KETERKAITAN SUB SISTEM PANGAN & GIZI Sistem Gizi Subsistem Pangan Produksi Ketersediaan Distribusi Konsumsi Status Gizi Menghasilkan Dinamika industri & penangan pasca panen : Menyiapkan & mengolah Mengawetkan Mengemas Mengubah bentuk Cadangan Impor Ekspor Akses fisik& ekonomi Statbilitas harga Keragaman Keamanan Jumlah Mutu gizi Individu Keluarga Masyarakat Gejala klinik / sub klinik Pertumbuhan, daya kerja Gizi kurang / lebih Sub sub sistem
FAKTOR MEMPENGARUHI KONSUMSI PANGAN FAKTOR EKONOMI 3. SOSIO-BUDAYA Permintaan (Demand) Harga pangan Harga pangan lain Pendapatan konsumen Demografi (penduduk) Tingkat kesukaan Qualitas pangan Kebudayaan Kebiasaan Pola asuh anak Kepercayaan & tabo Sanitasi & higiene Daya terima & kesukaan Pantangan agama 2. FAKTOR DEMOGRAPI Usia Jenis kelamin
Variabel Gizi Kurang terkait utilisasi biologis Life stage where malnutrition occurs Length of malnutrition period Type of nutrient deficiency Severity of nutrient deficiency
Lymphoid % of Adult Size Brain & Head Reproductive General Growth of 4 types of body tissue (Harris JA, et al, 1930)
INFECTION & MALNUTRITION PEM : Peningkatan rawan thd infeksi Tendensi kearah > infeksi VAD : Campak Penurunan immune Peningkatan peny. Diare Peningkatan ISPA
RELATIONSHIP INFECTION & MALNUTRITION Catabolisme, Urinary N2 Anorexia, Vomiting Malabsorbtion Protien loss in gut INFECTION NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Protein synthesis Cell regeneration Cell mediated immunity Antibody respon Mucosal immunity Phagocyte dysfunction Inflammatory response
Perspective on Environmental Health Role of environmental health Host – Agent Interactions - Agent factors - Host factors - Environmental factors
THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ON NUTRITION Physiological factors (Growth, exercise, pregnancy, and lactation) Composition of diet (Prot, Min, Vit) Route, Rate and Timing Mechanisms of disease Increase utilization of nutrients Malnutrition Impaired ability to activate a nutrient Abnormally large loser of nutrients Impaired catabolic or excretory pathways Hyper absorbtion Drugs Effect on nutrition
NUTRITION CONSIDERATION DRUGS EFFECTS NUTRIENTS INVOLVED NUTRITION CONSIDERATION Cathartics and laxatives Increase GIT motility Vit ADEK, Ca, K, Carotene, fat glucose, phospate CHON- losing K, Mg, Ca, Na and fluid losses Decresed glucose absorption Mineral oil decrease absorption of ADEK Diurectics Inhibits tubulars reabsorption of NaCl, Water maintain N K loss K, Na, Chloride, Ca, Water, Zn, Mg K depletion with concurrent ACTH or stroids Excessive K loss in cardiac patients Urinary loss of Ca, Zn, Mg electrolytes and water soluble vitamins
NUTRITION CONSIDERATION DRUGS EFFECTS NUTRIENTS INVOLVED NUTRITION CONSIDERATION Analgesic Relieve pain Falic acid, Vit D, Ascorbic acid Decrease tissue ascorbic acid Decrase folic acid absorption Decrease gastric & pancreatic secretion Decrease peristalsis & appetite Antacids Decrease gastric acidity Phosphates, Na, Fe, Thiamine Vitamin deficiency Edema due to increase Na, Fe and Thiamine deficiency Antibiotics Inhibit of kill microorganism CHON, Ca, Mg, Fe, Vit K, B12 Inhibited AA absorption & prot systhesis Suppressed appetite Malabsorptiion of vit B12, Ca, Fe, Mg Sysnthesis of Vit decrease lactose malabsorption
STRATEGIES TO IMPROVES BIOLOGICAL UTILIZATION Environmental sanitation & proper waste disposal Better housing conditions Improvement drinking water Increase & improvement of health facilities Disease prevention & cure Micronutrient supply programme Childcare & breast feeding programme Food fortification Health & nutrition education Reduction of family size Food protection & safety policies
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