Modul 3 KONSEP STRATEGI BISNIS DAN IMPLIKASINYA PADA STRATEGI IS/IT TIK – 3 Mahasiswa mampu menemukan kaitan konsep strategi bisnis dan implikasinya pada strategi IS/IT [C3]
Pert. 5. Alaminya strategi dan perencanaan strategi Evolusi kematangan manajemen strategis dalam 4 tahap
Pert. 5. Alaminya strategi dan perencanaan strategi Strategi vs Perencanaan Strategi didefinisikan sbg: an integrated set of actions aimed at increasing the long term well being and strength of the enterprise to competitors. Perencanaan: is about programming not discovering.
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis Lingkungan eksternal Lebih dikenal dengan PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological)
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis Kelompok penekan dan stake holder Fungsi organisasi dalam konteks lingkungan eksternal akan dibawah pengaruh langsung dari dua kelompok kekuatan. Kelompok penekan: dicirikan dengan membuat kebutuhan dari organisasi dan organisasi harus memperhatikan eksistensi mereka. Stake holder: punya minat langsung pada aspek keuangan organisasi dan menginginkan pembagian saham atas keuntungan.
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis Contoh pengaruh dari kelompok penekan dan stake holders
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis Penyusunan strategi bisnis internal dan perencanaan A key issue of any strategy process is to determine the scope. Should it cover the organization as a whole, or should the organization be considered in smaller, discrete parts where it may be more appropriate and easier to develop coherent strategies and plans? Clearly, in the derivation and development of strategies, it is important to consider both the enterprise, as a whole, and the individual business units.
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis Perumusan strategi bisnis dan proses perencanaan Obyektif These are usually described by reference to profitability, growth, market share, customer satisfaction, new product development, etc. 2. Analisis situasi (SWOT) The first concerns the current strategy and an understanding of the enterprise’s strengths and weaknesses.
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis The second element involve analysis of the competitive environment so that the enterprise can quite clearly identify its position in the market place and possible future strategic options. This type of analysis is often called SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
Pert. 5. Kerangka kerja strategis 3. Strategi masa mendatang The future strategies should be evaluated against a number of criteria, to enable the most beneficial and most feasible to be selected. For example: The risk, both financial and managerial, and the likely responses of the main competitors; The degree to which the organization needs to create new capabilities to be offensive or improve control in order to be more defensive; Etc.
Pert. 5. Implementasi strategi
Pert. 5 Diskusi Jelaskan tentang strategi dan perencanaan strategi yang alami Uraikan kerangka kerja strategi