EXPLAINING A surgical instrument is a specially designed tool or device for performing specific actions of carrying out desired effects during asurgery or operation, such as modifying biological tissue, or to provide access for viewing it. Over time, many different kinds of surgical instruments and tools have been invented. Some surgical instruments are designed for general use in surgery, while others are designed for a specific procedure or surgery. Accordingly, the nomenclature of surgical instruments follows certain patterns, such as a description of the action it performs (for example, scalpel, hemostat), the name of its inventor(s) (for example, the Kocher forceps),[1] or a compound scientific name related to the kind of surgery (for example, a tracheotome is a tool used to perform a tracheotomy).
CONTINUE...... The expression surgical instrumentation is somewhat interchangeably used with surgical instruments,[2] but its meaning in medical jargon is really the activity of providing assistance to a surgeon with the proper handling of surgical instruments during an operation, by a specialized professional, usually a surgical technologist or sometimes a nurse or radiographer.
INDONESIA Sebuah alat bedah adalah alat yang dirancang khusus atau perangkat untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu melaksanakan efek yang diinginkan selama asurgery atau operasi, seperti memodifikasi jaringan biologis, atau untuk menyediakan akses untuk melihat itu. Seiring waktu, berbagai macam instrumen bedah dan alat telah diciptakan. Beberapa instrumen bedah dirancang untuk penggunaan umum dalam operasi, sementara yang lain dirancang untuk prosedur atau operasi tertentu. Oleh karena itu, nomenklatur instrumen bedah berikut pola-pola tertentu, seperti deskripsi dari tindakan itu melakukan (misalnya, pisau bedah, hemostat), nama penemunya (s) (misalnya, tang Kocher), [1] atau nama ilmiah senyawa yang terkait dengan jenis operasi (misalnya, tracheotome adalah alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan tracheotomy a). Instrumentasi bedah ekspresi agak bergantian digunakan dengan instrumen bedah, [2] tetapi maknanya dalam jargon medis benar- benar kegiatan memberikan bantuan kepada seorang ahli bedah dengan penanganan yang tepat dari instrumen bedah selama operasi, dengan khusus profesional, biasanya bedah teknolog atau kadang-kadang perawat atau radiografer
CONVERSATION IN THE LABORATORIUM Monday morning, the mother wanted to know the results labolatories. Ana's mother wants to see the results of bloodtests carried out checks on Sunday. Mother ana requests for information from the nurse who is a lab room. Mother ana : good morning. Nurse : Good morning, how may I help bu. Mother Nani : I like to question. Nurse : yes, bu. Mother Nani : I want to know the results of my blood labs. Yesterday my blood test, my doctor says Suffering from symptoms of malaria. Nurse : Owh, officers have not come mothers, so mothers can Wait, maybe soon. Mother Nani : ok, fine.
CONTINUE.... (After fifteen minutes of waiting, lab officials to come). Mother Nana : Good morning, sir Officer : Good morning, how may I help you. Nani mother : yes, I am willing to take my blood check result Yesterday, could. Officers : With mothers. Mother Nani : ana mother. Officer : Well, please wait a minute mother ana ya ten minutes. Mother Nani : ok.
CONTINUE...... (Mother ana wait staff who are looking for results of blood tests). Officers : Mrs. ana. Sorry been a long wait. Nani mother : yes, no nothing. Nurses : This blood test results, ana mother. Nani mother : how to do it go, sir. Nurse : mothers exposed to malaria positive. Mother Nani : So, how do sir. Nurses : These results will I submit to the doctor, Doctor's decision, the mother. Nani mother : well, Mr. . (Officer laboratories submit results to the doctor, for further action in the hands of the physician).
Translate the following sentences into English Sudahkah anda berolahraga hari ini, Tomi? Answer:………………………………………. Berapa harikah saya harus dirawat di sini, dok? Apakah obat untuk mengobati penyakit diabetes itu? Apa sajakah gejal yang kamu rasakan selama ini,Budi? Answer:……………………………………… Sudahkah kamu menyuntikan insulin kepada pasien itu? Dimana kah ruang ICU berada?
CONTINUE..... Siapa yang membantu anda berjalan? Answer:…………………………….. Obat apa yang membuat anda alergi? Siapa yang merawat anda hari ini, Mr.Jono? Answer:………………………………….. Makanan apa yang membuat anda merasa ingin muntah? Answer:…………………………………… Answer:……………………………………. Obat apa yang sudah anda berikan kepada pasien itu , sus? Answer:………………………………………