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Diterbitkan olehAnggi Rudi Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
©2000 Prentice Hall
Objectives Course Organization Tasks of Marketing Major Concepts & Tools of Marketing Marketplace Orientations Marketing’s Responses to New Challenges
©2000 Prentice Hall Course/Text Organization Part I - Understanding Marketing Management Part II - Analyzing Marketing Opportunities Part III - Developing Marketing Strategies Part IV - Shaping the Market Offering Part V - Managing & Delivering Marketing Programs
©2000 Prentice Hall Defining Marketing Pemasaran adalah suatu proses masyarakat individu dan kelompok untuk memperoleh apa yang mereka perlukan dan inginkan melalui menciptakan, menawarkan, dan dengan bebas menukarkan produk dan jasa berharga dengan orang lain. - Philip Kotler (p. 7)
©2000 Prentice Hall Core Concepts of Marketing Product or Offering Value and Satisfaction Needs, Wants, and Demands Exchange and Transactions Relationships and Networks Target Markets & Segmentation Marketing Channels Supply Chain Competition Marketing Environment
©2000 Prentice Hall Simple Marketing System Industry (a collection of sellers) Market (a collection of Buyers) Goods/service s Money Communication Information
©2000 Prentice Hall Manufactur er markets Service s, money Governmen t markets Service s, money Service s Servic es, money Taxes Taxes, good s Taxe s, good s Taxe s, good s Money Mone y Consumer markets Intermediar y markets Goods, services Resources Resource s Resource marketsMoneyMoney Structure of Flows
©2000 Prentice Hall The Four Ps Marketi ng Mix Produ ct Price Prom otion Place The Four Cs Customer Solution Customer Cost Communication Conven- ience
©2000 Prentice Hall Production Concept Product Concept Selling Concept Marketing Concept Konsumen menyukai produk yang Tersedia secara luas dan murah Konsumen menyukai produk yang menawarkan mutu yang paling baik, performan, atau corak yang inovatif Konsumen akan membeli produk jika perusahaan dengan agresif mempromosikan penjualan produk nya Fokus pada keinginan/kebutuhan target market & pengiriman yang lebih baik daripada pesaing Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace
©2000 Prentice Hall Marke t Integrated marketing Profits through customer satisfaction Customer needs (b) The marketing concept Factor y Existing products Selling and promotion Profits through sales volume Starti ng point FocusMeansEnds (a) The selling concept Customer Delivered Value
©2000 Prentice Hall Customers Front-line people Middle Management Top Ma nag em ent Traditional Organization Chart
©2000 Prentice Hall Customer-Oriented Organization Chart Customers Front-line people Middle management Top manage- ment Customers
©2000 Prentice Hall Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role a. Marketing as an equal function Finance Producti on Marketin g Human resource s b. Marketing as a more important function Finance Human resource s Marketin g Producti on
©2000 Prentice Hall Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role c. Marketing as the major function Marketing Finance Human resource s Productio n d. The customer as the controlling factor Custome r Human resource s Finance Productio n Marketing
©2000 Prentice Hall Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role e. The customer as the controlling function and marketing as the integrative function Customer Marketing Production Human resources Finance
©2000 Prentice Hall Review Kursus Organisasi Tugas Pemasaran Konsep Utama& Perkakas Pemasaran Orientasi Pasar Pemasaran Menjawab Tantangan Baru
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