Direktur Utama Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Merubah Orientasi PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN PANGAN INDONESIA Bayu Krisnamurthi Ketua Umum PP Perhepi/ Direktur Utama Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan 12 November 2016
Dunia dan Indonesia sedang mengalami perubahan – perubahan yang mendasar …..
16th largest economy in the world 45 million member of consuming class Kekuatan besar Perubahan : KONSUMEN INDONESIA TODAY 16th largest economy in the world 45 million member of consuming class 53% of the population in cities ….. producing 74% of GDP 55 million skilled workers in the economy USD 0,5 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education McKinsey Global Institute, Sept 2012
7th largest economy in the world 135 million member of consuming class INDONESIA in 2030 …. 7th largest economy in the world 135 million member of consuming class 71% of the population in cities ….. producing 86% of GDP 113 million skilled workers needed USD 1.8 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education McKinsey Global Institute, Sept 2012
Share of urban population
Changing Food Expenditure Patterns in Urban Areas
Projected Change in Daily Caloric Intake, East & SE Asia 2009 2030 (proj.) Change Rice 889 850 -4% Other cereals 535 645 21% All meats 350 664 90% Fish 54 79 46% Milk 55 78 42% Vegetables 74 111 50% Fruits 160 280 75% Edible oil 143 210 47% Others 434 273 -37% Total 2,694 3,190 29%
We are in an Innovation-Driven Society Bayu Krisnamurthi
Inovasi kemasan : LEBIH NYAMAN, tetapi juga: -- kurangi sampah -- kurangi emisi -- kurangi jejak karbon -- bisa didaur ulang -- ramah lingkungan Bayu Krisnamurthi
Tidak banyak terjadi perubahan di pertanian Indonesia, misalnya dibandingkan dengan Vietnam 2000 2011 Rice 38.7% 26.4% Other Crops 28.0 29.8 Livestock 13.5 16.1 Capture Fisheries 9.9 8.2 Aquaculture 5.6 16.3 Forestry 4.2 3.2
Diperlukan perubahan dan reorientasi pembangunan pertanian pangan ….
REORIENTASI : PANGAN Sebelumnya Reorientasi Pangan = komoditi, produksi Contoh: pangan = padi, ayam Gizi, kualitas, safety, value Keterjangkauan, alokasi Produksi, distribusi, pasar
TUJUAN (PEMBANGUNAN) PANGAN Sebelumnya Reorientasi Swasembada Kemandirian Kedaulatan Ketahanan Kecukupan, keterjangkauan, ketahanan Kesejahteraan petani Sustainability sistem pangan
INDIKATOR TEKNIS Sebelumnya Reorientasi (Data) produksi Harga Asupan konsumsi pangan Harga Produktivitas: per hektar, per petani, per liter air
PENDAPATAN PETANI Sebelumnya Reorientasi Berpendapatan agar bisa produkTIF Output usahatani padi = -- beras unt karbohidrat -- sekam dan jerami unt energi -- mina-padi unt protein -- ‘rice-bran-oil’ unt vitamin -- campuran beras putih-merah-hitam Berproduksi agar berpendapatan Output usahatani padi = gabah Pendapatan = jumlah gabah x harga gabah
Other product of Rice Plantation Arkansas USA Rice Bran Produced from the outer layer of the brown rice grain. Used in cereals, mixes and vitamin concentrates due to its high levels of vitamin B6, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nicacin, and thiamin. Also rich in fiber. Rice Bran Oil Extracted from the outer layer on the brown rice kernel. A high quality, delicate tasting cooking oil. Studies have shown that it is effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Rice Flour Produced from either white or brown rice ground. Its free from gluten so is non-allergenic. Used to produce rice pasta, crisps, cereals and snacks. Rice Hulls The inedible outer husk layer has many uses from fuel in power plants to mulch and abrasives. It can be used as a packing material to pad fragile cargo during shipping
Other product of Rice Plantation Arkansas USA Rice Starch Produced from the endosperm of the grain, used as a thickener in sauces and desserts. Also used in the manufacture of Rice Syrup. It is present in the endosperm of the grain, making up 90-93% of the milled dry weight. Ash from Hulls Can be used to clean discolored teeth and turned into cellulose products e.g. rayon and rice fuel. Rice Syrup A natural sweetener, less intense than traditional sugar syrups and honey. Produced through a hydrolysis process. Broken Rice Pieces of rice kernels (that are less than ¾ of a full kernel) are used in the manufacture of various products, including rice flour and pet foods. Brewers Rice An ingredient used in brewing, especially prized by some beer manufacturer's, where it is the premium ingredient. Brewers rice is also used for the processing of other ferment products.
PEMAHAMAN PASAR PANGAN Sebelumnya Reorientasi Dianggap seragam Mudah diintervensi Mudah “ditutup” Beragam, preferensi Sulit diintervensi Terbuka, informasi tersedia
SPASIAL dan DISTRIBUSI Sebelumnya Reorientasi Lokal Produksi Konsumsi Produksi Konsumsi Lokal Nasional/ Global Nasional/ Global Produksi Konsumsi Produksi Konsumsi
PENGGERAK UTAMA dan PERAN PEMERINTAH Sebelumnya Reorientasi Teknologi, inovasi (langsung maupun tidak langsung) Informasi Bisnis Pemerintah : ‘enabler’, regulator + APBN Intervensi pemerintah APBN ! + regulasi
Dari Campur Tangan Langsung ke Fasilitasi: Pergeseran Peran Pemerintah pada Ekonomi Pertanian Less of…. More of …. Long-range land use planner Manager of farms/plantations Lead source of agricultural innovation Lead provider of advisory services Direct investor in SC modernization Being the ‘market’ for farmers Direct commercial role in agri trade Bearing agricultural risks Facilitator and regulator of land markets Facilitator of R&D/tech transfer Facilitator of advisory services Provider of enabling environment for agribusiness and logistical investment Facilitator of farmer – agribusiness linkages Facilitator/monitor/regulator of trade Providing information and facilitating production and commercial risk management