Personality and emotions
Why? Why some people are quite and passive, while others are loud and aggressive? Are certain personality types better adapted to certain job types? Why do personality and emotions have to do with OB?
What is? The dynamic organization within individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment (Allport)
Personality A person’s general style of interacting with the world People differ from one another in ways that are relatively consistent over time and place
Personality Individual personality: Forecasting behavior of particular individual
Determinant of Personality Heredity Environment: culture Situation
The role of DNA
DISC Personality Types Based on William Moulton Marston’s personality style (1928) Active Extroverted Passive Introverted D Task Oriented People Oriented I S C
DISC Personality Type D ominant Type General Characteristic : Direct Decisive High Ego Strength Problem Solver Risk Taker
DISC Personality Type Enthusiastic. Trusting Optimistic Persuasive Talkative Impulsive Emotional I nfluence Type
DISC Personality Type General Characteristic : Good listener, Team player, Possessive, Steady, Predictable, Understanding, Friendly. S table Type
Disc Personality Type C ompliance Type Accurate; analytical. Conscientious; careful. Fact-finder; precise. High standards; systematic
Model Lima Besar Ekstraversi (Extraversion) Mudah akur dan mudah bersepakat (Agreeableness) Sifat berhati-hati(Conscientiousness) Stabilitas Emosi (Emotional stability) Terbuka terhadap hal-hal baru (openness to experience)
Sifat Kepribadian Utama yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Organisasi Evaluasi Inti Diri (Core self evalution) –Harga Diri (Self-Esteem) –Lokus Kendali (Locus of Control) Machiavellianisme. (Hasil lebih penting daripada proses) Narsisme. –Cenderung arogan –Rasa kepentingan diri yang berlebihan –Membutuhkan pengakuan berlebih –Mengutamakan diri sendiri
Sifat Kepribadian Utama yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Organisasi Pemantauan diri (self monitoring) Pengambilan Risiko Kepribadian Tipe A –Selalu bergerak, berjalan dan makan dengan cepat –Merasa tidak sabaran –Berusaha keras untuk memikirkan dan melakukan dua hal atau lebih pada saat bersamaan –Tidak dapat menikmati waktu luang –Terobsesi dengan angka-angka, mengukur keberhasilan dalam bentuk jumlah hal yang bisa mereka peroleh.
Prior Experien ce Behavior Models Persuasio n from Others Assessm ent of Physical/ Emotional State High : “ I know I can do this Job” Self Efficacy Belief Low : “ I don’t think I can get the job done” Be active (select best opportunities); manage the situation; set goals; plan- prepare – practice; try hard; creatively solve problem; learn from setbacks; visualizes success; limit stress. Be passive; avoid difficult tasks; develop weak aspirations & low commiment; focus on personal defficiences; don’t even try; quit or become discouraged because of setbacks; blame setbacks on lack of ability/ badluck; worry, experience stress, become depressed; think of excusses for failing SOURCE
Major personality attributes influencing OB Risk taking Type A and B personality
What Is Emotions?
Emotions Affect: a broad range of feelings that people experience Emotions: Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something Moods: feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus
Mood or emotion? Angry at coworker because he/she criticized you Feeling down all day
Felt Vs. displayed emotions Felt emotions: individual’s actual emotions Displayed emotions: emotions that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job
Emotion and gender Women show greater emotional expression than men and experience emotions more intensely
OB application Emotions selection Decision making Motivation Leader- ship Inter- personal Conflict Deviant Workplace Behavior