1 PERAN EQ DALAM MEMBANGUN TUBUH KRISTUS Pembinaan Majelis & Aktivis GKI Kavling Polri – Jelambar 1 September 2007
2 SELINTAS SEJARAH …… David Wechsler defined intelligence as “the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment” (Wechsler, 1958, p. 7) …Robert Thorndike, …. was writing about “social intelligence” in the late thirties (Thorndike & Stein, 1937). …. ….1983 when Howard Gardner began to write about “multiple intelligence.” Gardner (1983) proposed that “intrapersonal” and “interpersonal” intelligences are as important as intelligence.
3 Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 80 PhD lulusan Berkeley tahun 1950an yaitu personality test, IQ test dan interview. 40 tahun kemudian diukur keberhasilannya di masyarakat. Hasilnya adalah: social & emotional abilities were four times more important than IQ dalam menentukan keberhasilan seseorang. Pemimpin yang efektif di US Navy adalah justru yang hangat, lebih terbuka, baik dalam bersosialisasi Beberapa Hasil Penelitian.
4 Emotional intelligence has as much to do with knowing when and how to express emotion as it does with controlling it. ….. an experiment that was done at Yale University by Sigdal Barsade (1998; 1998). Definisi
5 Now it would be absurd to suggest that cognitive ability is irrelevant for success in science. One needs a relatively high level of such ability merely to get admitted to a graduate science program at a school like Berkeley. Once you are admitted, however, what matters in terms of how you do compared to your peers has less to do with IQ differences and more to do with social and emotional factors. IQ VS EQ
6 Relatif tidak berubah, menetap Rasio, berada pada bagian ‘luar’ dari otak Kognitif, bisa diganti oleh mesin Sebagai karcis masuk Dapat berkembang atau dipelajari Emosi, berada pada bagian‘dalam’ dari otak Emosi, hanya dimiliki manusia Sebagai kunci sukses IQ EQ IQ VS EQ
7 EI COMPETENCE Self (Personal Competence) Other (Social Competence) Recognition Self Awareness Emotional self-awareness Accurate self-awareness Self confidence Social Awareness Empathy Service Orientation Organizational Awareness Regulation Self Management Self control Trustworthiness Adaptability Achievement Drive Initiative Relationship Management Developing Others Influence Communication Conflict Management Leadership Change catalyst Building bonds Team work & Collaboration
8 Self Awareness : Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions Emotional self-awareness: Recognizing one’s emotion and their effects Accurate self-assessment: Knowing one’s strength and limits Self-confidence: A strong sense of one’s self-worth and capabilities Personal Competence
9 Self Management: Managing one’s internal states, impulses, and resources) Self-Control : Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check Trustworthiness: Maintaining standard of honesty and integrity Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change Achievement Drive: Striving to improve or meet of standard of excellence Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities Personal Competence
10 Social Awareness: Ability to pick up on emotions in other people, perceiving what other people thinking and feeling Empathy : Awareness of other feelings, needs, and concerns Service Orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting Customer’s needs Organizational Awareness Reading the forces, social networks, and organizational realities Social Competence
11 Relationship Management: Adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others Developing Others Sensing others’ development needs and bolstering their abilities Influence : Wielding effective tactics for persuasion Communication: Listening openly and sending convincing messages Conflict Management Negotiating and resolving disagreement Social Competence
12 Relationship Management: Adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others Leadership Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups Change catalyst : Initiating and managing change Building Bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationship Team Work: Working with others toward shared goals, creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals Social Competence
13 Empathy is a particularly important aspect of emotional intelligence, and researchers have known for years that it contributes to occupational success. - Rosenthal and his colleagues at Harvard discovered over two decades ago that people who were best at identifying others’ emotions were more successful in their work as well as in their social lives (Rosenthal, 1977). - More recently, a survey of retail sales buyers found that apparel sales reps were valued primarily for their empathy. The buyers reported that they wanted reps who could listen well and really understand what they wanted and what their concerns were (Pilling & Eroglu, 1994).who could listen well and really understand Bukti Praktis
15 Institusionalisasi gereja: Menjadi salah satu ciri perkembangan gereja dalam abad pertama dan kedua Pergeseran keprihatinan dari upaya misi ke pastoral Presbiter adalah ciri struktur institusional Fundamental Organisasi Dalam bentuk relasi antara jemaat dengan Kristus dan antara jemaat yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Bentuknya masih sederhana Sekelumit Tinjauan Alkitabiah (PB) tentang Organisasi Gereja:
16 Penunjukan-penunjukan ke arah organisasi Adanya “jabatan-jabatan”, “pekerjaan-pekerjaan” atau “peran-peran kepemimpinan” dalam jemaat- jemaat. Organisasi ada karena ada misi yang harus dikerjakan, ada relasi-relasi dan interaksi antar anggota (koordinasi) dan ada kepemimpinan Sekelumit Tinjauan Alkitabiah (PB) tentang Organisasi Gereja:
17 Definisi Organisasi (1 dari 2) Organisasi adalah …………. “… institusi sosial yang mempunyai tujuan, kegiatan yang terstruktur & terkoordinasi serta berhubungan dengan lingkungan sekitarnya…” (Richard L. Daft) “…alat yang dipergunakan oleh manusia untuk mengkoordinasikan kegiatan mereka dalam rangka mencapai tujuan mereka …” (Gareth R. Jones)
18 Definisi Organisasi (2 dari 2) Ada berbagai macam bentuk organisasi … formal/ non formal, milik pribadi/umum, produk/jasa, dlsb Bentuk lainnya: Profit & Non Profit Perbedaan bentuk organisasi menghasilkan perbedaan tantangan dan tingkat kesulitan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.
19 Dimensi Organisasi Tujuan Lingkungan Ukuran BudayaTeknologi Struktur: 1.Formalisasi 2.Spesialisasi 3.Hierarkhi 4.Sentralisasi 5.Profesionalisme 6.Rasio Personel
20 Struktur Organisasi Komponen penting : 1. Struktur organisasi menunjukkan hirarki dalam organisasi 2. Struktur organisasi menunjukkan pembagian kelompok jabatan/individu. 3. Struktur organisasi menunjukkan rancangan suatu sistim yang ditujukan agar komunikasi, koordinasi, dan usaha yang terpadu antar bagian kelompok di dalam suatu organisasi menjadi efektif
21 Struktur Organisasi Fungsional Divisional Matriks Pimpinan TeknikPenjualan Produk X/ Area A Produk Y/ Area B Virtual Network Teknik Penjualan Produk X/ Area A Produk Y/ Area B
22 Struktur Organisasi
23 Struktur Organisasi
24 Budaya Organisasi Adalah nilai-nilai, norma-norma, keyakinan-keyakinan dan pemahaman yang dimiliki secara bersama-sama oleh semua orang yang berada dalam organisasi tersebut. Berfungsi sebagai: mempersatukan para anggotanya sehingga mereka tahu bagaimana berhubungan satu sama lainnya; membantu organisasi tersebut beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya Memberikan “sense of identity” maupun “sense of belonging” bagi para anggotanya sehingga mereka akan mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya.
25 Budaya Organisasi Needs of the Environment FlexibilityStability Adaptability Culture Mission Culture Clan Culture Bureaucratic Culture Strategic Focus InternalExternal
26 Budaya Organisasi