Pengantar Bisnis 7 Sessi
Operations Management Alokasi Karyawan untuk setiap pekerjaan Sejumlah Mesin yang digunakan Perusahaan Manajemen Produksi Perusahaan Biaya-biaya Produksi Pendapatan Perusahaan Nilai Perusahaan Sejumlah Persediaan yg dikelola Perusahaan
Machinery and Equipment Production Proses Produksi adalah serangkaian pekerjaan yang mengelola sumberdaya untuk menghasilkan suatu produk (barang atau jasa) Manajemen Produksi: manajemen dari suatu proses. Machinery and Equipment Sumberdaya yang digunakan dalam proses produksi Output: Final Product Input: Raw Materials Human Resources
Combining Resources for Production Work station An area in which one or more employees are assigned a specific task. Combining Resources for Production Assembly line Sequence of work stations in which each work station is designed to cover specific phases of the production process. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Factors Affecting the Site Decision Cost of Workplace Space Cost of Labor Factors Affecting the Site Decision Tax Incentives Source of Demand Access to Transportation Supply of Labor MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Design and Layout Design: The size and structure of the plant. Layout: Arrangement of the machinery and equipment within the factory or office. Design and Layout MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Factors Affecting Design Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Factors Affecting Design Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Factors Affecting Design Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Factors Affecting Design Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Factors Affecting Design Production Line Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Factors Affecting Design Desired Production Capacity Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Factors Affecting Design Production Line Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Five Tasks in Production Control 1. Purchasing materials 2. Inventory control 3. Routing 4. Scheduling 5. Quality control MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Production Control Purchasing Materials Select a supplier. Obtain volume discount. Production Control Purchasing Materials Delegate production to suppliers. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Production Control Inventory Control Inventory control: process of managing inventory at a level that minimizes costs. This requires control of: Materials inventory. Work-in-process inventory. Finished goods inventory. Production Control Inventory Control Can’t work with blinders. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
inventory control: proses pengelolaan persediaan pada tingkat yang meminimalkan biaya. Ini membutuhkan kontrol: Bahan persediaan. Bekerja-in-proses inventarisasi. persediaan barang jadi.
Production Control Materials Inventory Carrying costs Costs of maintaining inventories. Order costs Costs involved in placing orders. Just-in-time (JIT) system Reduces inventory to a minimum by frequently ordering of materials. Materials requirements planning (MRP) Ensures materials are available when needed. Production Control Materials Inventory MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
membawa biaya Biaya pemeliharaan persediaan membawa biaya Biaya pemeliharaan persediaan. biaya rangka Biaya yang terlibat dalam menempatkan pesanan. Just-in-time (JIT) sistem Mengurangi persediaan untuk minimum dengan sering memesan bahan. Bahan persyaratan perencanaan (MRP) Memastikan bahan yang tersedia saat dibutuhkan.
Production Control Routing Process Represents the sequence of tasks necessary to complete the production of a product. . Production Control Routing Process . There is a need to periodically review to determine if things can be improved upon. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
1.Merupakan urutan tugas yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan produksi suatu produk 2.Ada kebutuhan untuk secara berkala meninjau untuk menentukan apakah hal dapat diperbaiki.
Production Control Scheduling Production Schedule: a plan for the timing and volume of production tasks. Techniques used in scheduling: Gantt chart Expected timing for each task in the process. PERT chart Schedules tasks to minimize delays in the process. Production Control Scheduling MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Jadwal produksi: rencana waktu dan volume tugas produksi Jadwal produksi: rencana waktu dan volume tugas produksi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penjadwalan: Gantt chart waktu yang diharapkan untuk setiap tugas dalam proses. grafik PERT Jadwal tugas untuk meminimalkan penundaan dalam proses.
Production Control Quality Control Process of determining whether the quality of a product or service meets the desired quality level. Identify improvements that may be needed in the production process. Production Control Quality Control MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Proses penentuan apakah kualitas produk atau jasa memenuhi tingkat kualitas yang diinginkan. Mengidentifikasi perbaikan yang mungkin diperlukan dalam proses produksi.