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EL10T1 Konsep Teknologi Perbandingan Daftar Isi Hotzapple, MT and WD Rice, Concepts in Engineering, MGH, 2005 Horenstein, MN, Design Concepts for Engineer,

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Presentasi berjudul: "EL10T1 Konsep Teknologi Perbandingan Daftar Isi Hotzapple, MT and WD Rice, Concepts in Engineering, MGH, 2005 Horenstein, MN, Design Concepts for Engineer,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 EL10T1 Konsep Teknologi Perbandingan Daftar Isi Hotzapple, MT and WD Rice, Concepts in Engineering, MGH, 2005 Horenstein, MN, Design Concepts for Engineer, Prentice Hall, 2002

2 Garis Besar Daftar Isi  Chp 1 The Engineer  Chp 2 Engineering Ethic  Chp 3 Problem Solving  Chp 4 Introduction To Design  Chp 5 Engineering Communications  Chp 6 Number  Chp 7 Tables An Graphs  Chp 8 Si System Of Units  Chp 9 Unit Conversions  Chp 1 What Is Engineering  Chp 2 What Is Design?  Chp 3 Working in Team  Chp 4 Engineering Design Tool  Chp 5 The Human-machine Interface  Chp 6 Engineers and The Real World  Chp 7 Learning to Speak, Write, and Make Presentations  Chp 8 The Day of the Peak Performance Design Competition

3 Silabus Dokumen Kurikulum  Perkembangan Teknologi & Ilmu Pengetahuan  Peranan Iptek dalam Kehidupan (Horenstein Chp 6)  Model  Sistem  Sistem dan Umpan Balik  Stabilitas  Pengambilan Keputusan dan Optimasi (Hotzapple Chp 3)  Kerekayasaan (Hotzapple Chp 1 dan 3, Horenstein Chp 1)  Disain (Hotzapple Chp 4, Horenstein Chp 2)  Keprofesian (Hotzapple Chp 1, Horenstein Chp 1)  Kreativitas, Kompetensi Dan Hak Cipta (Hotzapple Chp 1)

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