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Pendekatan Pembelajaran PKn berbasis isu (issues centred approach) Bank (1990) berpendapat bahwa isu-isu sosial merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pendekatan Pembelajaran PKn berbasis isu (issues centred approach) Bank (1990) berpendapat bahwa isu-isu sosial merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pendekatan Pembelajaran PKn berbasis isu (issues centred approach) Bank (1990) berpendapat bahwa isu-isu sosial merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam kurikulum ilmu-ilmu sosial. Hahn (in Print, 1998) isu-isu kontroversial penting dalam pembelajaran ilmu-ilmu sosial dalam rangka mempersiapkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses pembuatan keputusan secara demokratis pada masyarakat majemuk.

2 Penelitian empiris dari Harwood (1992), menyatakan bahwa dalam pembelajaran ilmu-ilmu sosial dengan menggunakan isu-isu kontroversial dapat berefek positif untuk mengembangkan sikap politik siswa (student’s political attitudes). Penelitian empiris dari Harwood (1992), menyatakan bahwa dalam pembelajaran ilmu-ilmu sosial dengan menggunakan isu-isu kontroversial dapat berefek positif untuk mengembangkan sikap politik siswa (student’s political attitudes). Oliver & Shaver (1966) pembelajaran dengan isu-isu kontroversial dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (high order thinking). Dapat mengembangkan kepekaan dan perhatian terhadap konflik (Bickmore, 1993). Oliver & Shaver (1966) pembelajaran dengan isu-isu kontroversial dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (high order thinking). Dapat mengembangkan kepekaan dan perhatian terhadap konflik (Bickmore, 1993).

3 Jadi, dengan pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis isu berdampak positif bagi siswa untuk:  Mengembangkan pengetahuan;  Mengembangkan keterampilan siswa dalam mengelola konflik dalam kehidupan masyarakat demokratis.

4 The Comparison of Three Typologies of Teaching Controversy Social ScientistCritical ThinkerUnstructured PurposeGaining social science knowledge Developing critical thinking Be aware of social issues IssuesIssues related to curr topics Current events or news MethodDebate, Discussion, library research, student presentation Debate, discussion, value clarification, problem solving Lecture, discussion Teacher roleThe leader of learning activities Expressing their own perspectives and challenging students to reflect on their thinking Stating facts Student roleKnowledge manipulatorProblem solverKnowledge receiver Time1 hour/week1-1,5 hour/week30 min/week

5 Four Factors forcing Nation-states and school based education to be more open Change in political and socio-economic relations and value system that share common grounds in human rights, democracy, free trade, disamarment and acceptance of diversity in other cultures; protection of the environment at the community, national and global levels; and the importance of fostering “change-capable” behavior. Change in political and socio-economic relations and value system that share common grounds in human rights, democracy, free trade, disamarment and acceptance of diversity in other cultures; protection of the environment at the community, national and global levels; and the importance of fostering “change-capable” behavior. Changes in the conception of human intelligence which lead to more emphasis on child-centred learning as well as holistic and integrated learning. Changes in the conception of human intelligence which lead to more emphasis on child-centred learning as well as holistic and integrated learning. Changes in information technology and the possibilities it has made for self-learning. Changes in information technology and the possibilities it has made for self-learning. Changes in the paradigm of education and learning (Samudavanija, in Print, 1998) Changes in the paradigm of education and learning (Samudavanija, in Print, 1998)

6 PERGESERAN PARADIGMA PENDIDIKAN POLA LAMAMENUJUPOLA BARU Belajar terminalBelajar sepanjang hayat Penguasaan pengetahuan Belajar holistik Guru-siswa konfrontatif Guru-siswa kemitraan Pengetahuan skolastikPendidikan nilai Kampaye buta aksaraKampaye buta teknologi dan budaya Guru terisolasiTeam work Konsentrasi eksklusifKonsentrasi kerjasama

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