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RATNA CANDRA SARI KONVERGENSI IFRS DEWAN PENYUSUN STANDAR Dewan Penyusun Standar IASB (International Acc Standard Board) IFRS (International Financial.

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Transcript presentasi:

Partisipasi aktif peserta didik. Overview Mata Ajaran Partisipasi aktif peserta didik. Presentasi untuk menyajikan kasus untuk kemudian didiskusikan bersama di kelas. Jumlah anggota per kelompok berkisar 2-4 orang. Setiap kelompok menyajikan dan menulis makalah kasus minimal 2 kali.

Overview Mata Ajaran Makalah kasus: menganalisis suatu studi kasus aplikasi standar akuntansi yang berlaku atau isu yang timbul dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan di Indonesia

Overview Mata Ajaran Bahan bacaan: Standar akuntansi dari organisasi profesi, peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, makalah dari berbagai seminar, buku teks, hingga jurnal profesi akuntan publik

Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Overview Mata Ajaran Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Partisipasi dan Kehadiran 15% Penulisan Makalah Kelompok 10% Penyajian Makalah Kelompok 10% Ujian Tengah Semester 25% Ujian Akhir Semester 25% Kuis 15%

Overview Mata Ajaran Penilaian Partisipasi dan Kehadiran Pertanyaan dan komentar – Dinilai berdasarkan frekuensi dan kualitas pertanyaan/komentar dalam diskusi kelas (Range nilai 0-100, bobot 60%) Kehadiran (Range nilai 0-100, bobot 40%). Satu kali ketidakhadiran akan mengurangi nilai kehadiran 25%. Jadi, kalau tidak hadir 4 x, maka nilai Kehadiran adalah 0%). Faktor Pengurang: Kedisiplinan hadir tepat waktu. Satu kali keterlambatan hadir (yaitu hadir lebih dari 15 menit dari jadwal dimulainya kelas) akan dinilai -5%. Perilaku disruptif di kelas, seperti mengobrol, baca koran, browsing internet, sms, dan lain-lain. Perilaku yang disruptif dinilai -5% per pertemuan.

Overview Mata Ajaran Penilaian makalah kasus kelompok Penilaian Penyajian Makalah Kasus Kelompok Kejelasan/Dapat dipahami dalam menyampaikan makalah (30%) Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar (25%) Bahasa tubuh (body language), seperti intonasi suara yang keras, tidak membaca, menghadap ke peserta, dan lain-lain (25%) Penggunaan media (seperti Powerpoint, dan seterusnya) yang informatif (20%)

Overview The product of accounting is information Information is complex because: The absence of perfect or true accounting concepts and standards  Individuals will not be unanimous in their reaction to even the same information It does more than affect individual decisions

Overview The challenge for financial accountants is to survive and prosper in a complex environment characterized by conflicting pressures from different groups with an interest in financial reporting

Information Asymmetry Information asymmetry: some parties to business transactions may have an information advantage over others Two major types of information asymmetry Adverse selection Moral hazard

Information Asymmetry (Cont’d) Adverse selection One or more parties to a business transaction, or potential transaction, have an information advantage over other parties This may affect the ability of investors to make good investment decisions Financial accounting and reporting as a mechanism to control the adverse selection problem by timely and credible conversion of inside information into outside information

Information Asymmetry (Cont’d) Moral Hazard One or more parties to a business transaction, or potential transaction, can observe their actions in fulfillment of the transaction but other parties cannot. Occurs because of the separation of ownership and control Accounting net income as a measure of managerial performance

Conflicting preferences of investors and managers  standard setting The setting of accounting concepts and standards requires negotiation and compromise Their application must be enforced

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Established in 2001 Its predecessor, International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), was created in 1973 Basic objective: to develop a single set of high quality, understandable, and enforceable global accounting standards

IASB Structure

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) The IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) is an independent standard-setting board, appointed and overseen by a geographically and professionally diverse group of Trustees of the IASC Foundation who are accountable to the public interest. It is supported by an external advisory council (SAC) and an interpretations committee (IFRIC) to offer guidance where divergence in practice occurs. The Trustees appoint the 14 Board members, who come from nine countries and have a variety of functional backgrounds.  Standards are developed by a board of 14 individuals A majority of nine of 14 votes is required to pass new standards, a requirement called super-majority voting

Trustees of the IASC Foundation The 22 Trustees of the IASC Foundation are responsible for its governance and oversight, including its funding. They promote the work of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the rigorous application of IFRSs. However, the Trustees are not involved in any technical matters relating to the standards. That responsibility rests solely with the IASB. Trustees are appointed for a renewable term of three years. Six of the Trustees must be selected from the Asia/Oceania region, six from Europe, six from North America, and four from any region

International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) Its mandate is to review on a timely basis widespread accounting issues that have arisen within the context of current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The work of the IFRIC is aimed at reaching consensus on the appropriate accounting treatment (IFRIC Interpretations) and providing authoritative guidance on those issues.

Standards Advisory Council (SAC) The Standards Advisory Council (SAC) is a forum for the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to consult a wide range of representatives from user groups, preparers, financial analysts, academics, auditors, regulators and professional accounting bodies that are affected by and interested in the IASB's work.

Six Stages of Standard Setting Stage 1: Setting the agenda Stage 2: Project planning Stage 3: Development and publication of a discussion paper Stage 4: Development and publication of an exposure draft Stage 5: Development and publication of an IFRS Stage 6: Procedures after an IFRS is issued

Stage 1: Setting the agenda The relevance to users of the information involved and the reliability of information that could be provided Existing guidance available The possibility of increasing convergence The quality of the standards to be developed Resource constraints.

Stage 2: Project planning Decides whether to conduct the project alone, or jointly with another standard-setter. The IASB may establish a working group at this stage.

Stage 3: Development and publication of a discussion paper A discussion paper is not a mandatory step The IASB normally publishes a discussion paper as its first publication on any major new topic as a vehicle to explain the issue and solicit early comment from constituents. A discussion paper includes a comprehensive overview of the issue, possible approaches in addressing the issue, the preliminary views of its authors or the IASB, and an invitation to comment.

Stage 4: Development and publication of an exposure draft Publication of an exposure draft is a mandatory step in due process The development of an exposure draft begins with the IASB considering issues on the basis of staff research and recommendations, as well as comments received on any discussion paper, and suggestions made by the SAC, working groups and accounting standard-setters and arising from public education sessions.

Stage 5: Development and publication of an IFRS After the due process is completed, all outstanding issues are resolved, and the IASB members have balloted in favour of publication, the IFRS is issued.

Stage 6: Procedures after an IFRS is issued After an IFRS is issued, the staff and the IASB members hold regular meetings with interested parties, including other standard-setting bodies, to help understand unanticipated issues related to the practical implementation and potential impact of its proposals. The IASC Foundation also fosters educational activities to ensure consistency in the application of IFRSs.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) In designing standards, the IASB follows due process The process usually involves: Discussion of a paper outlining the principal issues Preparation of an Exposure Draft that incorporates the tentative decisions taken by the Board – during which process many of these are re-debated, sometimes several times Publication of the Exposure Draft Analysis of comments received on the Exposure Draft Debate and issue of final standard, accompanied by application guidance and a document setting out the Basis for Conclusion

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) The basic due process can be modified in different circumstances If the project is controversial or particularly difficult, IASB may issue a discussion paper before proceeding to Exposure Draft stage IASB may also hold some form of public consultation during the process

Accounting Convergence Convergence of international and national accounting standards involves the gradual elimination of differences through the cooperative efforts of the IASB, national standard setters, and other groups seeking best solutions to accounting and reporting issues

Accounting Convergence Convergence vs Harmonization Harmonization was generally taken to mean the elimination of differences between existing accounting standards While convergence might also involve coming up with a new accounting treatment not in any current standard

Accounting Convergence Advantages of international convergence: High-quality financial reporting standards that are used consistently around the world improve the efficiency with which capital is allocated  reducing the cost of capital Investors can make better investment decision Lower costs for issuers

Accounting Convergence Criticisms of International Standards Too simple a solution for complex problem Doubt that international standards could be flexible enough to handle differences in national backgrounds, traditions, and economic environments Large international accounting service firms are using international accounting standards as a tool with which to expand their markets May create “standards overload” International standards are not suitable for small and medium-sized companies, particularly unlisted ones with no public accountability

IASB & FASB 2002: IASB and FASB sign the ”Norwalk Agreement” committing them to convergence of international and US accounting standards 2005: FASB and IASB sign Memorandum of Understanding setting out milestones the two boards must reach in order to demonstrate acceptable level of convergence between US GAAP and IFRS to SEC and EU Commission

Bagan Organisasi IAI

Dewan Konsultatif Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DKSAK) Bertugas memberikan konsultasi kepada DSAK berupa pandangan mengenai materi, arah, serta skala prioritas pilihan PSAK/IPSAK. Anggota terdiri dari anggota IAI dan bukan anggota IAI yang mewakili secara luas pemakai dan pengguna jasa profesi akuntansi serta pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dengan pengembangan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan. Anggota minimum 5 orang diangkat oleh Pengurus Pusat untuk masa kerja maksimum 4 tahun dan dapat diangkat kembali maksimum satu kali.

Kepengurusan DKSAK Ketua: Herwidayatmo Anggota: 1. Arif Arryman 2. Bambang Setiawan 3. Bambang Subianto 4. Erry Firmansyah 5. Henry B. Lumban Toruan 6. I Gusti Agung Made Rai 7. Indarto 8. Istini T. Siddharta 9. Jhonny Darmawan 10. Jusuf Halim 11. Kuswono Soeseno 12. Sandiago S. Uno 13. Siti Ch. Fadjijah 14. Wahyu Tumakaka

Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Bagian dari Organisasi IAI yang mempunyai otonomi untuk menyusun dan mengesahkan PSAK dan IPSAK. Pemilihan anggota DSAK diutamakan berdasarkan kompetensi, pengalaman, dan komitmen pada misi IAI serta komitmen untuk mencurahkan waktu dan perhatian pada tugas sebagai anggota DSAK. Masa kerja anggota maksimum 4 tahun dan dapat diangkat kembali maksimum satu kali.

Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Jumlah anggota DSAK untuk masa bakti 2006-2010 sebanyak tiga belas (13) orang, yang mewakili berbagai unsur: akuntan publik, akuntan manajemen, akademisi, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Bank Indonesia, Bapepam, auditor pemerintah. Kesinambungan keanggotaan DSAK selalu dipelihara. Ketua DSAK diangkat dari dan oleh anggota terpilih. Dibentuk badan pekerja purna waktu (full time management and staffs) sebagai tim teknis dalam penyusunan PSAK maupun IPSAK.

Tugas utama anggota DSAK Menentukan materi serta skala prioritas pilihan topik untuk dijadikan agenda kerja. Mempertimbangkan masukan dari DKSAK mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan standar akuntansi keuangan. Memberikan arahan serta supervisi badan pekerja teknis, membahas hasil kerja badan pekerja teknis.

Kepengurusan DSAK Ketua: M. Jusuf Wibisana (PwC/Unbraw) Anggota: 1. Agus Edy Siregar (BI) 2. Dudi M. Kurniawan (PwC) 3. Etty Retno Wulandari, Dr. (Bapepam LK) 4. Hekinus Manao, Dr. (Depkeu) 5. Jan Hoesada (Jan Ladiman & Rekan) 6. Jogijanto Hartono, Prof. Dr. (UGM) 7. Jumadi (KPMG) 8. Meidyah Indreswari, Dr. (BPKP) 9. Merliyana Syamsul (Deloitte) 10. Riza Noor Karim (Ditjen Pajak) 11. Roy ImanWirahardja (EY) 12. Sidharta Utama, Dr. (UI)

Tahapan Due Process Identifikasi isu untuk dikembangkan menjadi Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) Konsultasikan isu dengan Dewan Konsultatif Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DKSAK) Membentuk tim kecil dalam Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK) Melakukan riset terbatas Melakukan penulisan awal konsep draft

Tahapan Due Process Pembahasan konsep draft dalam DSAK Peluncuran exposure draft dan pengedarannya Pelaksanaan public hearing dan atau limited hearing Pembahasan tanggapan atas exposure draft dan masukan public hearing atau limited hearing Persetujuan exposure draft PSAK menjadi PSAK Optimal: final checking oleh purnawaktu IAI Sosialisasi standar

Kepengurusan Komite Akuntansi Syariah (KAS) Ketua : M. Jusuf Wibisana (DSAK-IAI) Anggota: 1. Agus Edy Siregar (DSAK-IAI) 2. Amin Musa (AASI) 3. Cecep M. Hakim (BI) 4. Dewi Astuti (BI) 5. Hanawijaya (Asbisindo) 6. Hasanudin (DSN-MUI) 7. Ikhwan A. Basri (DSN-MUI) 8. Kanny Hidaya (DSN-MUI) 9. M. Touriq (Bapepam LK) 10. Setiawan Budi Utomo, Dr. (DSN-MUI) 11. Wiroso (Konsultan)

Rerangka Prinsip Akuntansi Konvensional yang Berlaku Umum

Rerangka Prinsip Akuntansi Syariah yang Berlaku Umum

High Quality Accounting Standards Improves financial reporting by enhancing financial statement users’ ability to make investment and credit decisions Should provide recognition and measurement guidance that seeks to replicate the “economics” of the underlying transaction or event Should be written in a clear, understandable manner, and their principles should be operational to apply Narrows alternative accounting choices and improves comparability Consistent with conceptual framework Disclosures should be limited to key significant data Benefits of implementation outweigh the cost to comply

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure The value and worth of financial reporting lies in its usefulness to users We have to develop a sufficiently dynamic and reliable analytical framework for anticipating and responding to changes in the business world

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) 4 broad accounting and disclosure issues that may be critically important to the future of financial reporting: Recognition and measurement of the benefits and obligations of a business The timeliness of financial reporting The concept of the firm The distribution channel and medium

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) Recognition and measurement Most of the assets in balance sheet were “hard” and carried at historical cost Concerns: There are significant number of assets that are poorly measured through historical cost accounting There are certain assets that are not recognized at all Disclose such measurements in a location outside the traditional financial statements

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) Timeliness of financial reporting The rapid acceleration of events significantly affecting a firm has started to make our system of annual audits and quarterly reports somewhat obsolete For example: more limited or abbreviated financial statements be distributed to the market on more a frequent bases (for example, monthly)

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) Concept of the Firm The concept of what we call the firm is also changing Financial reporting must be examined at the conceptual level

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) Information distribution channels The information we distribute has been aggregated corporate information Some end-users today might benefit from access to disaggregated data This information might be provided through direct on-line access

The Future of Accounting and Disclosure (Cont’d) Implications and potential outcomes One outcome of such inactivity might be a stratification of accounting information available to various types of end-users Because of existing regulatory and accounting constraints, public companies that wish to engage in innovative business structures and affiliations may find it harder to do so and may discouraged from undertaking such ventures More positive outcome: for accounting profession (and financial managers) to take steps now to explore the issues discussed here