INTRODUCTION Taxonomy of Animalia – SB Farid K. Muzaki, S.Si., M.Si Jurusan BIOLOGI FMIPA – ITS Surabaya
intro Taxonomy known as the oldest world’s profession Sistematics studi utk mempelajari keanekaragaman organisme dan hub. evolusioner antar organisme Taxonomy salah satu cabang sistematika yang sistem penggolongannya didasarkan atas karakter yang tampak, misalnya seperti morfologi eksternal maupun internal, fisiologi, perkembangan Classification adalah melakukan identifikasi, memberi nama dan selanjutnya mengelompokkannya dalam suatu sistem yang didasarkan pada persamaan
Kenapa SISTEMATIKA? Masih banyak spesies yang belum dikenali dan/atau dideskripsikan ex. Pseudanthias mica, Aspasmichthys alorensis, Paucidentomys vermidax, Hylarana rawa Bantuan identifikasi sangat dibutuhkan oleh ahli bidang ilmu lain (misalnya biomedik, agrikultur) Mendapatkan kelompok hewan yang bersifat general, sehingga keragaman hewan dapat teroganisir dan didokumentasi dengan lebih baik dan mudah dipelajari
Manfaat SISTEMATIKA? Alat komunikasi Parameter indikator perubahan lingkungan melalui studi biodiversitas, pengukuran tingkat biodiversitas Nilai H’KEANEKARAGAMAN 0 < H’ < 2,302Keanekaragaman Rendah 2,302 < H’ < 6,907 Keanekaragaman Sedang H’ > 6,907Keanekaragaman Tinggi
taxonomy & conservation How does taxonomy help conservation? Taxonomists use their knowledge to help produce lists of names and identification tools in the form of species databases, field guides, collections and reference works. These tools help conservationists understand biodiversity and develop ways to protect it For example:
SPECIES CONCEPT (1) a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature. In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditionsgene pool Pada umumnya kriteria didasarkan atas: isolasi reproduktif artinya suatu spesies dianggap berbeda dengan spesies lain jika tidak mampu saling kawin prakteknya sulit diamati, sehingga muncul kriteria lain suatu spesies dianggap berbeda dengan spesies lain jika memiliki perbedaan fisik yang cukup nyata
Permasalahan Antara karakter isolasi reproduktif dan morfologi terkadang tidak sesuai SPECIES CONCEPT (2) Ex. 1. Alder flycatcher & Willow flycatcher secara fisik sama & susah dibedakan; berbedaan hanya berdasarkan kicauan dan niche tidak mampu saling kawing ditetapkan sebagai spesies yang berbeda Ex. 2. Baltimore oriole (east coast) & Bullock oriole (west coast) awalnya dianggap sebagai spesies berbeda (beda morfologi) dapat kawin dan menghasilkan keturunan fertil ditetapkan sebagai spesies yang sama (Nothern oriole) SOLUSI & KESIMPULAN kriteria ISOLASI REPRODUKSI lebih condong digunakan sebagai parameter daripada kriteria morfologis (perbedaan struktur)
these happy face spiders look different, but since they can interbreed, they are considered the same species: Theridion grallator Hooded crows and carrion crows look different, and largely mate within their own groups — but in some areas, they hybridize. Should they be considered the same species or separate species?
Origin of species outcomes of evolution, by means speciation SPECIES CONCEPT (3)
the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise; lineage-splitting event that produces two or more separate species Allopatric a population splits into two geographically isolated populations (for example, by habitat fragmentation due to geographical change such as mountain building) Peripatric a subform of allopatric speciation, new species are formed in isolated, smaller peripheral populations that are prevented from exchanging genes with the main population Parapatric there is only partial separation of the zones of two diverging populations afforded by geography Sympatric the formation of two or more descendant species from a single ancestral species all occupying the same geographic location Speciation (1 of 6)
Speciation (2 of 6)
Speciation (3 of 6) Disaster strikes The population divergeSo we meet again: Speciation resulted
Causes of speciation Geographical isolation Genetic drift Speciation (4 of 6)
Evidence of speciation Speciation (5 of 6) Diane Dodd
Cospeciation Speciation (6 of 6)
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