Cultural Determinants of Schemas People in different cultures have different schemas about themselves and the social world. Culture have influence the way we understand and interpret the world.
The Bantu have an excellent memory for their cattle, possibly because they have much better schemas for cattle than people in other cultures do. It is not the case that the Bantu have superior memories, but each of us have superb memory in the areas that are important to us
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMBUAT KITA BERPIKIR SECARA OTOMATIS : 1. Accessibility The extend to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of people’s minds and are therefore likely to be used when we are making judgments about the social world.
Is this man an alcoholic or just down on his luck Is this man an alcoholic or just down on his luck ? Our judgments about other people can be influenced by schemas that are accessible in our memories. If you had just been talking to a friend about who had alcohol problem, you might think that this man has an alcohol problem, because alcoholism is accessible in your memory
2. Priming Proses berpikir yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor pengalaman yang baru saja terjadi atau informasi- informasi yang diperoleh sebelumnya. Mis : setelah melihat film horor kita jadi takut utk sendirian. Negro : bodoh, malas, miskin ; Arab : konotasi seksual, teroris Di tahun awal kuliah,banyak mahasiswa kedokteran yang merasa memiliki penyakit serius. Misal saat sakit kepala, muncul dugaan bahwa mereka mungkin menderita tumor otak. Ini karena tiap hari mereka belajar tentang jenis-jenis penyakit. Hal ini meningkatkan ketersediaan informasi, lalu digunakan untuk menyimpulkan suatu kejadian.
That poor alcoholic… leaning Againts the building drinking This guys been hitting the Bottle early Blah..blah..blah.. OR OR This novel about mental patient Is really gripping This guy’s mentally ill How we interpret an ambiguous situation : The role of accessibility and priming