W P riting & ublishing Articles Ratya Anindita for international scientific journal : tip and strategy Ratya Anindita Dekan FIB – Univ. Brawijaya Editorial Board of Greener Journal, Nigeria
Persiapan Ada tulisan yang sudah dipersiapkan Paper hasil penelitian kualitas penelitian menentukan jurnal internasional yang dituju bagaimana paper/artikel dapat diterima Jurnal yang dituju : jurnal yang memiliki reputasi internasional yang diakui DIKTI
―sesuaikan tulisan dengan syarat dan ketentuan jurnal Kenali jati diri jurnal internasional yang akan dituju ―sesuaikan tulisan dengan syarat dan ketentuan jurnal
Jurnal Bereputasi Internasional menerapkan OJS, Open Journal System penulis dan penyunting dari berbagai negara menerapkan single blind atau double blind reviewing penulis adalah pakar di bidangnya ditulis dalam bahasa resmi PBB
Jurnal Bereputasi Internasional terdaftar di lembaga indeks bereputasi: - Google Scholar - DOAJ, Directory of Access Journals Proquest, Copernicus Eksevier/Scopus Thomson Reuter
Pengakuan atas Jurnal Asing Bereputasi Internasional jurnal asing yang telah terindeks internasional → diakui bereputasi internasional jurnal asing yang belum terindeks internasional, ditetapkan oleh Tim Penilai Jurnal Ilmiah Bereputasi Internasional
Pilihlah jurnal yang bersifat: tertinggi derajat pengakuan orang padanya (terakreditasi) terkuat pengaruhnya (bermakna vs tak terasa kehadirannya): sering diacu → ditunjukkan: impact factor terluas jangkauannya (bahasa internasional, on line) terlebar wawasannya (keglobalan vs asal penulis) terbaik kepionerannya (melulu hasil penelitian) terbanyak pembacanya (besar tiras, on line) tercepat pemerosesannya (panjang vs pendek antriannya) tersering frekuensi terbitnya (lama vs sebentar masa tunggunya)
Impact Factor The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal; It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed to be more important than those with lower ones; Impact factors are calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports. The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information.
Impact Factor ―calculation of IF In a given year, the IF of a journal is the average number of citations received per paper published in that journal during the two preceding years. For example, if a journal has an IF of 3 in 2008, then its papers published in 2006 and 2007 received 3 citations each on average in 2008. The 2008 IF of a journal would be calculated as follows: A = the number of times that articles published in 2006 and 2007 were cited by indexed journals during 2008. B = the total number of "citable items" published by that journal in 2006 and 2007. ("Citable items" are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes; not editorials or letters to the editor.) 2008 IF of journal = A/B. Bagaimana jurnal di FIB? http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/abstracted.php?icid=1016153
Beberapa jurnal internasional yang dituju http://gjournalsreview.com/wordpress/?page_id=440 http://studiaoeconomica.ubbcluj.ro/ http://www.rjoas.com/ http://www.iiste.org/journal.html http://www.gjournals.org ada perbedaan: fee format impact factor
Jurnal Predator List of Predatory Publishers 2014 Hati-hati dengan jurnal predator Jeffrey Bealls, 2014 mempublikasikan List of Predatory Publishers 2014 www.scholarlyoa.com
Beberapa jurnal internasional yang dituju Fee berkisar antara 0 – lebih dari 700 US$ Check apakah ada impact factor Apakah online jurnal Editorial board Apakah terhubung dengan library Kalau tidak hati-hati akan membayar mahal dan mendapatkan jurnal yang tidak berkualitas
Setelah menentukan jurnal yang dituju ..... Pelajari dua tiga nomor terbitan terakhirnya Pahami guideline-nya Pahami persyaratan yang diminta Baca 3-4 artikel di dalamnya sambil membandingkannya dengan petunjuknya ..... dan mulailah menulis untuk menyiapkan naskah
Saat menulis ....... perhatikan hal-hal berikut: Artikel untuk jurnal: non plagiarism dan memuat kebaruan (novelty) Plagiarism: tindakan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau nilai suatu karya ilmiah dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya dan/atau karya ilmiah pihak lain yang diakui sebagai karya ilmiahnya, tanpa menyatakan sumber secara tepat dan memadai. Guideline ikuti sepenuhnya. Setiap jurnal memiliki format penulisan yang berbeda. Kesalahan format yang diinginkan seringkali jadi penyebab langsung ditolaknya naskah artikel Ketaatan langsung pada konvensi bidang ilmu yang dianut jurnal Mintalah rekan lain untuk membaca draft naskah + mengkritisinya
Sebelum mengirim naskah Baca sekali lagi naskah ―perbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan minor karena masalah spelling, salah ketik atau karena disebabkan terubahnya format di dalam word processor oleh proses editing, mis. tabel yang terpotong karena page break, halaman bergeser, dlsb.; Pelajari bagaimana mengoperasikan OJS; penyimpangan kecil atas prosedur OJS dapat menyebabkan naskah ditolak komputer ―tahapan ini merupakan desk evaluation awal atas “sosok administratif” naskah yang masuk;
Setelah naskah dikirim ...... akan melalui proses reviewing Autor Editor Reviewer, 2-3 expert Published Proses Reviewing ―on line The steps toward publication: doing research ◄ write manuscript ◄ submit ◄ editor sends to review ◄ returned manuscript ◄ with reviews ◄ revise ◄ published ◄
Pelaksana proses reviewing Managemen Penyuntingan Redaksi Pelaksana Penyuntingan Mitra Bestari Reviewer Bahasa Inggeris Proff Reader Guru Bahasa
Proses penyuntingan oleh reviewer pengaturan, perbaikan isi dan gaya naskah agar selaras dengan pola penyajian yang dibakukan oleh jurnal ilmiah dilakukan oleh: redaksi/editor → sosok fisik dan formast naskah mitra bestari, reviewer → menyangkut: content ilmiah naskah Semua naskah wajib melalui proses penyuntingan Penyuntingan mengacu pada butir-butir telaah
Butir Telaah dalam penyuntingan Naskah baru atau orisinil? Pernahkah diterbitkan Tema sesuai dg jurnal yang dituju? Pengetahuan penulis komprehensif? Pustaka mutakhir dan lengkap? Metode dan pendekatan memadai? Semua bagian perlu diterbitkan? Kerangka susunan naskah sesuai?
The Element of a Scientific Article
The Element of a Scientific Article Title Author name(s) and address(es) Abstract Introduction Main body of manuscript : methods, result, discussion Conclusion/Summary Acknowledgments References Cited Illustrations and Figure captions Tables
Title The title provides the first impression to the reader, The Element of a Scientific Article Title The title provides the first impression to the reader, so selecting the most appropriate title requires some thought. The title influences whether a reader is interested in reading the manuscript. The title should include all essential words in the right order such that the topic of the manuscript is accurately and fully conveyed (e.g. clearly related to the purpose of the study) (Rudestam and Newton, 1992). Avoid long titles (the recommended length is 10 - 12 words) and those which begin with redundant words such as “A study of…”
Author name(s) and address(es) The Element of a Scientific Article Author name(s) and address(es) include all information about authorship: author and co-author names ownership ―representing address of the institution where the research conducted e-mail ―for correspondence purposes
Abstract The Element of a Scientific Article a brief summary (of specified word limit) of the content of the manuscript provide the highlights from the introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions; usually written as one or two paragraphs the text flows and does not resemble a collection of disjointed sentences; the choice of words should be simple, jargon avoided and abbreviations omitted except for standard units of measurement and statistical terms; citations are not usually included; excessive detail such a long lists of variables, large amounts of data or an excessive number of probability (p) values is not acceptable; the trick to producing a clear abstract is to provide just enough detail to demonstrate that the design of the study was good and that the evidence of the answer to the question is strong.
Keywords The Element of a Scientific Article most journals require the author to identify three or four key words which represent the major concept of the paper; keywords are used for indexing purposes
The Element of a Scientific Article Introducti0n The purpose of the introduction is to stimulate the reader’s interest and to provide background information which is pertinent to the study. The statement of the research question is the most important part of the introduction. The review of the literature needs to be short and concise. The content of the introduction is outlined as follows (1) Background to the topic (past verb tense) What is known or believed about the topic What is still unknown or problematic Findings of relevant studies (past verb tense) Importance of the topic (2) Statement of the research question ............................
Introducti0n The content of the introduction (cont.) The Element of a Scientific Article Introducti0n The content of the introduction (cont.) (2) Statement of the research question Several ways can be used to signal the research question , e.g., “To determine whether ………” “The purpose of this study was to …….” This study tested the hypothesis that ……” “This study was undertaken to ……” Approach taken to answer the question (past verb tense)
The Element of a Scientific Article Methods This section is descriptive. The main consideration is to ensure that enough detail is provided to verify the findings and to enable replication of the study by an appropriately trained person. Information should be presented, using the past verb tense, in chronological order. Sub-headings should be used, where appropriate. Reference may be made to a published paper as an alternative to describing a lengthy procedure. The content of the methods .......
Methods The content of methods .... Outline of the study design The Element of a Scientific Article Methods The content of methods .... Outline of the study design Subjects Method of sampling and recruitment; Number of subjects; and Justification of sample size. Inclusion, exclusion and withdrawal criteria; Method of allocation to study groups. (3) Variables Independent, dependent, extraneous, controlled. (4) Pilot Studies Outcome of any pilot studies which led to modifications to the main study. (5) Materials Equipment, instruments or measurement tools (include model number and manufacturer).
Methods The content of methods (cont.) .... (6) Procedures The Element of a Scientific Article Methods The content of methods (cont.) .... (6) Procedures Detailed description, in chronological order, of exactly what was done and by whom. (7) Major ethical considerations (8) Data reduction/statistical analyses Method of calculating derived variables, dealing with outlying values and missing data. Methods used to summarise data (present verb tense). Statistical software (name, version or release number); Statistical tests (cite a reference for less commonly used tests) and what was compared; Critical alpha probability (p) value at which differences/relationships were considered to be statistically significant.
Result The function of the result are The Element of a Scientific Article Result The function of the result are to report the results (past verb tense) of the procedures described in the methods; and to present the evidence, that is the data (in the form of text, tables or figures), that supports the results. It is important to plan which results are important in answering the question and which can be left out. Include only results which are relevant to the question(s) posed in the introduction irrespective of whether or not the results support the hypothesis(es). After deciding which results to present, attention should turn to determining whether data are best presented within the text or as tables or figures.
The Element of a Scientific Article Result (cont.) Confusion sometimes arises as to the difference between results and data. Results statements provide the message, that is, they interpret the data. Data rarely stand alone, they are facts, often numbers, which may be presented in their raw form, summarized (e.g. means) or transformed (e.g. percentages, ratios) (Zeiger, 1991).
The Element of a Scientific Article Discussion The discussion should be considered as the heart of the paper and invariably requires several attempts at writing (Portney and Watkins, 1993). It serves to answer the question(s) posed in the introduction, explain how the results support the answers and how the answers fit in with existing knowledge on the topic (Zeiger, 1991). This is the main section in which the author can express his/her interpretations and opinions, for example how important the author thinks the results are, the author’s suggestions for future research and the clinical implications of the findings (Portney and Watkins, 1993).
Discussion The content of the discussion is outlined as follows The Element of a Scientific Article Discussion The content of the discussion is outlined as follows Answers to the question(s) posed in the introduction together with any accompanying support, explanation and defence of the answers (present verb tense) with reference to published literature. Explanations of any results that do not support the answers. Indication of the originality/uniqueness of the work Explanations of: How the findings concur with those of others Any discrepancies of the results with those of others Unexpected findings The limitations of the study which may affect the study validity or generalisability of the study findings. Indication of the importance of the work e.g. clinical significance Recommendations for further research
The Element of a Scientific Article Conclusion This section should comprise a brief statement of the major findings and implications of the study. It is not the function of this section to summarise the study; this is the purpose of the abstract. New information must not be included in the conclusions.