Appeals : next step..(1).


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Transcript presentasi:

Appeals : next step..(1)

ROMANCE APPEALS These advertisements display the attraction between the sexes. The appeal is used to signify that buying certain products will have  a positive impact on the opposite sex and improve your romantic or love life. Fragrances, automobiles and other products use these types of advertising appeals.

Using sexually charged images to sell a wide variety of products. SEX APPEALS Using sexually charged images to sell a wide variety of products. Using atractive models and provocative pose Sex and nudity have always sold well. either direct or underlying, through images or words Daya tarik seks biasanya menggunakan model atraktif dan pose yang propokatif.

It can also result in the product appearing interesting. SEX APPEALS..(2) Sexuality, sexual suggestiveness, over sexuality or sensuality raises curiosity of the audience and can result in strong feelings about the advertisement. It can also result in the product appearing interesting. Daya tarik seks biasanya menggunakan model atraktif dan pose yang propokatif.

FEMININE – MASCULINE APPEALS : GENDER ADV This type of appeal aims at creating the impression of the perfect person.. Usually Used in cosmetic or beauty products or for specific sex categories.

FEMININE – MASCULINE APPEALS : GENDER ADV Gender advertisement refers to the images in advertising that depict stereotypical gender role and displays. Gender displays are used heavily in advertising in order to establish the role of one gender in relation with the other, and some scholars argue that advertisers are obsessed with gender

It can also help capture attention and increase customer recall. MUSIC APPEALS (Jingle, Bacsound) Music can be used as types of advertising appeals as it has a certain intrinsic value and can help in increasing the persuasiveness of the advertisement. It can also help capture attention and increase customer recall. Jingle, backsound/musik latar  nada-nada popular, aransemen klasik etc digunakan untuk menarik perhatian, menyalurkan pesan-pesan penjualan, menentukan tekanan emosional untuk iklan, dan memengaruhi suara hati audiens. Musik merupakan cara untuk membuat audiens berada pada perasaan yang positif sehingga lebih dapat menerima pesan-pesan dalam iklan, dan bahkan mengkomunikasikan arti produk-produk yang diiklankan. Contoh : jingle ponds – afgan ; jingle cocacola

GLITTERING GENERALIZATION Using simple phrases that sound good but have no real value or meaning.

BAND WAGON TECHNIQUE..(1) Persuasive technique that invites you to join the crowd. Everybody’s doing it! Often uses weasel words This type of advertising appeal is meant to signify that since everybody is doing something you should be a part of the crowd as well. SEMUA PAKAI… orang tdk ingin berbeda..

BAND WAGON TECHNIQUE..(2) It appeals towards the popularity aspect or coolness aspect of a person using a particular product or service the suggestion that everyone is doing it; ex: “#1 Best Seller!” “Everyone has one!”

appeals to the rich life and the desire for status SNOB APPEALS appeals to the rich life and the desire for status This appeal is directed towards creating feeling of desire or envy for products that are termed top of the line or that have considerable qualities of luxury, elegance associated with them. 

SNOB APPEAL..(2) Snob appeal is an exact reverse of the bandwagon technique. In this advertising appeal, people are induced to buy a certain product so that they can stand out from the crowd. It is often indicated that buying that product will make them look different from the rest. It is indicated that the product is not affordable for common people. A sense of exclusivity is attached to the products.

ADVENTURE APPEALS Is directed towards giving the impression that purchasing a product will change the individual’s life radically and fill it with fun, adventure and action.

Cosmetic products in particular make use of these appeals. YOUTH APPEALS Advertisements that reflect youth giving aspects or ingredients of products use these types of appeals. Cosmetic products in particular make use of these appeals.

BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE Using good-looking models in ads to suggest we’ll look like the models if we buy the product.

SPOKEPERSON / ENDORSER Celebrity endorser : A claim by a celebrity or someone of authority that the product is good or good for you. SPOKEPERSON / ENDORSER endorsement by a well-known individual/ organization / characters Spokeperson / endorser : (simbol kepribadian ) Personality symbols Technical expertise (keahlian teknis) Spokeperson / endorser : Orang / “benda”yang menjadi tokoh suatu produk(entitas).

SPOKEPERSON / ENDORSER PERSONALITY SYMBOLS : Focus on person / non person personality as a main character of the adv– (both celebrity / non celebrity endorsers) Ex : got milk : character of celebrity – creative, smart “menjual” kepribadian dari satu tokoh tertentu, baik celebrity maupun non celebrity. –

PRDUCT PERSONIFICATION PERSONALITY SYMBOL : PRDUCT PERSONIFICATION (A CARTOON CHARACTER) Uses a cartoon character or imaginary character to entice an audience (ex : children) to want the product. catatan : dalam PS jg dapat berupa Personifikasi Produk ataupun perupakan karakter yang diciptakan berdasarkan adanya suatu produk untuk menguatkan image produk tersebut. – contoh tokoh koko dalam cococrunch - Jeruk dalam nutrisari

Focus on expertise of the endorser  Ex : TECHNICAL EXPERTISE : Focus on expertise of the endorser  Ex : farah queen – cook – procheese Fransesca fusso – hair expert – sunsik Gaya ini menggunakan pendekatan dengan menunjukkan keahlian, pengalaman, dan keanggaan perusahaan dalam membuat produk tersebut. Contoh : menggunakan fransesca fusso (ahli penata rambut) dkk untuk iklan sunsilk Teddy charles, fransesca fusso,- sunsilk Farah queen – procheese

A claim by someone who has used the product that it worked for them. TESTIMONIALS A claim by someone who has used the product that it worked for them. (be careful…they might just be a paid actor!)

Statement endorsing an idea/product by : TESTIMONIALS..(2) Statement endorsing an idea/product by : a prominent person, regular people who has experience, celebrity endorser Product can be inside or outside particular field. orang menghargai produk berdasarkan pengalaman personalnya setelah menggunakan merek atau merasakan manfaat selama menggunakannya. Lebih efektif bila sumber merupakan orang popular, dipercaya, ahli

MAGIC INGREDIENT The suggestion that some almost miraculous discovery makes the product exceptionally effective . A pharmaceutical manufacturer describes a special coating that makes their pain reliever less irritating to the stomach than a competitor’s, coolgate sensitive relieve.

WEASEL WORDS.. a. Superlative = More or better than usual b. used to suggest a positive meaning without actually really making any guarantee. Ex : A scientist says that a diet product might help you to lose weight the way it helped him to lose weight. A dish soap leaves dishes virtually spotless.

HYPERBOLE / EXAGERATION Hyperbole is exaggeration or “hype.” (For example, “The greatest automobile advance of the century!) The words are impressive sounding but are nonetheless vague and meaningless

Asks a question to produce an effect. No answer is expected. RHETORICAL QUESTION Asks a question to produce an effect. No answer is expected.