Pendekatan & Kategori Iklan Pertemuan 2 Matakuliah : U0504 Periklanan II Tahun : 2009-2010 Pendekatan & Kategori Iklan Pertemuan 2
Creative Strategy Bina Nusantara University
Creative Strategy acts as a road map / guidline for the creative, helping them find the direction in which to proceed with the advertising they create Bina Nusantara University 4
Strategi penyampaian pesan Factual Penyampaian pesan dan argumentasi secara langsung dan jelas memperlihatkan fakta-fakta yang ada. Biasanya divisualisasikan dengan ilustrasi (gambar atau foto) yang realis, bahkan dilengkapi data2 lain yang dianggap perlu. Bersifat mendikte dan mengarahkan. Bina Nusantara University 5
LifeStyle Approach Bina Nusantara University 6
HardSell Strong argument and call for action Penyampaian pesan dan argumentasi secara langsung dan jelas memperlihatkan kelebihan2 produk untuk mengajak orang segera beraksi - membeli Contoh iklan produk pakai - tujuan utama adalah menjual produk Bina Nusantara University 7
SoftSell Use mood, ambiguity and suspense to create and intriguing massage Pesan disampaikan tidak secara langsung memperlihatkan produk tetapi membuat suasana yang dapat membangkitkan emosi pemirsa, sehingga mempertimbangkan produk tersebut Contoh iklan produk jasa, produk pakai ternama/branded - lebih ditujukan untuk membangun image produk/perusahaan Bina Nusantara University 8
Persuasive Pesan disampaikan tidak secara langsung, secara halus bersifat membujuk, tanpa disadari oleh audience. Bersifat emosional. Bina Nusantara University 9
Imaginatif Pesan disampaikan dengan cara yang penuh imajinasi, mengajak orang untuk berpikir dalam memahami pesan. Bisa bersifat simbolis, abstraksi, metafora bahkan hiperbolik. Bina Nusantara University 10
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Communication Objective is a static “positioning” statement defining how one expects to be perceived after the communication is made Bina Nusantara University 12
Key Issue is the most actual fact that represents the issue of current condition in relation to pursuing the mission & vision and bridging the gap Bina Nusantara University 13
GAP “problem” that must be solved by communication. ”gap” between current situation and the expected “to be” situation. a better defined “gap” gives more accuracy in addressing a communication Bina Nusantara University 14
Barriers are influential conditions of the public perceptions or cultural aspect may be considerable in order to make the communication clear and focus Bina Nusantara University 15
key message (what to say) is a substantial message to be delivered in order to reach the communication objective. Bina Nusantara University 16
Promise is a key consumer benefit. ‘promise’ need to be set prior to a communication as a beneficial thing we would deliver to the audience if the audience react upon the communication Bina Nusantara University 17
Reason To Believe are substantial benefit contain good will, proof and believable things for the audience to drive an action after they receive the communication. Is there anything that support them? reason to believe Bina Nusantara University 18
Target Audience The audience profile, which requires demographic and psychographic information: Who are they? What do they feel? What do they need? Try to define them as clearly as possible. Bina Nusantara University 19
Key Perception is an expressive statement that shows the audience’s immediate feeling and impression after receiving the communication Bina Nusantara University 20
Tone&Manner should represent who the communicator’s personality to the targeted audience in order to drive the expected perception Bina Nusantara University 21
Mandatory is a set of criteria in order to maintain the consistency and commitment of the communicator across the past, present and future communication. Bina Nusantara University 22
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The End Bina Nusantara University 25