TAKSONOMI TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Rin W Anderson and David R Krathwohl, 2001:25-63) Dr.Ir.Rusmono
Revisi Taksonomi Bloom bersifat dua dimensi: 1. Dimensi Proses Kognitif (Cognitive Process Dimension) 2. Dimensi Pengetahuan (Knowledge Dimension) Dr.Ir.Rusmono
TUJUAN (OBJECTIVE) Pernyataan sebuah tujuan memuat KATA KERJA dan KATA BENDA KATA KERJA, umumnya menggambarkan Proses Kognitif KATA BENDA, menggambarkan pengetahuan yang diharapkan dapat dicapai oleh peserta didik Dr.Ir.Rusmono
CONTOH TUJUAN Siswa akan dapat membedakan (proses kognitif) diantara sistem pemerintahan kesatuan, federal, dan conferederal (pengetahuan) Dr.Ir.Rusmono
(The Knowledge Dimension) DIMENSI PENGETAHUAN (The Knowledge Dimension) Memuat 4 (empat) kategori: Faktual Konseptual Prosedural Metakognitif Dr.Ir.Rusmono
Tabel Taksonomi THE KNOWLEDGE DIMENSION THE COGNITIVE PROCESS DIMENSION Remember C1 Understand C2 Apply C3 Analyze C4 Evaluate C5 Create C6 Factual Knowledge B. Conceptual C. Procedural Knowledge D. Meta-Cognitive Knowledge Jadimana yang betul? Sampaihariini org membuatbukutentangTesdanPengukuran, tetapmenggunakan Taxonomy-nya Bloom. Sampaipandanganinidiakuiolehsemuaorangdidunia. Dr.Ir.Rusmono
PENGETAHUAN FAKTUAL (Factual Knowledge) The basic elements students must know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problemns in it. Knowledge of terminology Knowledge of specitics detals and elements Dr.Ir.Rusmono
PENGETAHUAN KONSEPTUAL (Conceptual Knowledge) The interelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable to function together Knowledge of classifications and categories Knowledge of principles and generalizations Knowledge of theories, models, and structure Dr.Ir.Rusmono
PENGETAHUAN PROSEDURAL (Procedural Knowledge) How to do something, methode of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algoriths, techniques, and methodes. Knowledge of subject specifics skills and algorithms Knowledge of subject-specitics techniqes and methode Knowledge of criteria for determining when to use appropiate procedures Dr.Ir.Rusmono
PENGETAHUAN METAKOGNITIF (Meta-Cognitive Knowledge) Knowledge of cognition in eneral as well as awareness and knowledge of one’s own cognition Strategic knowledge Knowledge about cognitive tasks, including appropriate contextual and conditional knowledge Self-knowledge Dr.Ir.Rusmono
Cognitive Process Dimension THE COGNITIVE PROCESS DIMENSION Educational objective The student will learn to apply the reduce-reuse-recycle approach to conservation Noun the reduce-reuse-recycle approach to conservation Verb apply Cognitive Process Dimension Knowledge Dimension THE KNOWLEDGE DIMENSION THE COGNITIVE PROCESS DIMENSION Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create A. FACTUAL B. CONCEPTUAL C. PROCEDURAL X D. META-COGNITIVE The student will learn to apply the reduce-reuse-recycle approach to conservation Dr.Ir.Rusmono
PENJELASAN TUJUAN: siswa akan belajar menerapkan pendekatan reduce-reuse-recycle pada konservasi KATA KERJA, menerapkan KATA BENDA, pendekatan reduce-reuse- recycle pada konservasi Dr.Ir.Rusmono