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Dina Dewi S L I.  Kebutuhan thd tujuan hidup  Kebutuhan thd cinta dan keterikatan dengan pencipta  Kebutuhan thd ampunan dan penerimaan 2.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Dina Dewi S L I.  Kebutuhan thd tujuan hidup  Kebutuhan thd cinta dan keterikatan dengan pencipta  Kebutuhan thd ampunan dan penerimaan 2."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dina Dewi S L I

2  Kebutuhan thd tujuan hidup  Kebutuhan thd cinta dan keterikatan dengan pencipta  Kebutuhan thd ampunan dan penerimaan 2

3  Spirituality — segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan hubungan manusia dengan TUHANnya  Religion — term used to describe cultural or institutional religion 3

4  Faith — (kepercayaan/iman) merupakan keyakinanan yang mendalam terhadap keberadaan hal hal yang nonmaterial (Gaib)  Hope — harapan yang bersumber dari suatu keyakinan 4

5  Experienced as a unifying force, life principle, and an essence of being  Experienced in and through connectedness with nature, the earth, the environment, and the cosmos 5

6  Kondisi dimana individu memiliki keyakinan yang kuat terhadap Tuhannya, merasakan Cinta Tuhannya, merasa saling memiliki dengan sesama, dan memiliki jalan hidup dan tujuan hidup yang jelas. 6

7 Finding spiritual meaning in the experience of illness Personal Faith (Iman) Spiritual contentment (terpenuhi dg kepasrahan) Religiuos Practice Keparahan penyakit Social Support Stessful Life events Spiritual Wellbein g in Illness

8  Guide to daily living habits  Source of support  Source of strength and healing  Source of conflict 8

9  Developmental considerations  Family  Ethnic background  Formal religion  Life events 9

10  Nursing History  Nursing Observation  Focus assessment  Spiritual Beliefs  Spiritual Practice  Relation Between spiritual belief & everyday living  Spiritual deficit or distress  Need for meaning & purpose  Need for love & relatedness  Need Forgivesness  Significant behavioral observation

11  Spiritual pain : sulit menerima kehilangan org yg dicintai atau penderitaan terus menerus baik scr fisik maupun emosional yg bersifat kronis  Spiritual alienation : berbeda dengan keyakinan di lingkungan masyarakat sekitarnya  Spiritual anxiety : perubahan keyakinan & sistem nilai, ex: moral atau etika utk terapi spt aborsi, transfusi darah 11

12  Spiritual guilt : kegagalan untuk mentaati aturan religius, ex: Pekerjaan yang kejar target membuat tidak bisa melakukan sholat 5 waktu  Spiritual anger : sulit menerima sakit, kehilangan & penderitaan yang bersifat akut  Spiritual loss : kesulitan menemukan kenyamanan dalam beragama  Spiritual despair : merasa tidak ada yang peduli termasuk Tuhan 12

13  Kesiapan meningkarkan kesehatan spiritual  Distress Spiritual  Kesiapan meningkatkan religiusitas  Hambatan Religiusitas  Konflik keputusasaan 13

14  Identify spiritual beliefs that meet needs for meaning and purpose, love and relatedness, and forgiveness.  Derive from these beliefs, strength, hope, and comfort.  Develop spiritual practices that nurture communion with inner self, God, and the world.  Express satisfaction with compatibility of spiritual beliefs and everyday living. 14

15  Offering supportive presence  Facilitating patient’s practice of religion  Nurturing spirituality  Praying with a patient 15

16  Praying for a patient  Counseling the patient spiritually  Contacting a spiritual counselor  Resolving conflicts between treatment and spiritual activities 16

17  Orientasikan klien terhadap kondisi ruangan dan kebutuhan klien akan kegiatan spiritualnya  Berikan waktu pada klien 17

18  Articulate spiritual beliefs.  Explore origin of patient’s spiritual beliefs and practices.  Identify life factors that challenge patient’s spiritual beliefs.  Develop spiritual beliefs that meet the need for meaning and purpose, care and relatedness, and forgiveness 18

19  Identify some spiritual belief that gives meaning and purpose to life.  Move toward healthy acceptance of current situation.  Develop mutually caring relationships.  Reconcile interpersonal differences causing anguish. 19

20  Verbalize satisfaction with relationship with God.  Express peaceful acceptance of limitations and failings.  Express ability to forgive others and live in present.  F reedom from anxiety and guilt. 20

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