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Kehutanan Sosial (Social Forestry) KTM 311

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kehutanan Sosial (Social Forestry) KTM 311"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kehutanan Sosial (Social Forestry) KTM 311
Dosen: Prof. Dr. Hasanu Simon Teguh Yuwono, MSc Dwiko Budi Permadi, MSc Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

2 Personal email Reader (bahan bacaan) Group (kelompok)
Bahan ajar: T. Yuwono Journal (mostly in English) by (elisa) Lain-lain Group (kelompok)

3 (improved the management of forests and nature conservation)
Proposition 1 “Kehutanan sosial merupakan paradigma baru yang akan mampu memperbaiki pengelolaan hutan dan konservasi alam” (improved the management of forests and nature conservation) Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

4 (improved socio-economic development)
Proposition 2 Kehutanan sosial didasarkan pada asumsi untuk memperbaiki pembangunan sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar hutan” (improved socio-economic development) Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

5 Proposition 3 Tujuan “pembangunan” dan “konservasi alam” dapat disatukan melalui pendekatan community based forest management and conservation. Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

6 Menu hari ini: Sejarah dan asumsi dasar SF
Rintisan dan perkembangan SF Karakteristik utama Asumsi dasar Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

7 Pertimbangan dasar Hutan bukanlah rimba liar tanpa pengaruh manusia
60 juta masyarakat adat (indigenous people) 400 – 500 juta masyarakat yang bergantung hidupnya pada hutan (forest dependent people, fdp) Kebutuhan hidup masyarakat tersebut harus diperhitungkan dalam pengelolaan/konservasi hutan Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

8 Official forest ownership in 24 of top 30 forest countries
Owned and administered by governments: 2803 million hectares (77%) Owned by government and reserved for community and indigenous groups: 131 million hectares (4%) Owned and administered by community and indigenous groups: 246 million hectares (7%) Owned and administered by firms and individuals: 443 million hectares (12%) Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

9 Rintisan dan Perkembangan
1976 istilah social forestry di India Dikuatkan oleh FAO 1978 World Forestry Congress VIII di Jakarta  forests for people 1980 World conservation union congress (IUCN), WWF dan UNEP Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

10 National Commission on Agriculture, India, 1976
Stimulate social forestry to make it possible to meet the villagers needs for forest products from readily accessible areas, and thereby lighten the burden on industrial production forests FAO programme on Forestry for local community development, 1976 Rural dependence on forest outputs such as fuelwood and timber, food, and income should be met by stimulating local forest management Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

11 WWF VIII  forest for people: communal actions by rural people
rescindment of Westoby notion about industrialization and modernization 1980 World Conservation Strategy (IUCN,UNEP, WWF)  Three main considerations Conservation also needed outside official nature reserves Growing interest in grass-root development Later added: Rights for indigenous people Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

12 Development of SF/CBFMC
Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

13 Asumsi dasar 1: memperbaiki pengelolaan hutan dan konservasi
Involvement of all available human resources for efficient resource conservation Change open-access resource use to community controlled use Local resource use can take pressure away from main conservation areas Small-scale community activities more sustainable than large-scale commercial activities Local communities cannot ‘walk away’ from environmental degradation and its negative consequences Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

14 Asumsi dasar 2: memperbaiki pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi
Small-scale community activities more sustainable than large-scale commercial activities Local communities cannot ‘walk away’ from environmental degradation and its negative consequences Underprivileged groups should be empowered to gain control over the natural resources needed by them Involvement landless people Stimulation of gender equity Preservation of cultural integrity of tribal people Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

15 SF Vs Conventional Forestry
Role of actors involved Organizational characteristics Technical characteristics Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

16 Role of actors involved
Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

17 Organizational characteristics
Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

18 Technical characteristics
Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

19 Conclusion SF heralded as strategy for integration of environmental and development concerns But still two contrasting views on scope CBNRM: SF as a tool for more effective conservation of natural resources SF as a tool for more democratic involvement in use and management of natural resources in agreement with basic values and needs of rural communities Universitas Gadjah Mada Fakultas Kehutanan, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan

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