PROGRAM AND MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT in ODL. How to design and develop the ODL programs and courses? Use systematic and systemic design know well the students.

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2 How to design and develop the ODL programs and courses? Use systematic and systemic design know well the students characteristics focus on students’ active learning use various instructional media

3 Developing and organizing material Assessment and Evaluation Need Analysis Developing Curriculum Designing Learning Experiences Identifying competencies Steps in Developing Curriculum of a Study Program

4 Covers: Student’s need Professional need Need of subject matter area 1. Needs Analysis

5 2. Identifying Competencies Type of Teaching Competencies Pedagogical Pedagogical Social Social Personal Personal Professional Professional

6 Characteristics of a curriculum  Sequential  Continuity  Integrated 3. Developing the Curriculum

7 4. Designing Learning Experience Mode of learning (hybrid: print, teleconference/vicon, e-learning, face-to-face) Interactivity (residentials, on line, visiting tutor, video conference) Instructional Materials print, audio-video, Web based, CAI, initiation materials in tutorial on line

8 -Essential Concepts/Topics -Sequence -Enrichment ( examples,table, data, more explanation, figures ) 5. Organizing Learning Materials Instructional Materials Development

9 6. Asessment & Evaluation Take Home /Individual Assignment (objective and essay types) Tutorial Assignment (objective and essay types) Laboratory works Teaching Practices Final Exams Summative Exams Practices (e.g. sports)

10 Tips and Tricks ODL instructional materials -Buying or developing your own? -In general development time at least 2 years -Copyright and intellectual property right -Printed materials is relatively fixed for some times -Multimedia is difficult to be revised -E-learning course is expensive, needs a solid development team (including IT-man), relatively flexible for updating

11 Some consideration on what content should be included What is needed for the specific competency? What is the best way to sequence and organize the material? What are the best media to use to present the materials What kind of learning activities should be employed? How can learning be measured most appropriately? What feedback should students receive about their progress? What methods should be used to create the materials? Instructional Materials Development

12 Instructional Materials CD-Audio/Video Broadcast/teleconference Printed materials Computer Assisted Instruction Web-based courses Instructional Kits

13 Learning Materials Scope of Content The Use of Language Readibility Completeness of Components Illustration Lay-out Content Validity Factors in development of instructional materials

14 Course Manager Writer/Developer Instructional Designer(s) Reviewer(s) Media specialist(s) Editor Course Team Model


16 Session 2 : transfering credit of courses BlockBlock Course equalityCourse equality

17 transfering credit of courses 1. Perlakuan blok adalah * pengakuan sejumlah mata kuliah * pengakuan sejumlah mata kuliah * setara dengan jenjang program tertentu (Diploma I, Diploma II, dan Diploma III) * setara dengan jenjang program tertentu (Diploma I, Diploma II, dan Diploma III) * dilakukan bagi program studi yang relevan, * dilakukan bagi program studi yang relevan, 2. Perlakuan per mata kuliah adalah pengakuan terhadap satu atau beberapa mata kuliah

18 transfering credit of courses 3.Seluruh mata kuliah yang telah diperoleh mahasiswa dari kurikulum sebelumnya diakui dengan ketentuan berikut. a.Mata kuliah dalam Kurikulum sebelumnya (SBL) yang ada dalam kurikulum baru (KB) dan telah lulus, tidak perlu diambil lagi. a.Mata kuliah dalam Kurikulum sebelumnya (SBL) yang ada dalam kurikulum baru (KB) dan telah lulus, tidak perlu diambil lagi. b.Mata kuliah SBL yang ada dalam KB, tetapi belum lulus, harus diambil oleh mahasiswa. b.Mata kuliah SBL yang ada dalam KB, tetapi belum lulus, harus diambil oleh mahasiswa. c.Pengakuan kesetaraan mata kuliah SBL ke dalam KB mengabaikan perbedaan sks dan persyaratan nilai lulus minimal (jika ada) antara mata kuliah SB dan KB. c.Pengakuan kesetaraan mata kuliah SBL ke dalam KB mengabaikan perbedaan sks dan persyaratan nilai lulus minimal (jika ada) antara mata kuliah SB dan KB. d. Mata kuliah SBL yang tidak terdapat dalam KB dan telah lulus diakui sebagai mata kuliah dalam kurikulum KB dengan cara disetarakan dengan mata kuliah rumpun bidang ilmu atau mata kuliah lain bila memang sangat diperlukan. d. Mata kuliah SBL yang tidak terdapat dalam KB dan telah lulus diakui sebagai mata kuliah dalam kurikulum KB dengan cara disetarakan dengan mata kuliah rumpun bidang ilmu atau mata kuliah lain bila memang sangat diperlukan.


20 Catatan yang masih harus dikembangkan, sandra……. Keterangan tentang alih kreditKeterangan tentang alih kredit Kurikulum S1PGSD- PJJKurikulum S1PGSD- PJJ Kurikulum KKG yng berbeda-bedaKurikulum KKG yng berbeda-beda Untuk integrasi PGSD KKG kre S1 PGSD- PJJ diperlukan alih kerditUntuk integrasi PGSD KKG kre S1 PGSD- PJJ diperlukan alih kerdit Mekanisme kesetaraan matakuliahMekanisme kesetaraan matakuliah

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