Tugas media pembelajaran Nama : Nafsul Mutmainah Kelas : VII C NIM : A 410 080 148.

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1 Tugas media pembelajaran Nama : Nafsul Mutmainah Kelas : VII C NIM : A 410 080 148

2 How expressions showing on algebraic forms ? ALGEBRAIC FORMS 1.Define Algebraic Forms By : Nafsul Mutmainah (A410080148)

3 suppose, Mr. Bambang has 12 hen and 25 duck. He want buy motorcycle but he haven't enough money buy it, so he is going to sell of them. If price one hen is x rupiah and one duck is y rupiah, how much money he will receive?. Example :

4 12x + 25y Term s Variable COEFFICIENT ALGEBRAIC FORM Find the terms, the variables, and the coefficients of the following algebraic forms : 1.8x 2.21axw 3.6x 2 4.16 w 2 + 2w 5.3xb 2 + 12p - 2q 5 + x 3 p If any this problems

5 2.Definition Of Like And Unlike Terms 6x + 26y + 23x + 5y Like terms Find out the like terms of the following algebraic form!

6 p 2 q – q 2 p + 5qp 3 – 6pq Unlike terms (suku tidak sejenis) Variabel berbeda

7 Exercise : Find out the like terms of the following algebraic forms! 1.ab – 12ab + 5 2.2pq 3 – 3bt + 16b 2 q 3.14t 2 – 13ht + 12t 2 + 12h 2 + 3ht

8 3. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF LIKE AND UNLIKE TERMS Key word : bentuk--bentuk aljabar yang mengandung suku sejenis dapat disederhanakan dengan menjumlahkan atau menguranginya, suku tidak sejenis tidak dapat disederhanakan Langkah pengerjaan : kelompokkan suku-suku yang sejenis dahulu

9 Example Simplify the following algebraic form : a.17x 3 y– 2xy 3 + 4yx 3 – 6x 3 y penyelesaian : Ingat!!!  keyword : suku yang sama bisa disederhanakan (dijumlahkan atau dikurangi), sedang suku yang tidak sama tidak bisa di sederhanakan  langkah pengerjaan :kelompokkan suku-suku sejenis dulu 17x 3 y– 2xy 3 + 4xy 3 – 6x 3 y = (17x 3 y - 6x 3 y) + (4xy 3 - 2xy 3 ) 11 x 3 y 2 xy 3 +

10 Exercise : Simplify the following algebraic forms : 1.b 3 – 2a + b 2 + 4a + 2b 2 –b 3 2.24t 2 + 12ht – 8t 2 + 2ht 3.(3p 3 – 2aq 2 + 5) – (p 2 – aq 2 –10)


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