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And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and find no water, then do TAYAMMUM using clean dust and wipe over your faces and your hands [with it]. Indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving.

Apa itu Tayammum? What is Tayammum Bersuci dengan mengusap wajah dan tangan menggunakan tanah/debu, dan diiringi dengan niat. Purifying by wiping face and hands using soil / dust, started by saying the intent to do tayammum. Telah dijadikan bumi untukku dan ummatku sebagai masjid dan alat bersuci. Maka di manapun umatku menemui waktu shalat, maka di situ terdapat alat bersuci The earth has been made for me and my people as a mosque and a tool of purifying. So, wherever my people meet prayer time, then there is a media for purifying

Rasulullah Saw melihat seorang lelaki yang terpisah dan tidak melakukan shalat bersama kaumnya, kemudian beliau bertanya, “Hai Fulan, apa yang menghalangimu shalat bersama kaummu?” Ia menjawab, “Ya Rasulullah, aku dalam keadaan junub dan tidak ada air.” Kemudian Rasulullah bersabda, “Ambillah debu (tayammum), itu cukup untukmu.” The Messenger saw a man who was separated and did not perform the prayers with his people, then he asked, "Hi Fulan, what did prevent you from praying with your people?" He replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I am in junub and there is no water." Then Rasulullah said , "Take the dust (tayammum), that's enough for you."

Berlaku lemah lembut. Tanya terlebih dahulu, jangan menghakimi Be gentle to others. Ask first, and do not judge other negatively. Jika tidak ada air, mandi besar dapat diganti dengan tayammum If there is no water, we can do tayammum to replace major shower for purifying major hadats.

Syarat Tayammum Conditions of Tayammum Telah masuk waktu shalat – Already being in a prayer time Kecuali, mazhab Hanafy  tayammum sah meskipun belum masuk shalat Except mazhab Hanafy  tayammum is valid although it is done before entering prayer time Niat – Intention Menurut mazhab Hanafy dan Hanbaly : niat adalah syarat Menurut mazhab Syafi’i dan Maliky : niat adalah rukun According to mazhab Hanafy and Hanbaly: intention is a condition to tayammum. According to mazhab Syafi’i and Maliky : intention is a rukun

Syarat Tayammum Conditions of Tayammum Tidak ada penghalang yang menghalangi debu sampai ke kulit Nothing that can block the dust to skin. Tidak sedang haidh dan nifas Not in menstruation or childbirth state Mencari air terlebih dahulu Already looking for water first before doing tayammum Adanya ‘udzur yang disebabkan oleh salah satu dari sebab-sebab diperbolehkannya tayammum Having one of obstacles (udzur) caused by one of situations allowing to do tayammum

Sebab Diperbolehkannya Tayammum Situations Allowing to Do Tayammum Bila tidak ada air, atau ada air tetapi tidak mencukupi If there is no water, or there is water but not enough Ikhtilaf ulama – Different opinions among scholars Syafi’i dan Hanbaly : Jika ada air namun tidak mencukupi, maka tetap wudhu dengan air sampai airnya habis. Jika ada anggota wudhu wajib yang belum terbasuh, maka dilanjutkan dengan tayammum. Syafi’i and Hanbaly : If there is water but not enough, do ablution (wudhu) using water until the water runs out. If there is any obligatory part of wudhu that remains unwashed, then follow (the uncompleted wudhu) by doing tayammum

Yakinkan dulu bahwa tidak ada air Yakinkan dulu bahwa tidak ada air. Tanya teman seperjalanan, beli di sekitar, atau cari. Sejauh mana harus mencari? Ensure that there is no water. First, ask accompanion(s), buy it around, or seek it. How far we should seek the water? Ikhtilaf ulama – Different opinions among scholars Hanafy : 1 mil – 1 mile Maliky : 2 mil – 2 miles Syafi’i : 1 farsakh ~ 3 mil – 1 farsakh, similar to 3 miles Hanbaly : sesuai dengan pemahaman orang tersebut – according to his/her understanding (or cultural definition) about ‘far’ distance.

Adanya sebab syar’i, misalnya penyakit tertentu There is cause allowed by syari’ah, e.g., having a specific disease Cerita dari Jabir tentang sahabat yang kepalanya luka, lalu junub. Ia mandi besar, kemudian meninggal. Rasulullah bersabda, “Sesungguhnya dia cukup melakukan tayammum, dan membalut lukanya dengan sobekan kain, lalu mengusap bagian atas (sobekan)nya, lalu membasuh seluruh tubuhnya.” A story from Jabir about a friend of the Prophet Saw whose head was wounded, then he was junub. He did a big shower, then died. The Messenger of Allah Saw said: "Indeed, tayammum for him is enough, and he wrapped his wound with a rag of cloth, then wiped the top (of the tear), then washed his whole body.”

Ada ancaman jiwa dan harta untuk mengambil air, misalnya perang, hewan buas, atau penjara. There is a threat to life and property while taking water, e.g., being in a war, wild animals, or jail. Air yang tersisa untuk minum untuk dirinya atau yang lain, meskipun anjing yang tidak menggigit, atau keperluan dasarnya, misalnya memasak Remaining water is for drinking for himself or others, although it is a dog that does not bite, or for his basic needs, e.g. cooking Hanbaly : jika anjingnya menggigit, tidak perlu diberikan air. Hanbaly : if it is a biting dog, do not give the water

Air sangat dingin, dan dikhawatirkan memberikan mudharat jika memakainya The water is very cold, and it is worried of harm (mudharat) if using it Cerita Amr bin Ash saat perang Dzaatus Salaasil. Ia bermimpi basah di malam yang sangat dingin, lalu tayammum karena kahawtir air dingin membuatnya celaka. Ia lalu mengimami shalat. Saat kembali, ia menceritakan kepada Rasulullah, dan Rasulullah hanya tersenyum. A story of Amr bin Ash during the Dzaatus Salaasil war. He dreams (of getting wet, junub) on a very cold night, then did tayammum because cold water might make him wretched. He then led a prayer. On his return to Madinah, he told the Messenger of Allah (about it), and the Messenger of Allah smiled.

Ammar bin Yasir diutus Nabi untuk suatu keperluan, lalu ia junub dan tidak menemukan air. Lalu ia berguling-guling di atas pasir untuk bersuci. Saat bertemu lagi dengan Rasul, ia menceritakannya. Maka Nabi bersabda, “Sesungguhnya kamu cukup mengambil debu dengan tanganmu seperti ini.” Kemudian beliau menepuk-nepuk tanah sekali, lalu mengusap tangan kirinya dengan tangan kanannya, dengan jelas dua tangannya dan wajahnya. Ammar bin Yasir was sent by the Prophet for a need, then he was junub and found no water. Then he rolled on the sand to purify himself ( as replacement of big shower). When he saw the Prophet Saw again, he told it. So the Prophet said, "Surely, for you, taking the dust with your hands like this was enough." Then he patted the ground once, then wiped his left hand with his right hand, clearly his two hands and his face.

Rukun Tayammum That obliged in Tayammum Niat, menurut mazhab Syafi’i dan Maliky Satu tayammum diniatkan untuk satu keperluan ibadah. Satu tayammum, satu shalat fardhu. Jika ingin shalat fardhu lagi, tayammum lagi. Tayammum untuk shalat fardhu, boleh dipakai untuk ibadah sunnah lain tanpa tayammum ulang Tidak berlaku sebaliknya Intention, according to mazhab Syafi’i and Maliky One tayammum is intended for one ibadah. One tayammum, one fardhu prayer. If you want to pray fardhu again, do tayammum again. Tayammum for fardhu prayer, may be used for other sunnah worship without redo tayammum Do not apply otherwise

Menggunakan debu suci Using dust that is not contaminated by najis Mengusap seluruh wajah meskipun dengan satu tangan, termasuk jenggot. Wiping all part of face although with one hand, including beard. Wajib seluruh jenggot meskipun panjang, kecuali pendapat mazhab Hanafy Obliged to wipe all part of long beard, excep opinion from mazhab Hanafy

Mengusap kedua tangan sampai ke siku Wiping two hands until elbows. Berbeda dengan wudhu, lepas semua benda yang menghalangi, seperti cincin, jam tangan, meskipun longgar Different from ablution, we need to remove any objects on the skin, such as ring, watch –although it is loose. Hanafy  tidak perlu lepas – no need to remove it

Ikhtilaf ulama – Different opinion among scholars Satu tepukan untuk muka dan tangan, atau dua tepukan? One pat (of dust) for face and hand, or two pats Hanbaly, Auza’i, Ishaq : satu tepukan cukup Hanbaly, Auza’i, Ishaq : one pat (of dust) is enough Syafi’i : Boleh mengambil debu dengan dua tepukan, satu untuk muka dan satu untuk tangan. Syafi’i : Two pats (of dust), one for face and one for hand Narrated from Daruquthni, from Ibn Umar. Tayammum is two pats of dust. A pat for face, and a pat for two arms until elbows.

Ikhtilaf ulama – Different opinion among scholars Tangan saja atau sampai siku? Hands only, or arm to elbow? Maliky dan Hanbaly: wajib menyapu tangan, sunnah sampai siku Maliky and anbaly : obliged to wipe hands, and sunnah (recommended) to wipe until elbow Syafi’i : Mengusapkan dari tangan hingga ke siku. Syafi’i : Wipe the dust from hand to elbow. Narrated from Daruquthni, from Ibn Umar. Tayammum is two pats of dust. A pat for face, and a pat for two arms until elbows.

Terus menerus – Doing it Continuously Berturut-turut – Doing it in order Hanafy dan Maliky – melakukan berturut-turut adalah sunnah, bukan wajib Hanafy and Maliky – doing orderly is sunnah (recommended), not obliged

Sunnah Tayammum Recommended in tayammum Basmalah – Saying bismillah Siwak – Teeth brushing before tayammum Menepukkan telapak tangan – Patting hands to the medium of dust Merenggangkan jari jemari saat menepukkan tangan Loosening fingers when patting hands to the medium of dust Mengibaskan kedua tangan atau meniupnya Waggling hands or blowing the dust on hands Melepaskan cincin pada tepukan pertama Removing ring in the first pat of hand Berturut-turut, menurut Hanafy dan Maliky Orderly, according to Hanafy and Maliky