Safety Leadership Asosiasi Pengusaha Batubara Indonesia


Presentasi serupa

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Transcript presentasi:

Safety Leadership Asosiasi Pengusaha Batubara Indonesia Jakarta, 8 Maret 2016 Dwi Pudjiarso == 08121065202

Kondisi Tambang Sulit No Loss Lebih Efisien REFOCUS

Never compromise safety.

Keunikan Tambang

Siapa kita K3 Tambang?

K3 TAMBANG Di bawah BINWAS ESDM Berkiblat pada UU-1/1970, PP-19/1973, Kepmen-555/1995, UU Minerba-4/2009, SMKP Minerba-38/2014 Dipimpin oleh seorang KTT KTT dibantu oleh pengawas operasional dan pengawas teknis Kontraktor dipimpin oleh PJO

PENGAWAS OPERASIONAL MADYA (POM) K3 TAMBANG Site Director / KTT HSE Mgr Kepala Divisi / WKTT Kepala Tambang Bawah Tanah Kepala Kapal Keruk KAIT: 1. Direktur Teknik ESDM 2. Ka Dinas Tambang Propinsi Inspektur Tambang Ka Dept PJO Dirjen ESDM PENGAWAS OPERASIONAL MADYA (POM) PENGAWAS OPERASIONAL DAN PENGAWAS TEKNIS (POP)

Apa bedanya?

DASAR HUKUM SMKP MINERBA PP Keselamatan Kerja Tambang UUD 1945 Pasal 27 (2) UUD 1945 Pasal 33 (2 & 3) UU Keselamatan Kerja UU No.1/1970 UU Ketenagakerjaan UU No.13 /2003 Pasal 86 & 87 UU Minerba UU No.4 /2009 Pasal 96 & 141 PP Keselamatan Kerja Tambang PP No.19/1973 PP Penerapan SMK3 PP No. 50 / 2012 PP Binwas Minerba PP No.55 /2010 Pasal 16, 26 & 27 Pasal 4 (2) & 19 Kepmen PE No.555.K/26/MPE/1995 SMKP Permen ESDM No.38 Th.2014

DEFINISI DAN RUANG LINGKUP SMKP Bagian dari sistem manajemen perusahaan secara keseluruhan dalam rangka pengendalian risiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerja guna terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien dan produktif. (PP 50 / 2012, Pasal 1 angka 1) Perbaikan Berkesinambungan == ==

Konsep Safety

Konsep K3 Inspeksi == HIRAC == == == Training == Investigasi == Standar Kendali == Risiko Kritis (RK) == == == Program Kendali Training == Implementasi Inspeksi == BISNIS PROSES == HIRAC == == == Konsep K3 Investigasi == Slide ini mengilustrasikan Alur Upaya Pencegahan Kecelakaan. Untuk mencapai No Fatality dan no LTI itu seperti mendirikan bill board ini. Setiap langkah bisa diukur dan diquantify dengan nilai 1 - 100%. Konsep pekerjaan

Peran dan Tanggung Jawab K3 STRUKTURAL FUNGSIONAL ANTAR DEPARTEMEN (Masuk di Job Description) (Dengan surat penunjukan) (Standar Tertulis) General Manager Kepala Teknik Tambang Security Department Deputy General Manager Wakil Kepala Teknik Tambang HR Department Anggota Steering Committee Training Department General Superintendent Anggota Crisis Management Team Road Maintenance Department Superintendent Anggota Taskforce Medical Services Supervisor Engineering Department Leader HSE Representative Purchasing Department Karyawan Senior Sukarelawan Fire and Rescue Public Affars Department Karyawan Fire Warden Corporate Communication Karyawan Junior First Aider HSE Department Helper   1. Expectations: Unspoken, unrecognized expectations in the workplace can lead to job frustration, substandard safety performance, decreased job safety commitment and even high turnover.

Kedewasaan Sistem K3 Avoidance Driven Compliance Driven Values Driven Beban K3 Tuntutan K3 Prioritas K3 Tujuan K3 Nilai hidup K3 Siapa kita


Leadership Apa itu leadership? Ada 2 macam manusia di dunia, siapa?

Powerful Leader Kepercayaan Kredibilitas

When leaders say one thing but do another, they erode Ketika yang kita lakukan berbeda dengan yang kita ucapkan, tergeruslah kepercayaan orang pada kita When leaders say one thing but do another, they erode trust, a critical element of Productive leadership.

CIRI-CIRI LEADER – PEMIMPIN Memulai duluan Bergerak sendiri mengikuti standar Tahu kapan mulai dan kapan berhenti Banyak ide-ide Berpikir jauh ke depan FOLLOWER- PENGIKUT Mengekor saja Menunggu diperintah Perlu diingatkan Mengikuti ide orang lain Ikut saja

Jadilah model bagi pengikutmu Model it, encourage it, support it!

8 Leadership Principles Kepemimpinan besar mulai dari diri sendiri, bukan posisi.  Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 2. Kepemimpinan besar adalah perihal tingkat pengaruh kita kepada orang lain, bukan tingkat otoritas.   Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 3. Pemimpin besar banyak mendengar, di samping kemampuan komunikasi. Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 4. Kepemimpinan besar adalah perihal kebijaksanaan, bukan kecerdasan Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles Untuk bisa memimpin dengan baik, kita harus terlebih dahulu bisa menjadi pengikut yang baik. Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 6. Pemimpin besar menciptakan stabilitas dan penggerak perubahan Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 7. Pemimpin hebat memakai powernya dengan cara memberikannya kepada orang lain. Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

8 Leadership Principles 8. Pemimpin yang efektif membutuhkan keberanian  Great leadership begins with the person, not the position.  Before you can lead others, you must first manage yourself.  Leadership is not so much a position you hold as it is a set of disciplines and behaviors you practice, the first and most fundamental of which is self-discipline.  A leader without self-discipline is a disaster waiting to happen. Great leadership is about your level of influence, not your level of authority.  People follow the leader first and the vision second.  If people aren’t committed to you, they will not be committed to the vision you communicate.  Always seek to have your level of influence exceed your level of authority.  Indeed, your influence is your authority.  You establish your personal credibility and authority by consistently living your core values and demonstrating that you are a person others can trust.  Become a person other people want to follow. Great leaders are as good at listening as they are at communicating.  People want their leaders to listen.  Leaders don’t have to agree, but they do need to listen and seek to understand.  People want to be understood at two levels:  intellectual and emotional.  At the intellectual level people want the leader to understand what they are saying.  At the emotional level people want the leader to understand what they are feeling.  Again, listening is not about agreeing with people. It is about respecting them and paying attention to them.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Great leadership is about wisdom, not intelligence.  There are plenty of smart people in positions of leadership. What we need are wise leaders. Our world has an over-abundance of information, but we have a scarcity of real wisdom. Wise leaders have insight, that is, they see beyond the obvious.  Why?  Because they are looking! Before you can lead, you must first learn to follow.  Great leaders are great followers. They are humble.  They do not always need to be in charge. They understand the impact of great followership. If you don’t understand the dynamics of following, then you don’t understand the dynamics of leading.  Many people in positions of authority are ineffective leaders precisely because they are not good followers. Great leaders create stability and drive change.   Effective leaders build and maintain a changeless core. From that foundation they drive continuous change and improvement.  The changeless core is a deep, unwavering commitment to shared values that gives people meaning and identity beyond their role in the organization and beyond the circumstances the organization or its people may be facing.  The commitment to continuous change derives from the leader’s recognition that success requires constant adjustment and continuous improvement.  Today’s world deals ruthlessly with people and organizations who fail to adapt and change.  Great leaders use their power by giving it to others. Effective leaders are a source of power and energy for people, teams, and the organization. They encourage the heart.  They understand that power is not a zero-sum game.  The more a leader empowers others, the stronger and more effective the leader and the team become.  Effective leadership requires courage. Lots of courage. Courage comes from “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Courage means strength of heart. It takes great courage—that is, strength of heart—to be a great leader. 

Membangun Perilaku

Apakah Strategi Safety kita masih: Mencari yang salah, Mempermalukan dan Melatihnya?

Proses Membangun Perilaku (1) Skill Drill (praktek melakukan perilaku yang diinginkan) Pra Kontemplasi (belum tahu bahaya) Kontemplasi (menyadari masalah dan perubahan perilaku yang diinginkan) Persiapan (ingin memulai tindakan) Action (mulai mempraktekkan perilaku yang baru) Perawatan (agar tetap menjalankan perilaku barunya sebagai kebiasaan) Pelatihan Safety


The Power of Recognition

Implikasi Ucapan Terimakasih Atasan senang saya melakukan itu Atasan mau saya melakukan begitu lagi Itu to standar atasan Saya dipedulikan bos Karya saya diakui Yang saya lakukan penting

Tidak Memberi Apresiasi Meninggalkan pesan bahwa: Bos tidak setuju dengan yang saya lakukan Bos tidak mau saya mengulangi itu lagi Yang saya lakukan tidak penting bagi bos Oh itu bukan standar bos Bingung apa to maunya bos

Never pass up someone exhibiting unsafe behavior without correcting it

Never pass up a physical hazard without securing or correcting it

Apresiasi untuk membangun Perilaku K3

1001 Cara Untuk Mengatakan “Great Job”

Ucapan Terimakasih kepada Karyawan Super kamu telah konsisten memakai seatbelt Kamu kelihatan profesional tadi berhenti di rambu STOP Bagus sekali, kamu disiplin mengikuti speed limit Selamat, kamu sudah menyelesaikan shift dengan aman Hebat, saya paling suka melihat kamu memberi aba2 untuk mengangkat Bagus, Hebat, Super Luar biasa Makasih ya Terimakasih Thanks

Ucapan Terimakasih kepada Karyawan Saya suka, P2H mu akurat sekali Super, APD mu lengkap Terimakasih kamu telah lantai shop mu bersih Profesional sekali, kamu membersihkan spill tadi sesuai SOP Memang beda, kamu selalu datang tepat waktu Kau keras, laporanmu masuk pertama Bagus, Hebat, Super Luar biasa Makasih ya Terimakasih Thanks

Komunikasi POSITIF

INTERAKSI POSITIF VS Metode: Presentasi 60% Interaktif 40% Waktu: 15 menit Prinsip utama KOMUNIKASI POSITIF untuk TEMUAN NEGATIF ini adalah: SESEDIKIT mungkin PENGAWAS menghujani CERAMAH kepada karyawan kita. Mereka sudah bosan SESEBANYAK mungkin kita dorong KARYAWAN yang banyak mengeluarkan ide dan masukannya. TARGETNYA: Ajak bicara agar Karyawan sendiri yang MENYAMPAIKAN adanya deviasi Beri kesempatan karyawan yang memberikan IDE PERBAIKAN, dan kita tinggal menyetujui. Itu TARGET dari KOMUNIKASI POSITIF. Setiap pengawas dipersilahkan untuk memakai pendekatan sendiri DETILNYA: Resapi falsafah inspeksi sebelum mulai komunikasi Stop pekerjaan dengan sopan Buka percakapan dengan salam (bukan menegur) Carilah hal-hal positif, lalu beri pujian (sebagai ice breaking) Tanyakan apa yang sedang dikerjakan. (gunakan open ended question) Tanyakan bagaimana tadi dia mengerjakan, apakah sudah aman, sudah sesuai SOP? Kalau dia bilang sudah? (Jangan langsung menyalahkan) Tanyakan SOPnya bagaimana? Kalau dia bisa menjelaskan SOPnya dengan benar, SALAMI atau TOSS dia. Lalu tanyakan apakah tadi dia sudah melakukan seperti itu? Kalau dia tidak bisa menjelaskan SOPnya, tanyakan apakah boleh anda membantu menyelaskan SOPnya? Setelah anda jelaskan SOPnya, lalu tanya lagi, apakah dia tadi sudah mengerjakan seperti itu? Kalau dia bilang YA telah mengerjakan seperti itu, tunjukkan bukti-bukti (seperti mesin yang masih panas, bekas kerja, serbuk yang masih baru, dsb – ini gunanya teknik pengamatan total) Arahkan pembicaraan sampai dia mengakui sendiri, bahwa benar dia tadi tidak mengikuti SOP (BUKAN SALAH) – (ingat bandingkan fakta dan seharusnya) Kalau dia sudah mengakui, tanyakan apa kecelakaan yang bisa terjadi? (Usahakan dia bisa menyebutkan sendiri) Lalu tanyakan kalau kecelakaan itu terjadi, (sentuh hatinya) bagaimana dampaknya pada dia (pekerjaannya, kariernya, istrinya, anaknya) Kalau sudah tersentuh hatinya, tanya bagaimana pendapat dia agar pekerjaan itu bisa dikerjakan dengan lebih aman. Kalau dia belum bisa menjawab benar, arahkan terus pembicaraan sampai dia yang menyebutkan sendiri bagaimana dia seharusnya melakukan pekerjaan itu (sesuai SOP atau yang aman) Waktu dia sudah bisa menyebutkan benar, segera SALAMI atau TOSS dia. Katakan bahwa anda akan MENDUKUNG sepenuhnya. Bila ada atasan atau Kepala Departemen di sana, berikan pujian lagi di depan Kepala Departemennya, atas ide karyawan tsb bagaimana bekerja lebih aman. Di dalam laporan Inspeksi, tuliskanlah ide dan komitmen cemerlang karyawan tsb untuk memperbaiki unsafe actnya sendiri yang telah anda setujui. Bila mungkin selalu lakukan follow up dengan mengontak karyawan tsb menanyakan “Bagaimana ide mu kemarin?” Waktu ada kesempatan ketemu lagi, baik di pekerjaan maupun di kegiatan sosial, tanyakan “Ada ide apalagi untuk membuat pekerjaan lebih aman?”




Konsep 2-6-2 Tinggi 3 2 MAU Rendah Tinggi MAMPU

Hebat Laporan bulananmu selalu kamu kirim tepat waktu

Apa yang terjadi bila anda melihat ini, anda diam saja?

Apa yang terjadi melihat ini, anda diam saja?

Terimakasih kamu sudah berhenti di stop sign. Kamu profesional. KT 4456 come in..... Masuk pak Terimakasih kamu sudah berhenti di stop sign. Kamu profesional. KT 4456

Bagus sekali, kemarin kamu berhenti di Stop sign Kapan to pak? KT 4456

Apa yang sebaiknya anda lakukan waktu melihat karyawan bekerja di ketinggian sudah memakai full body harness dan perlengkapannya dengan benar

Apa yang terjadi bila pagi-pagi kita melihat ruang tidur anak kita sudah rapi jali seperti ii, dan waktu melihat, kita diam saja

Risk Management Kegiatan Pekerjaan Perilaku Perkembangan Risiko “Accident” This model represents how we interact with risk everyday. As long as we manage the risk with the correct behavior, we keep a distance between the two lines. When we don’t manage risk properly, by allowing “risky” behavior, the lines then intersect and that’s when we fall into the “Accident Triangle”. It’s a roll of the dice on the severity. We need to modify our behavior, we know what can happen, WE DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE CHARLIE Perkembangan Risiko Kegiatan Pekerjaan

Terobosan untuk Efisiensi

Stop berpikir normatif

Kritisi apa yang ada untuk untuk tampil lebih efektif == +628121065202 WA