One in time, two in a moment, not in here. Just look at the question


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Transcript presentasi:

One in time, two in a moment, not in here. Just look at the question Word playing Let guess it What is this One in time, two in a moment, not in here. Just look at the question

Di bumi ada, di bulan tiada, tanpa dia akan terjadi bum.

2 x 2 4 berapa 2 itu 3 3 itu 4 4 itu 5 5 itu 4 6 itu 4 8 itu 7 Jumlah huruf sama

1 x 1 = 5 2 x 2 = 20 3 x 3 = 45 4 x 4 = .......?

Berapa pasang binatang yang dibawa nabi musa dalam perahunya? Ya ga ada lah .... Karena bukan perahu Musa tapi nabi Nuh

Seorang anak di beri uang 1500 di suruh membeli gorengan 750, berapa kembaliannya? 250, karena belinya pake uang 1000 ajahhhh

Orang indonesia yg pertama kali pulang? Selamat yg tiba duluan