa kertas putih, yang bisa diwarnai dan dibentuk apa pun sesuai apa yang dikehendaki oleh ortu si bayi)
Grounded identik dengan everyday behavior and action
Tahapan penelitian 1. Merumuskan isu penelitian (indikasi, gejala, pertentangan, perdebatan, gap), mencari bahan, dan membuat pertanyaan 2. Pergi ke lapangan 3. Melakukan observasi dan wawancara 4. Mendokumentasikan temuan dan menganalisis temuan
3 tahapan penting yang membedakan riset ini dengan jenis riset kualitatif lainnya… Data collection Coding writing memos
Cara analisis = Pentahapan Data-data koding Tema-tema model konsep teori
Pengenalan dan Pelatihan NVivo Oleh: Suripto, MPA, PhD
Tujuan Kegiatan Pengenalan dan Pelatihan Menjelaskan sejarah dan profil singkat NVivo Menjelaskan kaitan antara NVivo dan penelitian Membuat sebuah project baru Menata data sources Menambahkan notes (buku saku yg berisi catatan harian selama di lapangan) Mengkode data menggunakan nodes dan relationships Menyusun (memasukan dan menyimpan) data ke dalam folders, sets, dan cases Menyimpan data Meng-query data Membuat model (konsep pada fase embrio) untuk merepresentasikan gagasan secara visual
Koding Koding data tampilan visual: tabel, grafik, diagram, dan model Jenis Data: teks, audio, gambar, video, hasil capture terhadap video You Tube dan capture website (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn) Versi terbaru: Nvivo 11 Gratis: Versi trial 30 hari
Manfaat Koding Sebagai bahan analisis hubungan antar tema (logika pengambilan keputusan hakim di pengadilan, bukan dengan logika positivistik: statistik korelasi dan regresi) tugas peneliti penganut logika post- positivistik (kualitatif, interpretatif) adalah memahami makna-makna dari tindakan individu-individu atau kelompok-kelompok.
Jenis Hubungan dalam NVivo 1.Asosiatif, 2.Satu arah, dan 3.Simetris bentuk visual
Kaitan Nvivo & Penelitian: Manfaat NVivo Dengan menggunakan Nvivo, penelitian kualitatif menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan (kayak main game) Data (unsur pisik dan ide yg terkandung di dalamnya) yang masuk ditata dan dikoding. Penataan data (pisik dan ide) memudahkan pelacakan dan analisis keterkaitan Koding Tema-tema hubungan antar tema (supaya bermakna, cara membaca dan analisisnya harus melibatkan perspektif dan teori) Tema-tema yang terhubung satu sama lainnya membentuk bangunan model konsep teori (grounded research, dari bawah)
Bagian I Bahasan 1 s/d 4 Aktifitas praktek 1 s/d 17
Bahasan 1: Memulai Membuka dan menutup NVivo Membuat user profile Membuka dan menutup sebuah project Nvivo Menavigasi (menyetir) proyek Nvivo Membuka dan menutup Sources dan Nodes
Aktifitas praktek Praktek 1: membuka sebuah project Praktek 2: menampilkan sebuah source item Praktek 3: mengeksplorasi (menjelajahi dan mendalami) suatu project
Bahasan 2: Membuat project Membuat Nvivo project Menata folder untuk sources Menyimpan project
Aktifitas praktek Praktek 4: membuat project baru Praktek 5: membuat sub folder-sub folder
Bahasan 3: Menambahkan source materials Mengimpor primary sources ke internals folder Membuat dokumen baru secara langsung ke dalam Nvivo Membuat dokumen baru untuk merepresentasikan atau me-link ke external data Membuat transkrip untuk sumber dalam bentuk audio dan video Membuat a log for pictures (album foto)
Aktifitas praktek Praktek 6: mengimpor file Praktek 7: membuat dokumen baru Praktek 8: membuat external source ke data pada komputer kita Praktek 9: membuat external source ke data bukan pada komputer kita Praktek 10: Menampilkan contoh-contoh multimedia dan teks Praktek 11: Mengimpor file audio dan file video Praktek 12: Mentranskrip file video Praktek 13: menampilkan contoh-contoh picture log (foto beserta deskripsi narasi yang dibingkai menjadi semacam case) Praktek 14: membuat photo log
Bahasan 4: Membuat notes Membuat atau mengimpor Memos untuk menyimpan ide dan observasi kita Membuat new See Also Links Membuat links ke other project items dan existing See Also Links Membuat annotation Memahami perbedaan antara Memos, See Also Links, dan Annotations
Aktifitas praktek Praktek 15: membuat Memo Praktek 16: membuat Annotation Praktek 17: membuat See Also links
Bagian II Bahasan 1 s/d 4 Aktifitas praktek 1 s/d 17
Bahasan 1: Menata data Membuat, rename, move, dan copy folders Membuat Sets untuk mengelompokkan shorcuts ke data yang relevan Membuat Case Nodes Mengkoding ke Case Nodes Menambahkan Attributes ke project Mendefinisikan Attributes Values Melekatkan (memasukkan) Attributes ke Cases Membuat, mengimpor, dan mengekspor Casebook
Aktifitas praktek Praktek 1: menata-ulang Folders dan Sub-Folders Praktek 2: Membuat New Sets Praktek 3: Membuat a New Case Praktek 4: Membuat a Case dari an Existing Source Praktek 5: Memasukkan Attributes dan Values ke Cases Praktek 6: Mengeksplorasi (menjelajahi sesuatu yg belum dikenal) a Casebook Praktek 7: Mengimpor a Casebook Praktek 8: Mengekspor a Casebook
Bahasan 2: Membuat Relationships Membuat Relationships Mendefinisikan Types of Relationships Menambah Relationships Nodes Mengkoding Relationships Nodes
Aktifitas Praktek Praktek 9: Membuat Relationships
Bahasan 3: Mengeksplorasi data Find & Replace text in a source Find project items Memahami tipe-tipe Query yang berbeda-beda Run a Text Search Query Cancel and re-run queries Save queries Store query results Run a Word Frequency Query Run a Coding Query Build a Matrix Coding Query Build a Compound Query Memahami tujuan the Coding Comparison Query
Aktifitas Praktek Praktek 10: Find Project Items Praktek 11: Run a Text Search Query Praktek 12: Run a Word Frequency Query Praktek 13: Run a Coding Query Praktek 14: Run a Matrix Coding Query Praktek 15: Run a Compound Query
Bahasan 4: Membuat Model dan Bagan Membuat sebuah model Add shapes, connectors, and project items to the model Move, copy, delete items Find connections using a model Change the lay out of a model Edit labels of shapes and connectors Create custom groups in your model Print or export your model Create charts on nodes and sources Modify charts
Aktifitas Praktek Praktek 16: membuat model dari project items Praktek 17: memodifikasi model Praktek 18: menambahkan Nodes ke model Praktek 19: membuat model menggunakan shapes and connectors Praktek 20: add custom groups to the model Praktek 21: mengekspor model Praktek 22: membuat pie chart on an attribute Praktek 23: membuat a chart on a node Praktek 24: membuat a chart on a source Praktek 25: memodifikasi the chart
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