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Presentasi berjudul: "WRITING AND PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH PAPER IN REPUTABLE JOURNALS Siti Nurmaini Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya."— Transcript presentasi:

1 WRITING AND PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH PAPER IN REPUTABLE JOURNALS Siti Nurmaini Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya

2 Alasan Authors untuk publikasi?

3  Jurnal nasional  Jurnal nasional terakreditasi  Jurnal internasional  Jurnal Internasional bereputasi

4  Karya ilmiah ditulis dengan memenuhi kaidah ilmiah dan etika keilmuan  Memiliki ISSN  Memiliki terbitan versi online  Dikelola secara profesional: ketepatan keberkalaan, ketersediaan petunjuk penulisan, identitas jurnal, dll.  Bertujuan menampung/mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah dan atau konsep ilmiah dalam disiplin ilmu tertentu  Ditujukan kepada masyarakat ilmiah/peneliti yang mempunyai disiplin-disiplin keilmuan yang relevan.  Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit/badan Ilmiah/Organisasi Profesi/Perguruan Tinggi dengan unit-unitnya.  Bahasa yang digunakan adalah Bahasa Indonesia dan atau Bahasa Inggris dengan abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia.  Memuat karya ilmiah dari penulis yang berasal dari minimal dua institusi yang berbeda  Mempunyai dewan redaksi/editor yang terdiri dari para ahli dalam bidangnya dan berasal dari minimal dua institusi yang berbeda  Jurnal nasional yang memenuhi kriteria a sampai j dan terindek oleh DOAJ diberi nilai yang lebih tinggi dari jurnal nasional yaitu maksimal 15

5  Jurnal nasional terakreditasi adalah majalah ilmiah yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai jurnal nasional berdasarkan peraturan Dirjen Dikti atau Kepala LIPI tentang terbitan berkala ilmiah dan mendapat status terakreditasi dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi atau kepala LIPI dengan masa berlaku hasil akreditasi yang sesuai

6  Karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan ditulis dengan memenuhi kaidah ilmiah dan etika keilmuan  Memiliki ISSN  Ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa resmi PBB (Inggris, Perancis, Arab, Rusia, dan Cina)  Memiliki terbitan versi online  Dikelola secara profesional  Editorial Board (Dewan Redaksi) adalah pakar di bidangnya dan biasanya berasal dari berbagai negara.  Artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan dalam satu issue berasal dari penulis berbagai negara  Memuat karya ilmiah dari penulis yang berasal dari berbagai negara dalam setiap penerbitannya

7  Jurnal internasional bereputasi adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria jurnal internasional pada point c dengan kriteria tambahan terindek oleh database internasional bereputasi (Scopus, Web of Science) dan mempunyai faktor dampak (impact factor) dari ISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) atau Scimago Journal Rank (SJR). Jurnal ini mempunyai urutan tertinggi dalam penilaian karya ilmiah dengan nilai maksimal 40.  Jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria jurnal internasional pada butir c dan terindek oleh database internasional bereputasi (Scopus dan Web of Science) namun belum mempunyai faktor dampak (impact factor) dari ISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) atau Schimago Journal Rank (SJR) menempati urutan kedua dalam penilaian dengan nilai maksimal 30.

8 Documents in Scopus


10 Indonesia Scopus Data

11 Citable vs nonCitable Documents

12 Country20112015 Malaysia4679 Thailand26 Philiphine1322 Indonesia823

13 DAFTAR JURNAL INDONESIA TERINDEKS SCOPUS PER SEPTEMBER 2015 NoNama Jurnal IlmiahPenerbit 1International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 2Journal of ICT Research and ApplicationsInstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 3Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 4Journal of Engineering and Technological SciencesInstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 5Indonesian Journal of ChemistryUniversitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 6Gadjah Mada International Journal of BusinessUniversitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 7International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) 8International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) 9Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) 10International Journal of TechnologyUniversitas Indonesia (UI) 11BiodiversitasUniversitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS) 12Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) 13AgrivitaUniversitas Brawijaya (UB) 14Al-Jami’ahUIN Sunan Kalijaga 15TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 16BiotropiaSEAMEO BIOTROP 17Critical Care and ShockIndonesian Society of Critical Care Medicine 18Acta Medica IndonesianaIndonesian Society of Internal Medicine 19Kukila (Bulletin of Indonesian ornithology)Pusat Informasi Lingkungan Indonesia 20Studia IslamikaUIN Jakarta

14 Year Improveme nt Total Journals World Ranks 200933 66 20101114 49 20111327 44 20121643 35 201365108 26 2014 511322 201511622914 2016 (Maret) 9432312DOAJ Perkembangan Jurnal Indonesia

15 10 Nopember 2015DOAJ Perkembangan Jurnal di Negara ASEAN

16 Peringkat Indonesia di DOAJ Peringkat 12 Dunia

17 Data Jumlah Permohonan ISSN ke PDII LIPI Tanggal 15 Nopember 2015: 32.768 Tanggal 19 Januari 2016: 34.060 Total SK E-ISSN Diproses: 5.680 Tanggal 11 Maret 2016: 35.085

18 Jurnal Ilmiah Elektronik di IndonesiaTREND Tanggal 15 Nopember 2015 : 9.840 11 September Tanggal 15 Januari 2016: 11.480

19 Per Februari 2015 197 Jurnal LIPI Jurnal Ilmiah Terakreditasi NasionalJumlah LIPI 47% DIKTI 53%

20 Reputable Journal  High Impact (Thomson Reuters)  H Index (Elsevier)  DOAJ  International  National Journal Accredited by DIKTI  National Journal

21 Reputable Journal  Scopus (Elsevier) Q1 sd Q4 H Index  Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)  SCI  SCIE  SSCI  ESCI

22 Quality of Journal  Journal Impact Factor (JIF)  SJR dan SNIP  H-index dan i10-index  Jumlah publikasi dan persentasi penolakan artikel  Jumlah Sitasi  Dewan redaksi  Akreditasi Jurnal  Indeksasi Jurnal

23 Contents  How to carry out research  Writing Research Paper  Selection of title  Making paper outline  Filling outline  Proof reading  Paper Publication  Assessment of paper quality  Selection of suitable journal  Submission, Review and Paper revision

24 How to carry out research  Reading strategy  Read paper  Read reference material  Don’t give up  Implement paper  Read and implement strategy  Compare your results with paper under study

25 How to carry out research  Comments on paper  Limitations of paper  Advantages/disadvantages  Future work  Modifications/changes which can improve results  Directions of research  Modification/improvement of existing algorithm/technique  Writing new algorithm which may be related to some other algorithm  Implementing/testing entirely new idea

26 Result Analysis/testing  Using standard datasets  Deciding parameters  Computational efficiency  Accuracy of results  Comparison with other algorithms  May require implementation of other algorithms  Analyzing advantages and limitations of proposed strategy  Accumulating the results for documentation

27 Recommended Sequence of Paper Writing  Title  Author’s Affiliation  Abstract  Keywords  Introduction

28 Recommended Sequences of Paper Writing  Section 2 (state of the art/review)  Section 3 (research methodology)  Experimental Results and discussion  Conclusion  References

29 Title of Paper  Accurate representation of contents of paper  Reader should have good idea of what this paper is all about  Examples 1  Enhanced Bezier curve model  Enhanced Bezier curve model using local information  Examples 2  Facial Expression recognition  An analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion

30 Author’s Affiliation  It should include your name, department, university/organization, contact details  Sequence of authors  Highest contributing author should come first and least contributing should come in the end  Higher contribution is not more work  Corresponding author – he talks on behalf of other author(s). Make sure to take all authors on board

31 Making Paper Outline  Decide what all you would like to include in your paper  What should be the main sections of paper  What all figures and tables you would like to show  Make sub heading under each section  Note down the points you want to include in each section/sub-section  It is always helpful to consult other (related) paper while making your detailed outline  Make final arrangements of your outline before writing

32 Filling the Outlines  Make structure of paper i.e. give title, affiliation and other heading with the gaps to fill-in subsequently  Make schedule to help you keep track of time  Don’t bother about no of pages and formatting at this stage.  Start writing the paper from “Methodology section”  You should focus on preparing a draft copy first  In draft copy, write freely by keeping yourself as close to your outline as possible

33 Paper Writing  Abstract  Problem statement  Proposed method  Obtained results  Main advantages  Keywords  Words that specify various subtopics being covered in paper

34 Paper Writing  Introduction  Proposed research in broad perspective  Existing works  Problem statement  Brief description of proposed work  Author’s contribution (how proposed technique is different from others)  Some comment on results  Organization of paper

35 Paper Writing - Introduction Bulleted list of contributions Do not leave the reader to guess what your contributions are!

36 Paper Writing – Related work Related work Your readerYour idea We adopt the notion of transaction from Brown [1], as modified for distributed systems by White [2], using the four-phase interpolation algorithm of Green [3]. Our work differs from White in our advanced revocation protocol, which deals with the case of priority inversion as described by Yellow [4].

37 Paper Writing – Related work Problem 1: the reader knows nothing about the problem yet; so your (carefully trimmed) description of various technical trade offs is absolutely incomprehensible Problem 2: describing alternative approaches gets between the reader and your idea I feel tired I feel stupid

38 Paper Writing – Related work FallacyTo make my work look good, I have to make other people’s work look bad

39 Paper Writing  Section 2  Any preprocessing  Initial setup for processing  Description of basic model / approache to be used in main algorithm  Section 3  Description of proposed algorithm

40 Paper Writing Failing to give credit to others can kill your paper If you imply that an idea is yours, and the referee knows it is not, then either  You don’t know that it’s an old idea (bad)  You do know, but are pretending it’s yours (very bad)

41 Paper Writing  Result Analysis  Description of different parameters/datasets for analysis of results  Methodology to obtain results  Showing results in figures/tables  Description/Discussion on results  Highlight different advantage obtained  Comparison of results  Summary of results using graphs/tables

42 Paper Writing  Conclusion  Brief summary  Results obtained  Future work  Acknowledgements  References  Learn how to write reference  Referred material should be available to general public  Order of referred material

43 Guidelines to Write a Paper  Try to explain your points with different illustrations like figures, diagrams, tables, equations and algorithms  Description of your method/technique is always strong/convincing if backed by some mathematical model.  Be focused, accurate and simple  Practice more and refine your writing skills

44 Guidelines to Write a Paper  Maintain continuity and flow of your description  Learn to explain things in your own words. Don’t consult other papers for that purpose.  Once a paragraph is complete, read it again for any errors/mistakes  Complete one section and then go to next section  Avoid repetition of same word again and again  Figures/tables should be original and clear  Equation no should be right aligned

45 Guidelines to Write a Paper  Use proper method of citing references, figures and tables  Figure/table citation should come before figure/table  Fig. 3, Figure 3, Table 2, Section 2  Give sufficient references. Do refer where ever needed  Make yourself proficient in technical writing  Explain things in your own words  Put yourself in the shoes of reader and go though the paper

46 Things to Avoid  Don’t copy sentence or part of sentence from any other paper  Use quotes if at all you need to write sentence of someone else  Don’t repeat any sentence or equation in your paper  Don’t use statements like “I think…”, “In my Opinion…” etc

47 Word Processors  Two most popular word processors  MS word  WYSIWYG  Easy to use and learn  Formatting for lengthy documents  LaTeX  Excellent formatted output  Very good cross referencing system for figures, tables etc.  Mark-up language based, so more time needed to learn  Not WYSIWYG

48 Visual Structure  Give strong visual structure to your paper using  sections and sub-sections  bullets  italics  laid-out code  Find out how to draw pictures, and use them

49 Visual Structure

50 Language NOYES It can be seen that...We can see that... 34 tests were runWe ran 34 tests These properties were thought desirable We wanted to retain these properties It might be thought that this would be a type error One might think this would be a type error The passive voice is “respectable” but it DEADENS your paper. Avoid it at all costs. “We” = you and the reader “We” = the authors

51 Language – Be simple NOYES The object under study was displaced horizontally The bar moved sideways On an annual basisYearly Endeavour to ascertainFind out....

52 Proof Reading  Write first draft  Read the text after each paragraph  After completing a section, read it again  After writing complete paper read the paper with the point of view of read  Make sure  It is simple to understand  Contents are explained in correct sequence  Explain in full detail and don’t assume that reader would fill-in the missing gaps himself

53 Important Issues in Paper writing  Plagiarism  Multiple submissions  Research Ethics

54 Paper Publication  Need patience  Do not make hurry in publication  Assess the quality of your work properly  Find out the suitable journal for publication  Submit the paper  Wait for decision

55 How to assess quality of your paper  Scan through literature  Take comments from related people

56 Selection of suitable Journal for Publication  Journal should be related to the area of your paper  Journal Citation Report  Publisher  History of journal (how old)  Review process

57 Paper Submission  Checkout the submission procedure  Don’t bother about the no of pages and paper format at this stage  Avoid multiple submissions  Avoid publishing journals  Keep record of submitted papers

58 Review Process  Wait for the decision patiently  Forget about the submitted paper and start working on next phase/task

59 Review Process  Single Blind Review  Reviewers know the authors  Authors do not know the reviewers  Double Blind Review  Reviewers do not know the authors  Authors do not know the reviewers

60 Listen to Reviewers Treat every review like gold dust Be (truly) grateful for criticism as well as praise This is really hard But it’s really, really, really important

61 Listen to Reviewers  Take it very seriously  Remember – your paper will be published if you can fulfil the reviewer comments  Perform 200% in this phase  Address each comment properly, even if you don’t agree with some points  Re-submit paper with report on what all have you done for each comment by the reviewers

62 Listen to Reviewers  Read every criticism as a positive suggestion for something you could explain more clearly  DO NOT respond “you stupid person, I meant X”. Fix the paper so that X is apparent even to the stupidest reader.  Thank them warmly. They have given up their time for you.

63 Predatory, Fake and Hijacked Scientific Journal  Istilah jurnal predator predator mulai dikenal pada tahun 2012 setelah dipopulerkan oleh Jeafry Bell di majalah Nature pada tahun 2012 dan bisa diakses melalui laman Jurnal predator dibuat untuk tujuan memperoleh keuntungan dan mengabaikan proses penelaahan (review) oleh pakar di bidangnya untuk setiap artikel yang diterima penerbit.

64 Predatory, Fake and Hijacked Scientific Journal  Https:// Https://  predatory-publishers-2016/ predatory-publishers-2016/  rs/home rs/home 

65 Plagiarism, Falsification and Pabrication  Fabrication Making up data or results and recording or reporting them (Office of Research Integrity, 2008)  Falsification Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results (Office of Research Integrity, 2008)  Plagiarism Using another person's ideas, processes, text, word or results without giving appropriate credit (Office of Research Integrity, 2008)  Self Plagiarism Publication of paper or each part of the research that are identical or the same in hypothesis, results, and conclusions (Office of Research Integrity, 2008)

66 Personal Indexation  Google Scholar  Research Gate  Academic Edu  OrcidID  ResearchID

67 Thank You

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