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Understanding human behavior (Prilaku manusia). Human?  Sigmund Freud; human beings are just mechanical creatures, whom he views as prisoners of primitive.

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1 Understanding human behavior (Prilaku manusia)

2 Human?  Sigmund Freud; human beings are just mechanical creatures, whom he views as prisoners of primitive instincts and powers, which we can barely control. He states that our purpose is to control these instincts and powers.  Manusia sbg homo sapiens (berpikir), homo faber, homo educandum, makhluk kompleks.  Di Indonesia: sebagai makhluk individu dan sosial, jasmani dan rohani, dunia akhirat.  Manusia>malaikat, dan kadang manusia <binatang  Manusia tidak ada yang sempurna, dan berbeda-beda (keyakinan, aktivitas, cara, kebiasaan, feeling, relationships, dll  fisik dan psikis). Bahkan dengan nabi saja kita berbeda (hanya sedikit). Dihadapan Allah yang membedakan adalah taqwanya. Apa yang membuat beda? persepsi, keadaan, kecendrungan (tendendy)  muncul kebutuhan bahkan pendidikan.  Peserta didik sbg pribadi yang utuh

3 Self-actualization Esteem Love/Belonging Safety Physiological

4 Human Behavior?  Human behavior is the population of behaviors exhibited by humans and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport/relationship, hypnosis, persuasion/bujukan, coercion/paksaan and/or genetics.  Factors affecting human behavior  Genetics  Attitude – the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.  Social norms – the influence of social pressure that is perceived by the individual (normative beliefs) to perform or not perform a certain behavior.  Perceived behavioral control – the individual’s belief concerning how easy or difficult performing the behavior will be.

5 Human Behavior?  Misunderstanding behavior: all behavior has a single cause, bahkan single cause-and-effect.  The danger: teaching children to think in stereotyped ways; meniru-niru, yang umum dianggap suatu kebenaran.  Always placing the blame on someone else (selalu menyalahkan orang lain)  The Effects of development of human behavior (in education):  Physical growth and development.  Coqnitive growth  Attitude  Education (include moral education) and student discipline.

6 Theory of human behavior  The billiard ball theory of human behavior: one cause and one effect.  The volcanic theory of human behavior: behavior changes all the time, is unpredictable and random.  Behavior as impulsive and situational, complicated.  Our problem as educators, is not to spend a lot of time trying to find out what make people tick or what causes children to behave in certain ways.  Then where are we?  Theory as a tentative explanation

7 Pelatihan RPKPS Teknik Industri-UMM by MME 7 Terima kasih…, semoga bermanfaat.

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