Sentence Pattern 1 OBJECT 1 + ada + PREPOSITION + OBJECT 2 Pena ada di atas meja. The pen is on top of the table.
Sentence Pattern 2 PREPOSITION + OBJECT 2 + ada + OBJECT 1 Di atas meja ada pena. On top of the table there is a pen.
Sentence Pattern 3 Ada + OBJECT 1 + PREPOSITION + OBJECT 2 Ada pena di atas meja. There is a pen on top of the table.
Example Using Pattern 1 Pena ada di sebelah kanan penggaris.
Example Using Pattern 2 Di atas meja ada penggaris, pena dan gunting.
Example Using Pattern 3 Ada jam, penggaris, pena dan gunting di atas meja.
Latihan-latihan Use any of the three sentence patterns for expressing location to describe the location of the objects in the following photographs. To gain experience in expressing location, use each of the available sentence patterns. Marks will be deducted if only one of the sentence patterns are used over and over.
Nomor Satu
Nomor Dua
Nomor 3
Nomor Empat
Nomor Lima
Nomor Enam
Nomor Tujuh
Nomor Delapan
Nomor Sembilan
Nomor Sepuluh
Nomor Sebelas
Nomor Duabelas
Nomor Tigatbelas
Nomor Empatbelas
Nomor Limabelas
Nomor Enambelas
Nomor Tujuhbelas
Nomor Delapanbelas