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Diterbitkan olehEmy Ratna Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net JUDUL MATERI
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar STANDAR KOMPETENSI KOMPETENSI DASAR
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat : Menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks recount secara lisan Menceritakan pengalaman pribadi secara lisan Membuat pertanyaan tentang teks recount TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net 5 RECOUNT TEXT A text that retells abou the experience in the past time Social Function: To retell events for the purpose or informing or entertaining Social Function: To retell events for the purpose or informing or entertaining Generic Strcture: 1.Tittle 2. Orientation 3. Evevnts 4. Reorientation Language Features: Use past tense Use connectors Use action verb or action words Language Features: Use past tense Use connectors Use action verb or action words
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net 6 The example of recount text Traveling Around The World Dery save his money and spent two months traveling arround the world. He wrote his journey in his diary. I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several week in Europe. When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia first. I flew from his home in Mexico city to New York City. After through Asia, I went to South America and finally back home to Indonesia. Dery felt tired but he was very exited and wanted to travel again. Traveling Around The World Dery save his money and spent two months traveling arround the world. He wrote his journey in his diary. I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several week in Europe. When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia first. I flew from his home in Mexico city to New York City. After through Asia, I went to South America and finally back home to Indonesia. Dery felt tired but he was very exited and wanted to travel again.
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net 7 MATERI LANJUTAN
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net 8
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net Referensi REFERENSI
PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: http://dindikptk.net NAMA SABARIYAH, S.Pd NIP.......................... TEMPAT TUGAS SMP KI HAJAR DEWANTARA NAMA SABARIYAH, S.Pd NIP.......................... TEMPAT TUGAS SMP KI HAJAR DEWANTARA PENYUSUN
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