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EKONOMI INTERNASIONAL I Pertemuan XII : Instrument kebijakan perdagangan: Non Tariff Barriers Ferry Prasetyia, SE., MAppEc
Kebijakan perdagangan NTB’s Non-Tariff Barriers (NTB’s) Kuota Impor: pembatasan kuantitas barang yang dimpor. Hambatan Ekspor: Pembatasan kuantitas barang yang akan diekspor Hambatan lain: aturan konten spesifik, pajak perbatasan, klasifikasi administrasi
Efek Kuota impor Price, P Quantity, Q PWPW MD XS’ tqtq Q0Q0 XS World Market PqHPqH QqQq Quota PqWPqW Sumber: Veitch (2005)
Pertumbuhan Permintaan & Kuota Impor Price, P Quantity, Q PWPW MD XS’ Q0Q0 XS World Market P q1 Qq1Qq1 Quota PqWPqW MD’ E0E0 tqtq E1E1 Qq2Qq2 P q2 E2E2 P q3 E3E3 Sumber: Veitch (2005)
NTB’s on Industrial Country Imports (as % of imports) Total NTB’s Quantitative Restrictions Of which VER’s 198119861981198619811986 Agricultural Raw Materials Agricultural Food 40.842.627.327.40.81.8 Minerals & Metals 12.724.74.516.82.114.4 Iron & Steel Chemicals13. Other Manufactures 18.620.511.712.29.39.7 All Products (except fuel) 19.623. Source: Grilli & Sassoon, The New Protectionist Wave, 1990. Sumber: Veitch (2005)
Welfare Effects of U.S. Trade Restrictions QR = Quantitative Restriction Restriction Welfare Gain Industry - Employment Rest of Economy - Employment ($billions) (000 work-yrs) Textile & Apparel Remove QR’s 11.92-157.2157.2 Capture Rents from Foreigners 6.05-3.128.4 Automobiles Remove QR’s 7.50-1.21.3 Capture Rents from Foreigners 7.15+1.337.2 Steel Remove QR’s 0.86-20.722.3 Capture Rents from Foreigners 0.74-0.13.5 Source: De Melo & Tarr, Welfare Costs of Quotas on Textile, Steel, & Apparel Sumber: Veitch (2005)
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