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Profesi adalah : Occupations which demand as highly specialized knowledge and skill required at least impart by course of more or less theoretical nature.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Profesi adalah : Occupations which demand as highly specialized knowledge and skill required at least impart by course of more or less theoretical nature."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Profesi adalah : Occupations which demand as highly specialized knowledge and skill required at least impart by course of more or less theoretical nature and not by practice alone, tested by some other authorized institution and conveying to the persons who possess them considerable authority in relation to “clients”

2 Ciri Profesi 1.Specialized knowledge of techniques 2.Self improved and enforced values and behavior 3.Altruism 4.Professional associations and identify 5.Prestige 6.Social vital function 7.Autonomy

3 8. Specialized client relationship 9. Intellectual base (including commitment to liberal act, continuing education and reseach 10. Unique socialization of stident members 11. Legal recognition through licensure 12. Complete equivalence of members 13. Practicality 14. Terminal occupation

4 Pemberdayaan profesi kesehatan 1.Advocacy ( Upaya legal dan politik yang dilakukan untuk mempengaruhi proses pembuatan kebijakan)  OP dan Konsil 2.Regulasi  OP dan Pemerintah 3.Sertifikasi  Insntitusi pendidikan dan kolegium

5 Organisasi profesi kesehatan 1.Status profesi 2.AD dan ART 3.Anggota 4.Organisasi 5.Renstra dan Program 6.Regulasi dan Kontrol Standar profesi Etika Profesi Registrasi Sertifikasi Perijinan Standar Kompetensi UU Q. A dan Continuing education

6 Kriteria kesiapan OP 1.Profesi kesehatana tersebut mewakili displin ilmu yang diakui internasional 2.Ada keinginan masyarakat untuk mengankat profesi 3.Telah ada assosiasi profesi resmi 4.Asosiasi ini memiliki jaringan internasional 5.Jumlah anggota yang membayar iuran dalam batas wajar (30 %)

7 6. Memiliki batang ilmu (Body Of Knowlwdge) 7. Terdapat kode etik profesi 8. Ada Komisi displin 9. Ada Komisi standar praktek 10. Ada persyaratan formal pendidikan 11. Ada Kebijakan dan proses baku

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