Introduction to 3 Chapter Business Environment
Identifikasi faktor-faktor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis. Sasaran Pembelajaran Identifikasi faktor-faktor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis. Menjelaskan Bagaimana harga pasar ditentukan. Menjelaskan bagaimana pemerintah mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi.
Demand For Firm’s Product Ekonomi dan Nilai Perusahaan Economic Growt Nterest Rate Inflation Demand For Firm’s Product Firm’s Revenue Firm’s Expense Firm’s Value
Faktor makroekonomi mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis Pertumbuhan ekonomi. Inflasi. Tingkat bunga.
Dua Ukuran Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Tingkat total produksi dari produk dan jasa : GDP adalah total nilai seluruh produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan domestik. Alternatif indikator ekonomi : Tingkat Pengangguran.
pertumbuhan ekonomi Tahun GDP menurut harga konstan (GDP riil) (milyar Rp) Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi (persen) 2008 85.081,9 2009 90.080.5 2010 94.517,8 2011 99.936,0
Pertumbuhan negatif diukur dengan Gross Domestic Bruto (GDP) selama 3 triwulan.
Empat Jenis Pengangguran Pengangguran Friksi (Frictional unemployment) Orang-Orang diantara pekerjaan Juga dikenal sebagai pengangguran alami. Pengangguran musiman (Seasonal unemployment) Orang-Orang yang tidaklah diperlukan selama beberapa musim Pengangguran siklus (Cyclical unemployment) Menganggur dalam kaitan dengan kondisi-kondisi ekonomi lemah/miskin. Mungkin merupakan indikator yang terbaik dari kondisi-kondisi ekonomi. Pengangguran Struktural (Structural unemployment) Menganggur dalam kaitan dengan tidak cukupnya ketrampilan kerja
Tren tiga tahunan Pengangguran di Indonesia Sumber BPS
Demand-pull inflation Cost-push inflation Demand-pull inflation Inflasi
Inflasi INA. dari waktu ke waktu Sumber BPS
Perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh : Tingkat Bunga : Cost Of Fund Perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh : Biaya bunga tinggi. ROI rendah. Derajat ekspansi rendah.
Faktor-faktor ekonomi mempengaruhi keuntungan perusahaan Economic Growt Interest Rate Inflation Interest Expense Firm’s Revenue Profit Operating Expense
Law of Demand A decrease in the price of a good, all other things held constant, will cause an increase in the quantity demanded of the good. An increase in the price of a good, all other things held constant, will cause a decrease in the quantity demanded of the good.
Change in Quantity Demanded Price P0 Q0 P1 Q1 An increase in price causes a decrease in quantity demanded.
Change in Quantity Demanded Price P0 Q0 P1 Q1 A decrease in price causes an increase in quantity demanded.
Changes in Demand Change in Buyers’ Tastes Change in Buyers Incomes Normal Goods Inferior Goods Change in the Number of Buyers Change in the Price of Related Goods Substitute Goods Complementary Goods
Change in Demand Quantity Price P0 Q0 Q1 An increase in demand refers to a rightward shift in the market demand curve.
Change in Demand Quantity Price P0 Q1 Q0 A decrease in demand refers to a leftward shift in the market demand curve.
Law of Supply A decrease in the price of a good, all other things held constant, will cause a decrease in the quantity supplied of the good. An increase in the price of a good, all other things held constant, will cause an increase in the quantity supplied of the good.
Change in Quantity Supplied Price P1 Q1 P0 Q0 A decrease in price causes a decrease in quantity supplied.
Change in Quantity Supplied Price P0 Q0 P1 Q1 An increase in price causes an increase in quantity supplied.
Changes in Supply Change in Production Technology Change in Input Prices Change in the Number of Sellers
Change in Supply Quantity Price P0 Q1 Q0 An increase in supply refers to a rightward shift in the market supply curve.
Change in Supply Quantity Price P0 Q1 Q0 A decrease in supply refers to a leftward shift in the market supply curve.
Market Equilibrium Quantity Price P Q D S
Market Equilibrium Quantity Price P0 Q0 D0 S0 Q1 P1 D1 An increase in demand will cause the market equilibrium price and quantity to increase.
Market Equilibrium Quantity Price P1 Q1 S0 Q0 P0 D0 D1 A decrease in demand will cause the market equilibrium price and quantity to decrease.
Market Equilibrium Quantity Price P0 Q0 D0 S0 Q1 P1 S1 An increase in supply will cause the market equilibrium price to decrease and quantity to increase.
Market Equilibrium Quantity Price P1 Q1 D0 Q0 P0 S1 S0 A decrease in supply will cause the market equilibrium price to increase and quantity to decrease.
Expressing Economic Relationships Equations: Tables: Graphs:
Dua Kebijakan Pemerintah yang mempengaruhi ekonomi Kebijakan Moneter : Mengendalikan uang beredar. Kebijakan Fiskal: Mengendalikan Pajak dan pembelanjaan.