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Donald G. Fulton. CONCEPT MAPPING Concept maps are a way of visualizing hierarchies and relationships of propositions, ideas, and information. They are.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Donald G. Fulton. CONCEPT MAPPING Concept maps are a way of visualizing hierarchies and relationships of propositions, ideas, and information. They are."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Donald G. Fulton

2 CONCEPT MAPPING Concept maps are a way of visualizing hierarchies and relationships of propositions, ideas, and information. They are one of several different ‘graphic organizers’ recognized and often used in science education and in other fields. Others mentioned earlier include Venn diagrams, timelines, trees, feedback loops, webs, and flowcharts. Pemetaan konsep adalah cara memvisualisasikan hirarki dan hubungan antar proposisi, ide, dan informasi. Pemetaan konsep adalah salah satu dari berbagai graphic organizer yang telah dikenal dan digunakan dalam pendidikan sains dan di bidang lainnya. Contohnya ialah diagram Venn, penjadwalan, tress, feedback loops, web, dan flowchart 2

3 CONCEPT MAPPING… In America, the cognitive psychologist David Ausubel, basing his work on ‘assimilation theory’, emphasized the importance of prior knowledge in learning. Later, the educational philosopher, Joseph Novak, using Ausubel’s emphasis on prior learning, developed ‘concept mapping’ as a practical tool as well as a psycho-, philosophical system. 3 Di Amerika, ahli psikologi kognitif David Ausubel, menggunakan “teori asimilasi” sebagai basis kerjanya, serta menekankan pentingnya pengetahuan awal sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Selanjutnya, ahli filosofi pendidikan, Joseph Novak, dengan menggunakan penekanan Ausubel tentang pengetahuan awal mengembangkan “pemetaan konsep” sebagai alat praktis dan juga psiko-, sistem filosofi

4 CONCEPT MAPPING… Strict followers of Novak’s concept mapping define what is and what is not concept mapping. Others (like me) are flexible and sometimes blend in other graphic organizers. Let’s try a few exercises! 4 Pengikut setia pemetaan konsep Novak mendefinisikan apa itu dan apa yang bukan pemetaan konsep. Yang lainnya (seperti saya) bersifat lebih fleksibel dan terkadang menggabungkannya menjadi graphic organizers

5 Basic Biological Classification (Dasar Klasifikasi Biologi) Compounds (senyawa) Elements (elemen) atoms organic chemistry (kimia organik inorganic chemistry (kimia inorganik) mixtures (campuran) acids (asam) bases (basa) salts (garam) solids (padatan) liquids (cairan) gases periodic chart (bagan periodik) Sugars (gula) Fatty acids (asam lemak) amino acids (asam amino) molecules (molekul) Nucletides (nukleotida) hydrocarbons (hidrokarbon) Plastics (plastik) Monerans Protistans Fungi (jamur)?? plants (tanaman) Animals (binatang) Viruses bacteria blue-green algae (Jamur biru-hijau) algae (ganggang protozoans (protozoa) Mushrooms (jamur) Molds (cendawan) mildews yeasts (ragi) Mosses (lumut) ferns (pakis) Gymnosperms (gimnosperma) Angiosperms (angiosperma) invertebrates (invertebrata) Vertebrates (vertebrata) 5 Basic Chemistry (Dasar Kimia)

6 Now let’s look at the rest of my principles of biology through (sekarang mari kita lihat keseluruhan prinsip biologi melalui) Concept Mapping (Pemetaan Konsep) … then create some maps of our own (…lalu buat pemetaannya) … and then move quickly through a concept mapped course in evolution (…dan kemudian bergerak dengan cepat pada konsep yang sudah dipetakan untuk evolusi 6

7 READINGS The Theory Behind Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use them. By Joseph Novak and Alberto Canas. (internet via Google) Concept Mapping in College Science Teaching. By Arnaudin, Mintzes, Dunn, & Shafer. Journal of College Science Teaching, Nov. 1984. High School Biology: A Group Approach to Concept Mapping. By David Brown. The American Biology Teacher, March 2003. Cooperative Concept Mapping. By Ralph Preszler. Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2004. Hundreds more valuable article available: internet via Google. 7

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