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Sekaleng – a can of, a tin of Sekelompok – a group of Semacam – a sort of, a kind of Sepotong – a slice of (sepotong roti) Sesendok – a spoonful of.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Sekaleng – a can of, a tin of Sekelompok – a group of Semacam – a sort of, a kind of Sepotong – a slice of (sepotong roti) Sesendok – a spoonful of."— Transcript presentasi:




4 Sekaleng – a can of, a tin of Sekelompok – a group of Semacam – a sort of, a kind of Sepotong – a slice of (sepotong roti) Sesendok – a spoonful of Sepuluh seratus

5 Sebaiknya preferably, it is better that Sebenarnya actually, in fact, Sehari-hari – on a daily basis, everyday kehidupan sehari-hari - everyday life

6 ‘as ----- as possible’ Secepat-cepatnya - as quickly as possible Secepat mungkin - as quicky as possible Sebanyak mungkin - as much as possible Sebanyak-banyaknya - as much as possible Sebesar-besarnya - as large as possible Sedikit-dikitnya as little as possible/ at least


8 Sebenarnya actually S ebetulnyaactually Seharusnyashould/ought to Sebaiknya(it is) better/best/ preferable Seakan-akan as if, as though Sebisa-bisanya as much as I can

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