Biaya Produksi Bab VII MC ATC AVC AFC.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Biaya Produksi Bab VII MC ATC AVC AFC."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Biaya Produksi Bab VII MC ATC AVC AFC

2 Dlm Bab Ini Akan Dipelajari
Berbagai Organisasi Perusahaan Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek Hubungan Antara ukuran Perusahaan dan Biaya Dlm Jk Panjang

3 Topik Bab VII Sektor Bisnis Biaya Ekonomi Produksi jk Pendek
Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

4 Sektor Bisnis Satu Lokasi
Terminology.... 1- PLANT Satu Lokasi

5 one business organization
Sektor Bisnis NOTES: Terminology.... 1- PLANT Vertical Combinations one business organization with one or more plants 2- FIRM Horizontal Combinations Conglomerates

6 Sektor Bisnis 1- PLANT 2- FIRM 3- INDUSTRY Kumpulan perusahaan
Terminology.... Kumpulan perusahaan Menjual produk sama 1- PLANT 2- FIRM 3- INDUSTRY

7 Topik Bab VII Sektor Bisnis Biaya Ekonomi Produksi jk Pendek
Biaya Produksi jk Pendek Biaya Produksi jk Panjang

8 Biaya Ekonomi... ... Opportunity Costs

9 Biaya Ekonomi Explicit Costs Implicit Costs

10 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant
Gambar 7-1 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant Total Revenue 10

11 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant
Gambar 7-1 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant Total Revenue Accounting costs (explicit costs only) Explicit Costs 11

12 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant
Gambar 7-1 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant Accounting Profits Total Revenue Accounting costs (explicit costs only) Explicit Costs 12

13 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant
Gambar 7-1 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant Accounting Profits Implicit costs (including a normal profit) Total Revenue Economic (opportunity) Costs Accounting costs (explicit costs only) Explicit Costs 13

14 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant
Gambar 7-1 Profits to an Economist Profits to an Accountant Economic Profits Accounting Profits Implicit costs (including a normal profit) Total Revenue Economic (opportunity) Costs Accounting costs (explicit costs only) Explicit Costs 14

15 Jk Pendek & Jk Panjang Jk Pendek (Short Run) Jk Panjang (Long Run)
Fixed Plant Jk Panjang (Long Run) Variable Plant

16 Bab VII Sektor Bisnis Biaya Ekonomi Produksi Jk Pendek
Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

17 perubahan total product
Produksi Jk Pendek Total Produksi (Total Product) Seluruh kuantitas yg diproduksi Produksi Marjinal (Marginal Product) perubahan total product perubahan input L = Produksi Rata-rata (Average Product) total product Input L =

18 Produksi Jk Pendek Law of Diminishing Returns
marginal product selalu menurun

19 perubahan total product perubahan labour input
Tabel 7-1 units of labour TP MP AP 1 10 2 25 3 45 4 60 5 70 6 75 7 8 perubahan total product perubahan labour input MP=

20 Tabel 7-1 units of labour TP MP AP 1 10 2 25 3 45 4 60 5 70 6 75 7 8
1 10 2 25 3 45 4 60 5 70 6 75 7 8 10 increasing marginal returns 15 20 diminishing marginal returns 15 10 5 negative marginal returns -5

21 Table 8-1 units of labour TP MP AP 1 10 2 25 3 45 4 60 5 70 6 75 7 8
1 10 2 25 3 45 4 60 5 70 6 75 7 8 total product total labour input AP = 10 10.00 15 12.50 20 15.00 15 15.00 14.00 12.50 10.71 8.75 10 5 -5

22 negative marginal returns
Figure 8-2 increasing marginal returns diminishing marginal returns TP negative marginal returns AP MP 22

23 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Fixed Cost Tdk Dipengaruhi Besar Kecil Produksi

24 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Fixed Cost Total fixed cost

25 Short-Run Production Costs
Fixed Cost Total fixed cost Total fixed cost Average fixed cost = Quantity

26 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Fixed Cost Total fixed cost Total fixed cost Average fixed cost = Quantity Variable Cost dipengaruhi besar kecil produksi

27 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Fixed Cost Total fixed cost Total fixed cost Average fixed cost = Quantity Variable Cost Total variable cost

28 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Fixed Cost Total fixed cost Total fixed cost Average fixed cost = Quantity Variable Cost Total variable cost Total variable cost Average variable cost = Quantity

29 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Total Cost Total fixed & variable cost

30 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Total Cost Total fixed & variable cost Total cost Average total cost = Quantity

31 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Total Cost Total fixed & variable cost Total cost Average total cost = Quantity Marginal Cost

32 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Total Cost Total fixed & variable cost Total cost Average total cost = Quantity Marginal Cost Change in Total cost Marginal cost = Change in Quantity

33 Biaya Produksi Jk Pendek
Total Fixed Costs = TFC Total Variable Costs = TVC Total Costs = TC Average Fixed Costs = AFC Average Variable Costs = AVC Average Total Costs = ATC Marginal Cost = MC

34 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 34

35 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 35

36 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 36

37 TC=TFC + TVC Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 100 TC=TFC + TVC 190 270 340 400 470 550 640 750 880 1030 37

38 TFC 38

39 add vertically to get TC

40 TC TVC TFC 40 .

41 AFC=TFC / Q Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 AFC=TFC / Q 100 190 100 270 50 340 400 470 550 640 750 880 1030 33.33 25 20 16.67 14.29 12.50 11.11 10 41

42 AVC=TVC / Q Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 AVC=TVC / Q 100 190 100 90 270 50 85 340 400 470 550 640 750 880 1030 33.33 80 25 20 16.67 14.29 12.50 11.11 10 75 74 77.14 81.25 86.67 93 42

43 ATC=TC / Q Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 ATC=TC / Q 100 190 100 90 190 270 50 85 135 340 400 470 550 640 750 880 1030 33.33 80 113.33 25 20 16.67 14.29 12.50 11.11 10 75 74 77.14 81.25 86.67 93 100 94 91.67 91.43 93.75 97.78 103 43

44 Note: MC is graphed at average Q
Tabel 7-1 Q TFC TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 100 1 90 2 170 3 240 4 300 5 370 6 450 7 540 8 650 9 780 10 930 MC=TC / Q MC=TC / Q 100 90 190 100 90 190 80 270 50 85 135 2.5 70 340 400 470 550 640 750 880 1030 33.33 80 113.33 60 70 80 90 110 130 150 25 20 16.67 14.29 12.50 11.11 10 75 74 77.14 81.25 86.67 93 100 94 91.67 91.43 93.75 97.78 103 Note: MC is graphed at average Q 44

45 AFC continually declines as fixed cost is spread over more & more units

46 AVC is U-shaped: AVC starts to rise when AP starts to fall
AFC 46

47 get ATC by vertically summing AFC & AVC


49 MC cuts ATC & AVC at minimum points
AFC 49

50 Productivity & Cost Curve Relationship, Figure 7-6
Average Product and Marginal Product Quantity of labour Costs (dollars) Quantity of labour 50

51 Productivity & Cost Curve Relationship, Figure 7-6
Average Product and Marginal Product MP Quantity of labour MC Costs (dollars) Quantity of labour 51

52 Productivity & Cost Curve Relationship, Figure 7-6
Average Product and Marginal Product AP MP Quantity of labour MC AVC Costs (dollars) Quantity of labour 52

53 Pergeseran Kurva Biaya
Harga resources harga fixed input naik... AFC & ATC naik AVC & MC tdk berubah


55 ATC MC AVC AFC Fixed costs naik $25 55

56 Pergeseran Kurva Biaya
Harga resources harga variable input naik... AVC, ATC & MC naik AFC tdk berubah

57 MC ATC AVC AFC 57 .

58 MC ATC AVC AFC Variable costs naik 15% 58

59 Pergesean Kurva Biaya technology Technology yg semakin baik
Biaya turun Kurva Biaya turun Kurve bergeser tergantung apakah teknologi mempengaruhi FC, VC atau keduanya

60 Topik Bab VII Sektor Bisnis Biaya Ekonomi Produksi Jk Pendek
Biaya Produksi jk Pendek Biaya Produksi jk Panjang

61 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
ATC-4 ATC-3 ATC-1 ATC-2 ATC-5 Memilih pabrik dari Setiap Level Produksi

62 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

63 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
LRATC Kurva Jk Panjang

64 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

65 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
LRATC kurva LR ATC merupakan amplop dari SR ATC

66 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

67 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
Economies of scale LRATC

68 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
Constant returns to scale Economies of scale LRATC

69 Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang
Constant returns to scale Economies of scale Diseconomies of scale LRATC

70 Skala Ekonomis Dlm Produksi
Labour Specialization Managerial Specialization Efficient Capital Other Factors Diseconomies of Scale Constant Returns to Scale

71 Topik Bab VII Sektor Bisnis Biaya Ekonomi Produksi Jk Pendek
Biaya Produksi jk Pendek Biaya Produksi Jk Panjang

72 NEXT: Per.Sempurna Bab VIII

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