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Diterbitkan olehFahmi Jonathan Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Matakuliah : V Operasional Tata Graha Tahun : 2009/2010 KONSEP DASAR PERSIAPAN KAMAR TAMU PERTEMUAN KE 6
Persiapan Diri # Fisik dan mental yang sehat dan kuat # Penampilan (uniform/seragam kerja, kerapihan) Persiapan administrasi kerja # Administarsi kehadiran # Laporan kerja di Housekeeping Office # Mengikuti briefing dari supervisor # Menerima room assignment ( penugasan) Persiapan sarana kerja # Room attendant trolley/cart Bina Nusantara University
Room attendant trolley / cart :
Kereta yang merupakan perangkat kerja room attendant yang dirancang sedemikian rupa agar praktis untuk meletakkan perangkat kerja yang digunakan untuk operasional membersihkan kamar. Perangkat kerja lainnya adalah : Penyedot debu (vacuum cleaner) Sikat (brush) Sapu (broom) Bina Nusantara University
Peran & Fungsi Tata Graha & Binatu di Hotel
Peran dari Housekeeping : Menciptakan suasana hotel yang bersih, menarik, nyaman dan aman Memberikan pelayanan kamar dengan sebaik – baiknya kepada tamu sehingga tamu merasa puas saat berkunjung dan menginap di hotel Menyiapkan penataan dan pemeliharaan kamar – kamar Bertanggung jawab atas pemeliharaan kebersihan seluruh outlet dan ruangan umum di hotel Memberikan pelayanan hotel, linan dan uniform karyawan serta pencucian Guest Laundry Bina Nusantara University
Peran dari Housekeeping :
Komponen isi trolley Room and guest supplies Cleaning supplies Cleaning equipment and cleaning tools Bina Nusantara University
Room attendant trolley Daftar kamar (Housekeeping report)
STOCKING TROLLEY Equipment : Room attendant trolley Daftar kamar (Housekeeping report) Spesifikasi perlengkapan Perlengkapan Prosedure : Cek daftar kamar ( housekeeping report ) Isi trolley dari bagian bawah ke atas Semua ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah kerja dari room attendant, dan sebaiknya dilakukan cek ulang agar yakin tidak ada yang tertinggal, sehingga waktu kerja menjadi efisien dan efektif Bina Nusantara University
Check the room status Check for “DND” signs (do not knock the door or ring the bell if the sign is hanging on the door) Knock firmly and say “Housekeeping” ( do not use key ) Wait for a response, if there is no answer, then you have to knock again, and say, “Housekeeping” Wait a second time for response, there’s still no answer, then you have to knock again and say “Housekeeping” If the guest is sleeping or the guest is in the bath room, leave quietly and close the door If the guest is inside, ask the permittion to clean up the room If the room is unoccupied, position your cart in front of the door and leave the door open, then you can start clean the room If the guest returns while you are cleaning, you can offer to finsh later. Ask to see the guest’s room key to verity that the key and room number is match Bina Nusantara University
STEP 2 BEGINNING TASK Remove the hand caddy from cart and carry it into the bathroom Turn all the lights. Replace any burned out the light bulbs Open the draperies. Check drapery cords and hooks Open windows or sliding door if appropriate. Check for breakage and dirt Check the air conditioning and heating unit for proper operation. Set according to property standards, and check general room condition Remove and replace dirty ashtrays and dirty glasses Collect any foods service trays and dishes - set items neatly outside the door - call room service for pick up the trolley Empty the trash and replace wastebasket liners For check – out, report any personal belongings left behind by the guest to your supervisor Bina Nusantara University
STEP 3 STRIPPING THE BED Remove any clothing or personal items from the bed Remove the bedcover and blanket, then place them on chair Remove cases from pillows. Plave pillows aside with the bedcover and blanket Remove the sheet ( one by one ) Put soiled linen into the dirty linen on the cart Check under the bed for trash or guest items. Remove them to a convenient place Bina Nusantara University
STEP 4 MAKING THE BED Check the mattress paad for stain and damage, change the matress pad if necessary Center the bottom sheet on the matress Place the second sheet on the bed, wromg side up Place the blanket on second of the second sheet Place the third/top sheet on blanket At the head of the bed, turn the top sheet over the blanket about 30 cm – 40 cm Make sure the blanket and sheet are tucked in neatly along the sides and foot of the bed Center the bedcover and fold the bedcover down from the head, leaving enough room to cover the pillows Place the pillows at the head of the bed and bring the bedcover over them. Tuck in the bedcover beneath the pillows Take a moment to check for smoothness both up close and from a distance. Smooth out any wrinkles. Bina Nusantara University
Dust and polish mirror Dust the windowsill Dust any tables and chairs Clean and dust the telephone. Check proper operation by picking up receiver and listening for the dial tone Dust the television. Turn it on to make sure it works properly, then turn it off Clean the closet/wardrobe Clean the both sides of the guestroom door Restock the room with the guest supplies Bina Nusantara University
Turn on lights, remove used towels and bathmat Empty trash and wipe container Flush and clean the toilet bowl Clean the bathtub and shower area Clean the vanity and washbasin area Clean the bathroom Restock bathroom supplies Clean the floor Make one final check and turn off the lights. Bina Nusantara University
Take vacuum to the farthest corner in the guest room, begin vacuuming Vacuum your way back to the door Close windows and turn off lights along the way Bina Nusantara University
STEP 8 CHECKING THE GUEST ROOM Check that all supplies and equipment are properly loaded back on the room attendant’s cart Smell the air spray the air freshner if necessary Make sure all lights are turned off Leave the room and close the door. Make sure it is locked Indicate status of the room ( room attendant report ) Bina Nusantara University
Soal Persiapan apa saja yang dibutuhkan seorang room attendant untuk membersihkan kamar tamu? Sebutkan 8 langkah membersihkan kamar dan jelaskan! Bina Nusantara University
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