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Introduction to Event Management Nuke Farida Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi 2012/2013.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Introduction to Event Management Nuke Farida Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi 2012/2013."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Introduction to Event Management Nuke Farida Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi 2012/2013

2 History of Event Ancient society Event/festival lahir sebelum turunnya tahta kekaisaran Romawi barat yang memberikan peluang bagi rakyat untuk berpartisipasi menunjukkan identitas mereka dan berbagi ritual dan perayaan keagamaan diantara mereka, spt: Natal dan Paskah. Tujuan: untuk mengendalikan rakyat

3 Conti’d Modern society Event/festival nasional dan tradisional keagamaan tidak lagi dipandang sebagai fokus utama perayaan masyarakat, tapi cenderung membuat event untuk merayakan kejadian penting,ulang tahun dan prestasi. Pesta ultah, pernikahan, selamatan rumah baru merupakan cara untuk berkumpul.

4 Conti’d Event memberikan kontribusi dlm pengembangan sosial- budaya & ekonomi, serta pariwisata kebudayaan. Pengelola jasa event&festival mengusung tema sejarah&kebudayaan dengan mengadakan festival tahunan guna menarik pengunjung(lokal,regional,internasional) dan menciptakan image budaya bagi tuan rumah.

5 Manfaat event/festival: Menghadirkan hiburan bagi penduduk setempat&pengunjung. Menciptakan rasa kebersamaan dalam masyarakat. Menjembatani perbedaan antar kelompok, memberikan kesempatan untuk berkumpul & merayakannya bersama hari & tempat bersejarah.

6 What is an Event? anything which happens; result; any incidence or occurrence esp a memorable one; contingency or possibility of occurrence; an item in a program(of sports, etc); a type of horse-riding competition, often held over three days (three-day event), consisting of three sections, ie. dressage, cross-country riding and showjumping; fortune or fate (obs); an organized activity at a particular venue, eg for sales promotion, fundraising.

7 What is a Special Event? Describes specific rituals, presentations, performances or celebrations that are consciously planned and created to mark special occasions and/or to achieve particular social, cultural or corporate goals and objectives. Community and local event as special event; create cultural and social environment. national days and celebrations, important civic occasions, unique cultural performances, major sporting fixtures, corporate functions, trade promotions and product launches. e.g. Berlin Love Parade, Nothing Hills Carnival, Toronto Street Festival, Pekan Raya Jakarta, Festival Makanan Nusantara.


9 What is an Event Management?

10 Event Characteristic

11 Jenis Events Berdasarkan Skala/Ukuran major events: capable of attracting significant visitor numbers, media coverage and economic benefits. E.g. British Formula One Grand Prix. hallmark event: refers to those events that become so identified with the spirit or ethos of a town, city or region that they become synonymous with the name of the place, and gain widespread recognition and awareness. e.g. Carnival de Rio, Wimbledon, etc. mega-events: yield extraordinarily high levels of tourism, media coverage, prestige, or economic impact for the host community, venue or organization. For example: FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games, Paralympic Games.

12 Conti’d local/community events: family-fun events that are considered ‘owned’ by a community because they use volunteer services from the host community, employ public venues such as streets, parks and schools and are produced at the direction of local government agencies or nongovernment organizations (NGOs) such as service clubs, public safety organizations or business association. Benefits: engendering pride in the community, strengthening a feeling of belonging and creating a sense of place., help to expose people to new ideas and experiences, encourage participation in sports and arts activities, and encourage tolerance and diversity.

13 Major Events

14 Hallmarks Events

15 Mega Events

16 Local/Community Events Jakarta Fashion Week 2009/10 Sepeda Onthel Community

17 Jenis Events :Bentuk dan Konten Religious EventsCultural EventsMusical Events Corporate Events Typology of Events Sporting Events Commercial/Busi ness Events Political/Governm ent Events Personal/Private Events

18 Dampak-Dampak Events

19 Dampak Events


21 Event Stakeholders

22 Konsep Merancang Events: 1. Why 2. Who (internal stakeholders, such as the board of directors, committee, staff, and audience or guests, and external media, such as media & politicians). 3. When 4. Where (venue must represent the best compromise between the organizational needs of the event, audience comfort, accessibility and cost). 5. What (event content or product).

23 Evaluasi Konsep Event Perspektif pemasaran ( Marketing screeen): the concept will be inviting and attractive to its audience? A good barometer will be the media response to the concept Event manager instincts and on testing the response of friends, co-workers and stakeholders to the concept. doing market research by event management company or by employing marketing professionals to market survey or focus group research.

24 Conti’d Perspektif Operasional skills and resources needed to stage the event successfully. For example: special licences, permits or insurance to implement Staffing ( the right mix of skills & the right time, place, and cost to deliver the event effectively).

25 Conti’d Perspektif Keuangan: Event organization has sufficient financial commitment, sponsorship and revenue to undertake the event or not. A ‘ballpark’ budget of anticipated costs and income of the event. Cash flow.

26 The Structure of Event Industries Event organizations: in-house company. Event management companies. Event industry suppliers Industry associations External regulatory bodies Publications

27 Event Managers’ Skills Berpengalaman dalam organisasi & logistik Berpengalaman dalam management waktu Berpengalaman menjadi pemimpin (team player/leader) Memiliki keahlian dalam memotivatisi diri sendiri dan staffnya. Memiliki keahlian dalam bernegosiasi (People skills): with a wide range of people at different levels Memiliki keahlian di bidang pemasaran: media, sales

28 Conti’d Berpengalaman di bidang Public relation: generating interest, copywriting, contract. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik terhadap rekan kerja, klien dan pihak yang memiliki kewenangan. Memilki keahlian mempresentasikan suatu produk dan service Memiliki keahlian dalam melakukan penelitian : mengumpulkan dan menyajikan informasi Memilki kepekaan terhadap hal2 yang bersifat komersial, seperti keuangan, anggaran, dan pulang-pokok (impas)

29 Conti’d Memiliki sikap positif dan mudah berdaptasi : the ‘make it happen’ Memiliki keahlian dalam menyelesaikan masalah dan sikap mencari solusi. Inovatif dan kreatif : the ‘wow’ factor



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