Pendahuluan Barang dan jasa dapat diperjual belikan di pasar internasional maupun pasar domestik Harga suatu barang terjadi perbedaan di pasar internasional dengan pasar domestik Ekspor impor
Tradeable dan non tradeable output Tradeable output : barang/jasa yang dapat diperdagangkan di pasar internasional Non tradeable output : barang/jasa yg tidak dapat diperdagangkan di pasar internasional
Tradeable dan non tradeable output Syarat sifat tradeable : produsen dalam negeri efisien perbandingan biaya produksi dalam negeri dengan cif
Tradeable dan non tradeable output cif > fob >KDN tradeable diekspor cif > KDN > fob non tradeable KDN > cif > fob tradeable diimpor
Tradeable dan non tradeable output price TRADEABLE EKSPOR supply Z P cif P fob demand A output B
Tradeable dan non tradeable output price NON TRADEABLE supply Z P cif P fob demand q output
Tradeable dan non tradeable output price TRADEABLE IMPOR Z P cif P fob demand A B output
Social Import Parity Prices Input Social Import Parity Prices Urea ZA SP-36 f.o.b. ($/ton) 222,90 136,00 201,50 Freight & Insurance ($/Kg) 30,00 21,18 28,14 c.i.f. price at Indonesian port ($/Kg) 252,90 157,18 229,64 Exchange rate (Rp/$) 9.141,00 Exchange rate premium (%) 0,988 Equilibrium exchange rate (Rp/$) 9.252,02 c.i.f. in domestic currency (Rp/ton) (Rp/Kg) 2.339.836,94 1.454.233,18 2.124.634,86 Weight conversion factor (Kg/ton) 1.000,00 c.i.f. in dom. Curr. And weight units (Rp/kg) 2.339,84 1.454,23 2.124,63 Import tariff (Rp/kg) 0,00 Transportation costs (Rp/kg) 90,00 Handling costs (Rp/kg) 36,00 Value before processing (Rp/kg) 2.465,84 1.580,23 2.250,63 Processing conversion factor (%) 100,00% Import parity value at wholesale (Rp/kg tobacco) Distribution costs to farm (Rp/kg) Import parity value at farm gate (Rp/kg tobacco) 2.501,84 1.616,23 2.286,63
Social Export Parity Prices Tobacco f.o.b. ($/Kg) 2,634 Freight & Insurance ($/Kg) 0,13 c.i.f. price at Indonesian port ($/Kg) 2,50 Exchange rate (Rp/$) 9.141,00 Exchange rate premium (%) 0,988 Equilibrium exchange rate (Rp/$) 9.252,02 c.i.f. in domestic currency (Rp/ton) (Rp/Kg) 23.151,34 Weight conversion factor (Kg/ton) 1,00 c.i.f. in dom. Curr. And weight units (Rp/kg) Transportation costs (Rp/kg) 90,00 Handling costs (Rp/kg) 36,00 Value before processing (Rp/kg) 23.277,34 Processing conversion factor (%) 95,00% Export parity value at wholesale (Rp/kg tobacco) 22.113,47 Export parity value at farm gate (Rp/kg tobacco) 22.149,47