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Chapter 10 Marketing
Learning Objectives Menjelaskan konsep pemasaran Menjelaskan strategi pemasaran dan taktik Menjelaskan konsep bauran pemasaran
Case Baca kasus tertentu sebagai ilustrasi dari masalah pemasaran yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha. Setelah menyelesaikan modul ini, mengerjakan tugas di akhir kasus ini. 3
Marketing Definition Kotler and Lane (2007): Marketing is a social process in which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely exchanging products of value with others. Ducker (1954): Marketing is not just an extension of the sales, marketing was not a specialized activity, but the whole business seen from the viewpoint of the end result is achieved, namely from the point of the customer. In any business marketing and innovation which only creates another revenue only creates costs.
Marketing : Goods, Services, and Ideas
Pemasaran Consumer Goods (Barang Konsumen) yaitu produk yang dibeli untuk penggunaan pribadi. Industri Barang Pemasaran (Barang Industri) produk yaitu yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk menghasilkan produk-produk lainnya. Pemasaran Dalam Layanan (Service), yang tidak produk nyata, seperti waktu dan keahlian atau kegiatan yang tidak dapat dibeli. Ide pemasaran.
Marketing Strategy Market penetration strategy
Market development strategy Product development strategy Segmentasi pasar
Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning (STP)
Segmentation. Divides or classifies the market into several segments Targeting Selecting one or more target market segments markets Positioning Efforts to communicate the concept of products for entry into the consumer's mind
Marketing Tactics Diferensiasi Bauran Pemasaran - Product - service
- People - image Bauran Pemasaran Product Price Place Promotion Penjualan Fitur selling Benefit selling Solution selling
Product Product goes through various stages. Product Life Cycle (product life cycle) shows the stages of growth that can give a company's management to take a decision whether the product will be continued or not and when new products should be introduced.
Competition Based Pricing
Price Cost Based Pricing Value Based Pricing Competition Based Pricing Pricing approach generally includes one or more of three sets of equalization:
Place Saluran 1 Distribusi Langsung dari Produk Konsumsi
Produsen ---->> Pemakai Saluran 2 Distribusi Eceran dari Produk konsumsi Produsen ---->> Produsen ---->> Konsumen Saluran 3 Distribusi Grosir dari produk konsumsi Produsen --> Grosir --> Pengecer --> Konsumen Saluran 4 Distribusi melalaui agen penjualan Produsen -> Agen -> Grosir -> Pengecer -> konsumen
Promotion Advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotion Public Relation
Koran, televisi, direct mail, radio, majalah, iklan luar ruangan, internet, periklanan maya Personal Selling Bentuk penjualan yang sangat efektif untuk pemasaran hubungan Sales Promotion Produk get out the crowd, Penghubung ke media lain, mendorong trial purchase, lebih diingat oleh konsumen Public Relation Publikasi kegiatan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat umum
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