“CHICKEN BALL” Mimi Amelinda Ambarwati 13050100 Ajung Purna Irawan 14050056 Ajeng Asti Fatimah 14050047 Ruwati 14050046 Diah Utami 14050027 Junita Eka Tiara 14050012
The production of goods and services today are growing rapidly along with the curve of market demand continues to rise. It is reason why enterpreuneurs move and do production in order to maintain the continuity of their business.
GOAL Fulfilling one of the tasks of entrepreneurship Learning to do business with the principle of cooperation Directly interect with the market Learn to analyze the market demand and the resulting product innovations
Market segmentation analysis Market potential Object market Target market Strenghtness product
Strenghtness SWOT Analysis Threat Weakness Opportunity
Product Price 4P Analysis Promotion Place
Tepung bakso + Pengenyal Capital Business No Nama Produk Banyaknya Harga Jumlah 1 Daging ayam 1 kg Rp. 50.000,00 Rp. 50.000,00 2 Sagu aren ¼ kg Rp. 3.000.,0 3 Tepung tapioca ¾ kg Rp. 5.000,00 4 Magic + sasa + lada Rp. 7.000,00 5 Gula pasir + Garam Rp. 3.000,00 6 Saos pedas Rp. 10.000,00 7 Tepung bakso + Pengenyal Rp. 8.000,00 8 Bawang putih 9 mika Rp. 15.000.00 Total Rp 104.000,00
Profit Forecast Menghasilkan sebanyak 300 bakso (75 porsi ) yang akan dijual perporsi dengan harga Rp 2000,00. Sehingga didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: Keuntungan = Penjualan-Modal =(75 x Rp 2.000,00) – Rp 100.500,00 =Rp 150.000,00 – Rp 104.000,00 =Rp 66.000,00 Presentasi keuntungan = Rp 46.000,00 x 100% Rp 104.000,00 =44,23%