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Presentasi berjudul: "{ PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI MAKRO TENTANG FENOMENA KOMUNIKASI Nisa Kurnia I – Sosiologi Komunikasi 2012"— Transcript presentasi:


2 { Sosiologi makro menempatkan kekuatan eksternal untuk menjelaskan fenomena sosial Overview

3  Perspektif Teori Struktural Fungsional  Masyarakat sebagai Sistem Sosial  Perspektif Struktural Konflik  Teori Agenda Setting  Teori Dampak Media Massa  Unlimited Effects  Limited Effects  Teori Masyarakat dan Integrasi Overview…

4 { Perspektif teori yang mendekati sistem atau ekuilibrium Perspektif Teori Struktural Fungsional

5  Akar pemikiran: Durkheim dan Weber  Dikembangkan oleh: Parson dan Merton  Konsep penting:  Structure  Parts  Function  How this part works!  Social Structure  = Status + Role  Status  Ascribed or Achieved Teori Struktural Fungsional

6  Purpose   Fungsi sebagai eksistensi anggota masyarakat  To enact and stabilize society as social system  Must be balanced, reach equlibrium  Social System Function   What a system can do!  Further consequences from what system can do. Teori Struktural Fungsional

7  Robert K Merton  Social System Function  Manifest Function  yang diharapkan dan diakui  Latent Function  yang tidak diharapkan dan tidak diakui  System has (not) to be functional!  Dysfunctional System  (Pro) Status Quo Teori Struktural Fungsional

8  Social system as..  Parts that connect accordingly and showing a whole (systemic)  System features:  Parts as sub-system  Interdependency relation  Creating system operation  Tend to balance (equilibrium)  Gradual change  Parsons  order as system norm Masyarakat Sebagai Sistem Sosial

9  3 asumsi utama masyarakat organisme:  Social reality depict as a system  System process can be understood through the cause- effects relationship between its part.  System purpose to defend its integrity and boundaries.  Basic Assumption of Structural Functional Approach:  As a tight and limited system  society make their own balancing process.  As an independent system  society have basic needs to be fulfilled  Sociological analysis centered into the function of system.  Structure archetypes needed to defend the system. Masyarakat Sebagai Sistem Sosial

10  Media as a subsystem in society  Media with its function  Media function to integrate society  Media needed to construct social consensus  Media as communication medium of society Masyarakat Sebagai Sistem Sosial

11 { Selalu memandang konflik sebagai fenomena yang selalu hadir dalam kehidupan masyarakat Perspektif Struktural Konflik

12  Conflict exist in the social interaction of society  Conflict model:  Dislike  Discord  Disagreement  Rivalry  Competition  Hostility  Opposition  Physical contact  War  Real and Abstract Conflict Perspektif Struktural Konflik

13  Asumsi dasar Perspektif Struktural Konflik  Social change is everywhere!  Social conflict is everywhere!  Every element in society  disintegration and change  Coercion existence Perspektif Struktural Konflik

14  Reject functionalism of social integration  Basic on neo-Marxist perspective of social class conflict  Conflicts needed to make social change  Post capitalist society  Authoritarian structure  Class  awareness  make social change  Conflict Mechanism Perspektif Teori Konflik Ralph Dahrendorf

15  Conflict  negative? destructive? functional?  Conflict Theory  materialism dialectics  Conflict approach:  Marx: Class society (property)  integrated society  Dahrendorf: Class society (authority)  Collins  conflict as the center of society (phenomenology)  Can be used for communication phenomenon Fungsi Konflik

16 { Teori ini melihat pada proses pembuatan agenda terhadap persepsi dan tindakan Teori Agenda Setting

17  Media telling its audience what to think about!  Comparing:  What the press is thinking about, and  What the audience are “thinking about”  Agenda Setting advantages:  Intrapersonal (what public thinks)  Interpersonal (what people talks)  Community salience (Issue talked in society)  Priority (media issue vs public issue)  Perception (direct effect)  Action (continues efect) Teori Agenda Setting

18 { Wacana teoretik tentang efek media terhadap kognisi, afeksi dan perilaku komunikannya Teori Dampak Media Massa

19  Several paradigm to look up to  Is effect unlimited?  Is effect limited?  Is there any effect?  Is effect moderate?  Is there any mediating factor? Teori Dampak Media Massa

20 { Basic assumption from magic bullet theory and hypodermic needle Unlimited Effects

21  Basic assumption:  Direct connection between message and effect  Communicator is powerful  Communicant is powerless Unlimited Effects

22 { When media offer content in support of both side of given issues, the dominant effect is stasis or reinforcement. Limited Effects

23  Audience also have power  Social characteristic will define the effects  Many variable to count on Limited Effects

24 { Mass society tend to integrated through mass media Teori Masyarakat Massa dan Integrasi

25  Mass society:  Anonymity  Not-Integrated  Unorganized  Not-aware  Mass media have social responsibility as 4 th estate  Mass media control how the society works!  How to integrating society through mass media? Masyarakat Massa dan Integrasi

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