PERCEPTION IN COMMUNICATION We must always tell what we see. Above all, and this is more difficult , we must always see what we see. Charles Peguy. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Persepsi terjadi dalam benak individu yang mempersepsi, bukan dalam obyek dan selalu merupakan pengetahuan tentang penampakan. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Persepsi bersifat kompleks. Tidak ada hubungan satu lawan satu antara pesan yang terjadi di "luar sana" dengan pesan yang akhirnya memasuki otak kita. Apa yang terjadi di dunia luar dapat sangat berbeda dengan apa yang mencapai otak kita. Persepsi ditentukan oleh karakteristik orang memberi respon pada stimuli, bukan pada stimuli. perception-joice c siagian
perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Perception is “ the process by which a individual selects, evaluates and organizes stimuli from external world”. In other words, perception is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of our environment into meaningful experience. (Larry A. Samovar) Your perceptions result from what exists in the outside world and from your experiences, desires, needs and wants, loves and hatreds perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Perception is so important in communication is that influences your communication choices The messages you send and listen to will depend on how you see the world, on how you size up specific situation, on what you think of people with whom you interact perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION SENSASI DAN STIMULI Sensasi : proses menangkap stimuli melalui alat indra Persepsi : memberi makna pada sensasi sehingga manusia dapat pengetahuan baru Alat pengindraan mengubungkan organisasi dengan lingkungan perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Perception is a continuous series of processes that blend into one another. Five stages: You sense some kind of stimulation You organize the stimuli in some way You interpret and evaluate what you perceive You store it in memory You retrieve it when you needed perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTION Perception and communication influence each other Perceptions shapes our understanding of other communication and the choices we make in our own communication. Communication influences our perceptions of people and situation. The language, non verbal behavior that other people use affect our perceptions of their intelligence, friendliness. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage One: STIMULATION Your sense organs are stimulated Naturally, you don’t perceive everything; rather, your engage in selective perception. Through selective exposure you expose yourself to people or messages that will confirm your existing beliefs, contribute to your objectives, or prove satisfying in some way. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage One: STIMULATION Selective exposure : the deliberate choices we make to experience to avoid particular stimuli Selective attention : focusing on spesific stimuli while ignoring or downplaying other stimuli Selective retention: processing, storing, and retrieving of information that we have already selected, organized & interpreted. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Two: ORGANIZATION You organize the information your senses pick up. Organization by Rules Organization by Schemata Organization by Scripts. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Two: ORGANIZATION Organizations by rules : proximity, similarity, contrast, closure Organizations by Schemata: mental templates or structures that help you organize the millions of items of information Organization by Scripts: focuses action, event, or procedure perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Two: ORGANIZATION Similarity : the grouping of stimuli that resemble one another in size, shape, color or other traits. Where an object or figure has similar elements there is a tendency to group them together to produce a pattern. Similar shapes, colours and sizes tend to be grouped by the viewer Proximity : the grouping of two or more stimuli that are close to one another perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Two: ORGANIZATION contrast perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Two: ORGANIZATION Organize the information your senses pick up. Sorting, organizing, or categorizing. Categorizing of stimuli in our environment in order to make sense them. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Three: INTERPRETATION – EVALUATION Is inevitably subjective and is greatly influenced by your experiences, needs, wants, values, beliefs about the way things are should be, expectations, physical and emotional state and so on. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Three: INTERPRETATION – EVALUATION Based on past experience Based on new situation Based on opinions of others perception-joice c siagian
Each of us perceives that the world through our own set of lenses or filters. We can never see precisely the same river, tree, mountain, person or evet, or hear message in exactly the same way that others do. We are different from one another perception-joice c siagian
The diagonal lines A-B and B-C are equal in length. Illusi perceptual The diagonal lines A-B and B-C are equal in length. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Four: MEMORY Your perception and their interpretations- evaluations are put into memory; they’re stored so that you may ultimately retrieve them at some later time. perception-joice c siagian
perception-joice c siagian
perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Five: RECALL At some later date, you may want to recall or access the information you have stored in memory. perception-joice c siagian
STAGES OF PERCEPTION Stage Five: RECALL Do you see an old woman or a young woman in this illustration? They are both present, but you will not be able to see both of them simultaneously. Once you perceive both figures, see if you can get them to fluctuate back and forth between the two interpretations. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Implicit Personality Theory Perceptual Accentuation Primacy – Recency Consistency Attribution perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Self-Fulfilling Prophecy perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Your self- fulfilling prophecies may influence the behavior of others. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Implicit Personality Theory Allows you to conclude that certain characteristics go with certain other characteristics. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Perceptual Accentuation May lead you to perceive what you expect to perceive instead of what is really there. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Primacy – Recency Perception may be affected by primacy-recency. Your tendency to give extra importance to what occurs first (a primacy effect) may lead you to see what conforms to this judgment and to distort or otherwise misperceive what contradicts it. First impressions often serves as filters, as schemata, for more recent information. In some cases, you may give extra weight to what occurs last (a recency effect) perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Consistency The tendency to seek and expect consistency may influence you to see what is consistent ant to not see what is inconsistent. perception-joice c siagian
PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Attribution Attribution of causality, the process through which you try to understand the behaviors of others (and your own behaviors, in self-attribution), particularly the reasons or motivations for these behaviors, are made on the basis of consensus, consistency, distinctiveness, and controllability. Errors of attribution include the self-serving bias, overattribution, and the fundamental attribution error. perception-joice c siagian
INCREASING ACCURACY IN INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTION Analyze Perceptions Check Perceptions Reduce Uncertainty Increase Cultural Sensitivity perception-joice c siagian
Prinsip – prinsip Persepsi Sosial 1. Persepsi sosial adalah persepsi berdasarkan pengalaman Persepsi manusia terhadap seseorang, obyek atau kejadian dan reaksi mereka terhadap hal – hal tersebut adalah berdasarkan pengalaman dan pembelajaran masa lalu yg berkaitan dengan orang, obyek atau kejadian serupa. perception-joice c siagian
Prinsip – prinsip Persepsi Sosial 2 Persepsi bersifat selektif Manusia diberi beragam rangsangan indrawi dan kita harus menafsirkan setiap rangsangan tersebut. Tetapi untuk mengatasi rangsangan yang begitu banyak dan rumit, manusia hanya memperhatikan sedikit saja rangsangan ini. Atensi pada suatu rangsangan merupakan faktor utama yang menentukan selektivitas kita atas rangsangan tersebut. perception-joice c siagian
Prinsip – prinsip Persepsi Sosial 3. Persepsi bersifat dugaan Data yang diperoleh mengenai obyek melalui pengindraan tidak pernah lengkap, persepsi merupakan loncatan langsung pada kesimpulan. . Proses persepsi yg bersifat dugaan memungkinkan individu menafsirkan suatu obyek dengan makna yang lebih lengkap dari suatu sudut pandang manapun. perception-joice c siagian
Prinsip – prinsip Persepsi Sosial 3. Persepsi bersifat dugaan Informasi lengkap tidak pernah tersedia, diperlukan dugaan untuk untuk membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan informasi yg tidak lengkap. Mengisi ruang yang kosong untuk melengkapi gambar dan menyediakan informasi yang hilang perception-joice c siagian
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