Human security in africa catatan kuliah polpem di afrika.

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1 human security in africa catatan kuliah polpem di afrika

2 diskusikan apa saja masalah/bentuk human insecurity di negara-negara yang anda teliti? apa saja sumber/sebab/akar human insecurity di negara-negara yang anda teliti? berdasarkan temuan anda, rumuskan apa itu human security/ human insecurity!

3 human security … alternative to the traditional concept of (national) security which is state centric/defined complementary to the traditional concept of (national) security hunger, disease, environmental contamination structural violence: socio-political system, global trading system predictability and control (beyond availability) peace, security and development: promoting sustainable development, poverty eradication, national reconciliation, good governance, democracy, gender equality, the rule of law and respect for and protection of human rights everything!?

4 human security … “human security means the security of the individual with respect to the satisfaction of the basic needs of life; it also encompasses the creation of the social, political, economic, military, environmental and cultural conditions necessary for the survival, livelihood, and dignity of the individual, including the protection of fundamental freedoms, the respect for human rights, good governance, access to education, healthcare, and ensuring that each individual has opportunities and choices to fulfil his/her own potential.” (African NonAgression and Common Defense Pact)

5 human security … freedom from want, freedom from fear and freedom to take action on one’s own behalf two general and interlinked strategies: (1) protection, to shield people from dangers and systematically address insecurities; and (2) empowerment, to enable people to develop their potential and become full participants in decision-making key concerns, including: people in violent conflict; refugees and internally-displaced people (IDPs); integrated assistance in post-conflict situations; extreme poverty and sudden economic downturns; health care; basic education and public information; and promoting and disseminating the human security concept (UN Commission on Human Security)

6 … in africa bayangkan ada 5 level: individu, komunitas, negara, kawasan, internasional – HI klasik memfokuskan diri pada level negara dan individu – di Afrika, yang perlu mendapat perhatian justru level kelompok (warlord, militia, political entrepreneur, etc) negara: memegang monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force in the territory it claims to control – monopoly? legitimate/illegitimate formal/informal? teritori? rezim biasanya naik dengan cara nonkonstitutional – tidak merasa perlu ‘balas budi’ pada rakyat, tidak merasa sebagai main security provider sumber ekonomi utama bukan pajak, melainkan hutang – tidak ada kewajiban mengembalikan ke rakyat, tidak ada ruang bagi akuntabilitas neopatrimonialisme dan korupsi – loyalitas abdi negara ke ‘atas’, bukan ke ‘bawah’ bantuan kemanusiaan, patron-patron lokal, etc memangkas tanggung jawab negara

7 human security in africa isu human security tidak/sulit dilepaskan dari traditional/national security sangat terkait dengan isu-isu konflik, persenjataan, fungsi negara belum ada academic dan policy breakthrough: charity, aid, development projects

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